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Reviews For Consequences of the Heart by Mr. Intel

Tuesday 13th August 2013 03:51
Consequences of the Heart
Jell-o? Just another weird American thing. It feels good to be a New Zealander.
Nz is so much better than the us. I liked the terminology
sit on my arse while you go into the jaws of hell.
. It seems to fit
Monday 25th August 2008 18:57
Consequences of the Heart
Looks as though their feelings for each other are just about to surface.

Sunday 30th March 2008 15:07
Consequences of the Heart
Monday 7th January 2008 18:08
Consequences of the Heart
umm, i'm pretty sure "jelly crystals" sounds a whole lot wierder than Jell-o.
Monday 17th April 2006 19:45
Consequences of the Heart
Wow... can't. stop. reading. Review next chapter... possibly.

Tuesday 10th January 2006 19:33
Consequences of the Heart
*sighs deeply* You have such a knack for narrative. (I really love using words like that, it sounds so much...prettier than 'you're a really good writer') Very cute, and this just keeps getting more interesting. I really liked the part about the jell-o (do they really call it jelly crystals in britain?) and fred and george's modified birthday song. (yay f&g!!!)
Tuesday 11th January 2005 23:07
Consequences of the Heart

Another wonderful chapter.   You did an amazing job leading the plot into a completely different direction from what I expected.  As if Harry and Ginny weren’t having enough trouble navigating their relationship!  *grin.   This chapter answered quite a few of my questions, and then set me up for more.

I love that in time of confusion and trouble, Ginny heads straight for Hermione, and not her parents or brothers.  I can imagine this happening in canon as well.  Hermione’s reaction to Ginny’s frantic call, and knowing it had something to do with Harry made me smile as well.  Nice to see Hermione tease someone in that girlfriend’s way.

Poor Ginny.  Even though as the reader I was worried about this latest development, I laughed at the idea of her squeaking and bolting at the sight of Harry. 

Loved the line “When it was clear that Ginny wasn't going to volunteer any information willingly, Hermione said with a huff, "Are you going to tell me or not? Honestly, you're just as infuriating as your brother."  }  I can picture Hermione saying this, and Ginny’s grin at the thought.

Hee.  I can’t believe the Weasley family has been holding out on their summer guests and this pond.  I’m surprised all the brothers even know.

I was very interested in the idea of a different kind of bond, and I think you’re exploring a unique idea here.  Harry and Ginny have a great deal of things connecting them, and this newest adventure just sealed it, so to speak. 

Hee.  I love that Hermione is excited for Ginny, and as much for what she didn’t say as what she did.  Ginny and Harry are friends now, and things are going well, even if it’s hard to explain.  I enjoy this side of Hermione, the bright and caring girl, who gives as much emotional support as she does by virtue of her research abilities. 


The contrast of Ginny’s reaction to the vision switch as compared to Harry caught my attention in this chapter even though you have been changing perspectives throughout.  For some reason, the idea of the narrative switching as well as the character’s actual perspective struck me as interesting. 

Ron writing to Padma is just….wrong.  (smile)  I like his openness with Harry here though.  Especially since the last time we saw him he was running over his sister and being insensitive.  This is quite a change.  Strange that he brings up Padma after Hermione arrives though.  Is he trying to make her jealous?

I was glad to see that Harry and Ginny told the others, as I was afraid Ron would be left out.  I think I can see where the scar –reaction will come into play later.  I’ll be curious to see if I guess correctly. *grin


I like that you don’t have Harry easily getting over his anger at Dumbledore, or have him so deep in anger still that he can’t agree to speak to him.  Nice job of balancing Harry’s emotional reaction.  Also nice to see the side effect of the two touching.  The peace might make Harry seek her out, even with the ‘wobbly’.


Hee.  Leave it to my American self to get hung up on the fact that the English call Jello Jelly crystals.  I actually repeated this to my friend, (I believe in sharing odd facts.J)

I was a little surprised that Harry apologized, but not really.  He is usually polite.  I’m just not sure if he meant it.  I appreciate that you express this as well, and have him look at his feelings and truly accept both the apology and his own behavior. 

Wow.  I never thought Harry would want another person in his head, even when I thought he would want the peace that came with touching Ginny that morning.  That was a huge change from what he first felt towards her when they began their punishment.  I don’t blame Ginny for wanting to be separate.  I would as well.  Life is confusing enough.

Harry has been pretty accepting of his almost admitted feeling for Ginny, but I was still surprised he held her hand in front of all his guests.  (the twins)

I’m not sure if Harry would tell the prophesy that easily, but I can accept it because of how close the two are growing, and Harry realizing Ginny has made him feel better than anyone else has.  Plus, it was a unique take on how the story will actually be told.  I doubt if anyone else considered it would be brought up almost calmly over bean picking.  Hee!

Loved this next section as well as this line. “Harry's thumb reached up and paused, hovering over her cheek. Then he slowly wiped away her tears.”  I love gentle, caring Harry!

The best part was Ginny typical Weasley reaction.  It is personal, and she wouldn’t allow any of her friends to face danger with out her backing them up, but she has a debt to pay with Voldemort.  Her telling Harry she was going to be there when he won was excellent. 

