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Reviews For In the House of the Quick and Hungry by Laura Laurent

Mr. Intel
Monday 8th November 2004 21:17
In the House of the Quick and Hungry
Again, the raw emotion here is wonderfully portrayed.  Refreshing and wonderful.  If nothing else, you've taken us deeper into the lives of the Weasleys, especially the youngest, than any other fic has dared.

Thank you.
Saturday 16th October 2004 14:25
In the House of the Quick and Hungry


Update as soon as you can!!!

Shadow Hider
Friday 15th October 2004 18:31
In the House of the Quick and Hungry
this is really good!
Friday 15th October 2004 10:47
In the House of the Quick and Hungry

This was another great chapter!

I do like the fact that it was Percy that would always noticed Ginny's absense.  It makes sense, since he was the one who was concerned about her in the Chamber.

Her disillusionment now is perfect.  It would be hard to know a person to be one thing, and then have them do something completely unlike themselves.

I'm looking forward to more of this!


Friday 15th October 2004 07:50
In the House of the Quick and Hungry

 Its very good to read a chapter written by you again. I love the way you are doing these vignettes from Ginny's point of view.

This was a very insightful piece. I like the way you have tried to delve into the feelings expressed by the characters . Hope you are able to post the next chapter sooner. Where has Charlie's chapter disappeared. I know I had read it the last time round.


Friday 15th October 2004 07:48
In the House of the Quick and Hungry

 Its very good to read a chapter written by you again. I love the way you are doing these vignettes from Ginny's point of view.

This was a very insightful piece. I like the way you have tried to delve into the feelings expressed by the characters . Hope you are able to post the next chapter sooner.


Bring and Fly
Friday 15th October 2004 05:14
In the House of the Quick and Hungry

I like this more for the insights into Ginny's character than Percy's. She comes across as slightly bitter and yet trying not to be. The confused teenager I suppose. This kind of interaction is a thing I enjoy reading, mostly because I'm an only one, and I get insights to what it's like to be 'one of several'.

Can't wait to see what  makes of the twins! But where was Charlie? Off with his again?

Thursday 14th October 2004 23:28
In the House of the Quick and Hungry
Its a good story-I'm looking forward to what you have to say about Gred and Feorge. But Chapter 2 (Charlie I guess) was missing..Keep up the good work, and post as soon as possible--You are a very good author