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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion by Melindaleo

Wednesday 5th August 2009 19:13
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
Wow, I'm still on the fifth chapter but I must that for now it's probably the best Harry/Ginny fic that I've read (which haven't been many but still some considerable number) I find that Ginny is absolutely in character (relatively to the books), she's a strong woman, who rarely cries, and understands Harry really well, she sees his faults, but isn't always pestering or pressuring him. And I like your version of Harry as well, which could really pass for the "cannon version" if submitted to some more agressive post-Sirius's death-circumstances like in your story (like being more isolated, and for longer duration).

I really like the non-harry POV as well, and I think you did a good job to give us some insight on their moods.

Furthermore your writing is top notch. I'll be enjoying this, and hopefully its sequel as well.

I congratulate your work
Thursday 4th October 2007 19:50
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
H/G goodness - I love it! And the details, like Ginny's dolls in the treehouse - priceless!
Thursday 19th April 2007 20:17
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
What a wonderful gushy end to the chapter! It's nice to see Harry finally beginning to start to cope.
Tuesday 27th February 2007 06:31
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
I'm glad Harry blew up at Dumbledore and Kreacher. That was justified. Snape is just a pain in the . He deserves to be disrespected. I'm so glad Harry stumbled into Sirius room with Ginny. She did just the right thing. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more. p
Saturday 5th August 2006 21:48
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
Your writing has come a long way Melinda, comparing PoE and TSH. However, it's Harry and Ginny, and so I love it all the more. Ginny's just what the doctor ordered. Glad Harry is catching a clue where she's concerned. Also, I'm loving Mrs. Weasley. She's such a mother, even to those that she didn't birth. A lot of writers tend to leave her pov out of it. I'm glad you've added her in the mix of things.
Great job here.
Sunday 9th July 2006 16:54
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
O0h so now its an adverb addiction? l0l

I really liked this chapter. The way he reacted to Kreacher then to Dumbledore was great! I loved how you put all the words together and had them all in character. Even the Snape part was great!
Great job AGAIN!

Wednesday 5th July 2006 12:46
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
Aww, Ginny gave him just what he needed, touching chapter this time.. I liked it

Well then.. on to the next one!
Tuesday 13th June 2006 16:42
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
Ginny is right, they are nice blokes. And Harry is seeing something for Ginny. YAY!!
H/G love
Thursday 7th April 2005 12:21
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion

Absolutely great! simple as that!

Thanks for writting this story, I actually read it twice so that might tell you how good I think you are!

Good job!

Wednesday 9th March 2005 10:00
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion

Ok great chapter. The whole Ginny/Harry breakdown scene was very beautiful.

I am guessing that Hermione is either Jealous or jumping to conclusions. She also seems a bit uptight. Its also nice to see a mature Ron for once.


Sunday 2nd January 2005 12:06
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion

Ginny can always make Harry laugh.

And that Hermione can't leave well enough alone! And Ron is just the sweetest friend.

You got all the characters just right. Well done! I loved this chapter!

Friday 22nd October 2004 22:40
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
To me this is classic.  I personally see that in the end it will be Ginny that can reach Harry's heart when no one else can.  A very tender moment.  Loved it.
Friday 20th August 2004 18:26
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
This is great! Post more soon...
Thursday 19th August 2004 02:24
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
WOW!! I have to admit that I've gotten hooked on this from the couple of times that I've been the one who's approved the uploaded chapters But I finally got the chance tonight to go through and read it all in the proper sequence and my stars... I'm just awed!

I can't wait to see what you've got planned for the future of this story! More (soon!) please!
Thursday 19th August 2004 02:24Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion (Author Response)

What a nice review, thank you. I'm glad you're hooked. It's nice to see some new names on here, grin.