Such a simple ending, a great way to come down from the revelations in this chapter.  You did a wonderful job creating a whole new story arc.  I can’t wait to see where you go next.  My thanks to you for sharing your work as well as your betas. 
Wednesday 19th January 2005 10:49Consequences of the Heart (Author Response)
Harry is a connundrum -- raised by heartless orangutans, saved by the ultimate display of love, and rescued by a family big enough to love seven children.  I think he's got the ability to display great affection, but just needs a small reason to show it.  What better way than to be affectionate with our favorite redhead?

As always, I loved to see your reviews.  
Saturday 16th October 2004 11:14
Consequences of the Heart

Phew, so I've been a really slack reviewer lately! I have been reading... In fact, I only have the last half of the epilogue to go... but reviews have been scarce. I loved this chapter, and how you deepened the relationships between the characters. The scene with Hermione and Ginny was lovely and natural, of course Ginny would turn to Hermione in panic.

Then, Ron and Harry in the kitchen, fixing up Harry's nose and talking about girls. Funny, that Ron would write to Padma and apologise, and hypocritical considering his reactions to Vicky... which is perfectly in character really. When I first read the Quaffle scene, it didn't occur to me that it was similar to Mr Weasley being attacked so it was a jolt to read Harry compare it with that.

And the last two things I liked the best were the scene with Harry and Dumbledore. It really showed how far Harry's come to be able to show affection towards Dumbledore that way, and you extended on the fact that really, Dumbledore's human, which is what we saw at the end of OotP. You've made it right that Harry tells Ginny of the prophecy before anyone else, which I've not seen done quite as well in any other fic.

Heh, enough rambling and on to the next chapter


Saturday 16th October 2004 11:14Consequences of the Heart (Author Response)
I'm really glad you liked this chapter.  It's quite pivotal in a lot of respects for the whole story arc (which covers two more stories).  I'm especially glad you picked up on Ron's characteristic waffling.  He's such a...*boy*.   Wouldn't you agree?

Dumbledore's reaction here is just the beginning.  He's got something else planned as sort of a way to 'make up' for all the mistakes he's made with regards to Harry.  You get a peek of that in the Epilogue and see what it is in chapter two of CotM.
Thursday 14th October 2004 14:37
Consequences of the Heart

I like that you infused some research into this chapter, with Hermione.  She seems to be the one that comes up with all the answers, and it's great for authors to be able to use her that way.  It fits.

The bond is really interesting, and I like how you've described it throughout this chapter.

Harry's talk with Dumbledore was simple, but effective.  Often it only takes a word from someone else to completely change our feelings or dissolve our anger.

Anyway, this song business is starting to get to me - I really want to know what it is.  I hope that's revealed in the next chapters, even though I don't think it will be significant to the story.

Bring and Fly
Thursday 7th October 2004 09:15
Consequences of the Heart
Hmm, more than meets the eye here, I think. The scenery just got more fascinating. You've really got me thinking now... Respect! as my son would say... Now off to next chapter.
Tuesday 5th October 2004 18:29
Consequences of the Heart
Keep up the good work Can't wait for the next installment!!
Sunday 3rd October 2004 19:51
Consequences of the Heart
I had no idea I was actually known as one of the top reviewers :P .... just tells you ... been reading too many HP fanfics :p.  Since I can't write, might as well review :)
Thursday 30th September 2004 17:36
Consequences of the Heart

Go, Mr. Intel! Yea! Mr. Intel is our author if he can't write, 'Consiquences of the Heart', no one can....(sorry this poorly eecked out out cheer has no other purpose other than giving the crowd something to say whilst they do the wave..) 

Thursday 30th September 2004 17:29
Consequences of the Heart

It is hard to keep praising this fic without sounding as though the only words I can come up with,great, wonderful, and i guess I'll make up words like my Aunt Rosie...

Fantabulous! Beautimous! Wowski! Terrifical!


p.s. Please hurry i am really loving this fiction.

Thursday 30th September 2004 17:29Consequences of the Heart (Author Response)
That review was splendiferous! Chapter six is almost done, about 60%, but it should be easy going from here. Then off to beta!
Thursday 30th September 2004 11:06
Consequences of the Heart
One word: excellent! :lol: When is the next chapter coming along? :cool: :P
Thursday 30th September 2004 08:11
Consequences of the Heart

What can I say? Besides great, I mean?  Wonderful, thrilling, fascinating, mesmerizing, magic?  Yes!  All of it, and more.  I love this fic, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where it ends (I have my guesses) and how it gets there.  It's the journey that matters....

Thursday 30th September 2004 04:48
Consequences of the Heart

This is SO a love/hate relationship, just like  and

Love the way you created the bond! Nice touch!

I need to know what happens after Harry and Ginny get to Hogwarts!

Wednesday 29th September 2004 22:07
Consequences of the Heart

Good fluff.  I was wary from the description of the fic, but so far its turned out well.  Looking forward to more of the "connection".

Wednesday 29th September 2004 22:07Consequences of the Heart (Author Response)
I'm glad I could please you. Since you're one of the top reviewers, I was starting to feel left out. :P I hope chapter six is as pleasing to you.