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Reviews For Consequences of the Heart by Mr. Intel

Monday 25th August 2008 05:59
Consequences of the Heart
I hope they have to serve the punishment together.

Monday 17th April 2006 16:00
Consequences of the Heart
The first part confused me a bit but other than that, GREAT STORY! So far I like it but it seems like it's going to be an interesting story. I also plan on reading the second and third parts of this series as well so please hurry and write them... athough I don't want to hurry you too much because I know from experience that when you rush stories they don't come out as well as you wanted them too.
Anyway, on to the next chapter...
Friday 18th November 2005 11:09
Consequences of the Heart
Good but it could be better. Well done.
Saturday 13th November 2004 21:52
Consequences of the Heart

Dear Mr. Intel-


I really enjoyed this chapter.   Which I wasn’t sure I would, as to date I have turned for you only for my fluffier needs.  Nice to see you create something a little more complex, and do so well.


 I don’t think I’ve ever seen Harry and Ginny in such a confrontational relationship before. (although my reading thus far is limited.)  I like the idea that Ginny, growing past the flustered crush stage, would be the one to challenge Harry both in his mindset and behavior. 


Just the one scene changed really.  What if Harry had run into someone who wouldn’t let him behave the way he had? What if he met his stubborn match?  After the ministry, the fight, Sirius, the possession the prophecy, and Malfoy, someone challenged both emotionally and physically?


We’re about to find out. J  My favorite line?  “Somewhere in the back of Harry's mind, he regretted teaching her in the D.A.” Hee.  The fact that they are both too angry and eventually to focused to stop the duel surprised me, if only because they both seem to have such respect for McGonagall.  But I accepted it from Harry as he’s emotionally wrecked.  Ginny’s reaction was a little harder to accept.  How could she forget that Sirius just died? 


I liked the scene in the hospital wing, if only because the adults felt very true to canon to me.  McGonagall would have that reaction.  Sympathetic, yes, but also frustrated and disappointed.  (And Ginny really should have gotten off worse in my opinion.)  I also appreciate that Harry didn’t want to ‘talk it all out’ then—that’s not his style on a good day!


Nice evolution of Harry dismissing Ginny at the beginning of the chapter, to being frustrated and angry with her, to grudging respect for her abilities, to his being upset for her ignoring their duel.  He doesn’t like the thought of being beneath her notice.


You’ve set up a unique situation, and I can’t wait to see what the punishment will be.  Thank you for taking the time to both create and share this story.  (You’ve been a great source of fun for me at school this year, and you don’t cost the price of admission.  We college kids appreciate that!)  Please pass along my thanks to your betas.  You spelling and sentence structure were excellent as always.  I can’t wait to get to the next installment. Your fan, Pixie (or ellie)

Sunday 14th November 2004 21:25Consequences of the Heart (Author Response)
Oh, Pixie.  What a wonderful set of reviews.  You're nothing if not diligent!

I'm glad you like my little story.  It's growing into quite the beast, though, as it is now a trilogy spanning from OotP to the fulfilling of the Prophecy.

I'll try to answer your questions, but hopefully, they have been answered already in the story!

Wednesday 13th October 2004 19:14
Consequences of the Heart

I've been meaning to read this story for quite awhile, so I thought that tonight was a perfect time.

I really like how you infused quotes from the book in with your own story.  It ties them together really well.

My favourite line from this chapter:

"She muttered something under her breath that sounded like "Just like his parents," but he couldn't be certain."

for obvious reasons...


Thursday 7th October 2004 19:39
Consequences of the Heart

Very interesting premise - particularly fitting in the new action in between scenes we have already witnessed.  I look forward to seeing how it evolves.


Wednesday 25th August 2004 12:18
Consequences of the Heart
I can't wait to see where you take this. This first chapter was a great read.

Thanks for writing!
Teen Prodigy of Ravenclaw
Tuesday 24th August 2004 23:12
Consequences of the Heart

I like the inserts of the book, it helped keep the story rolling, and I LOVED the scene where Ginny and Harry are dueling. Very original.
If this isn't to be a chapter story, I STRONGLY urge you to reconsider. It has AMAZING potential to be a great chapter story.
So... yeah. That's about all I wanted to say.
Happy Writings,
Tuesday 24th August 2004 23:12Consequences of the Heart (Author Response)
No worries... I have at least eight chapters planned. Thanks for the review!