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Reviews For Eólach by Cera

Lily Flower
Wednesday 21st February 2007 15:50

I find a story that you had written with CHAPTERS mind you, and you give me this??!!??!!

Thanks. lol nice cliffy by the way.

Lily Flower
Wednesday 21st February 2007 15:49
HOLY !!!!

I find a story that you had written with CHAPTERS mind you, and you give me this??!!??!!

Thanks. lol nice cliffy by the way.

Wednesday 9th March 2005 09:48
Great start Sarah, but then you always were a great writer.
Wednesday 9th March 2005 13:00Eólach (Author Response)
You got me started, so many thanks to you, Jasper.
Friday 21st January 2005 16:28
Eólach that's just EVIL!

but I am hooked!

Wednesday 9th March 2005 13:01Eólach (Author Response)

Sorry, I think I missed this review along the way. 

Thanks so much.  I enjoy being evil sometimes.

Saturday 16th October 2004 02:54
What an exciting beginning!  I'm very curious to find out what happens to Ginny without memories.  Damn that Draco, anyway!
Saturday 16th October 2004 02:54Eólach (Author Response)
I love making Draco the evil bad guy.  Can't stand him, really.  Thanks for reviewing!
Saturday 16th October 2004 02:08
Oh, how sad.  I really like the way you started out above talking about general groups, then moved down.  It reminds me of another story I read at the hpgw_ficafest on LiveJournal.  I'd really like to see how this progresses.  Keep it up!
Saturday 16th October 2004 02:08Eólach (Author Response)
Thanks for the review!  I never really thought about writing it that way, but I'm glad that's how it turned out.
Friday 15th October 2004 06:40

This is such an excellent start to a story!! You know I love it, I've told you that before, but this is an official review so I can even quote stuff!

I loved the imagery you have here:

It was a time of relief, a time of sadness and joy. The surviving members of the Order of the Phoenix slowly allowed hesitant smiles to cross their lips, smiles that hadn't been seen in almost a year.

And that you called Harry Ron's brother  and you made me hate Draco all over again!

"She would no longer look upon her brother with affection, would no longer look upon the Boy Who Lived with love and yearning."


I'm really, completely, looking forward to you posting more!

Friday 15th October 2004 06:40Eólach (Author Response)

Ah Firl... thanks for the review!  And there was no author's note, so I can thank you here for your awesome pre-beta-ness, and for helping with the title. 

Thanks for all your suppose dude.  I'd never be posting this if you hadn't helped and encouraged me.

Bring and Fly
Friday 15th October 2004 06:00

Arrrghh! No!! What have you done?

If ever there was a hook to ensure I'll watch for the next part, this was it! A really good snappy start.

Math thu fhein!  (You'll have to imagine the accent over the 'e' )   

Friday 15th October 2004 06:00Eólach (Author Response)

What have I done?  *whistles*  Nothing... honest...

I'm a fan of cliffies, as long as I write them.  I'm glad this one kept you interested.

I think I'm going to have to find a translator.

Antonia East
Friday 15th October 2004 04:59
Eek!  Good start.  I'm dying to know what that spell did.  
Friday 15th October 2004 04:59Eólach (Author Response)

Thanks!  You'll find out soonishly about that spell.
