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Reviews For Eternity Lost by Myth & Legend

Saturday 22nd March 2008 23:42
Eternity Lost
wow... somehow i dont think that volde really thought about what would happen when he put him in pettigrews body... although everyone thought that harry would die....
Thursday 27th July 2006 14:22
Eternity Lost
Arthur hiding from his family; the Weasleys falling apart -- I didn't think the family was so weak
it never went away for some reason
-- sorry, but I just have to point this out -- it was never there in the first place
nice ending to the chapter
Tuesday 14th February 2006 11:29
Eternity Lost
I'm trying to pay some bills while reading this. I never thought the elektricityal bill would be this emotional.
Friday 8th April 2005 22:36
Eternity Lost
Lovely scene between Ron and Harry. And thanks for making Ginny and Harry sweet to each other, but not sappy!