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Reviews For Eólach by Cera

Lily Flower
Wednesday 21st February 2007 15:55
Hmmm, sorry for the last sent two for somereason. Anyway...I'm gonna keep on reading.
Sunday 24th October 2004 07:40

I love this chapter. The Weasley's are completely  in character, and that would be scary for anyone who doesn't know them, and meets them all at once. I was expecting the Matron to be a bit more like Madam Pomfrey, but she was kind and understanding rather than strict, so that was nice

My heart completely broke for Mrs. Weasley, and I'm sure it will break again for all the other Weasleys when we saw more from them.

Looking forward to moreDirl


Sunday 24th October 2004 07:40Eólach (Author Response)
Thanks Fude!  I appreciate all the help and advice you've given me with this fic  and I'm looking forward to getting more.
Saturday 23rd October 2004 21:51
Saturday 23rd October 2004 21:51Eólach (Author Response)

Umm... well... I'm not sure if those are good spinny eyes or bad ones, but thanks for putting up a review.

And if you keep reading, you'll find out.  

Antonia East
Saturday 23rd October 2004 09:51
It was really good to do this in the first person.  You wrote Ginny's fear and emptiness very well. 
Saturday 23rd October 2004 09:51Eólach (Author Response)

Thank you for the review!  I'm glad you liked my choice of PoV.

As a side note, I looked at your profile, and "Fathoming the Mind of a Werewolf"  looks really good.  I love MWPP stories!  I'll be checking it out.

Saturday 23rd October 2004 09:05
That was definately a great beginning. I'm completely hooked

Can't wait for the next installment!

Saturday 23rd October 2004 09:05Eólach (Author Response)
Thanks Iris!  It shouldn't be too long for the next part.
Saturday 23rd October 2004 08:05
Ginny's point of view about... amnesia... Wow...

But surely, there has to be a few things that she will remember, eventually (The Boy Who Lives, anyone? )

It surely was an interesting beginning, so, please, write another one, soon!
Saturday 23rd October 2004 08:05Eólach (Author Response)

Thanks Tony!

I'm glad you approve of the point of view, it gets a bit tricky at times.

As for what, if anything, she'll remember... I think that I'll keep that under wraps for now.  

Bring and Fly
Saturday 23rd October 2004 04:25

Interesting opening. Is Ginny going to be a blank slate or will anything of her personality remain? I would expect her to get angry in no short order with this situation and I wonder how she will react (or not!) to Harry, and how he will cope with this turn of events.

Since she cared about him, surely some spark remains?   I'll have to wait and see!

BaF, hoping to have some more soon. I'm hooked.     

Mar sin leat! (Bye for now!)   Cara

Saturday 23rd October 2004 04:25Eólach (Author Response)

Thanks Cara!  You've brought up some good points there.  To let you know, our raven-haired friend will be making an appearance in Chapter2.

I appreciate the review (and the translation )


Saturday 23rd October 2004 03:19

Great imagination of an amnesiac's thoughts.  I wonder if she remembers anything?  Like magic, or how to read?  She appears to be more coherent than Lockhart, anyway. 

I can't wait to read more!

Saturday 23rd October 2004 03:19Eólach (Author Response)

Thank you so much.  I was a little worried about writing someone with no memories.  I'm glad that it turned out well.

As for whether she'll remember anything... *insert overused phrase*... Stay tuned!

Ashtur an'Vangan
Saturday 23rd October 2004 01:35
Very nice start.  I'm looking forward to how you are going to proceed with this.  I can see a few different directions you can take this story, and all of them are worthwhile.  This one has made my "keep an eye out for list" 
Saturday 23rd October 2004 01:35Eólach (Author Response)

Ohhh, I made your list!  Thanks!

I agree, there are a lot of ways that this could be written.  As much as I have a lot of it planned, I'm curious to see which way the story wants to go.

Saturday 23rd October 2004 01:16
I'm hooked! You must post again soon because I really need to know what's going to about cliffies...there are all kinds and the sneaky ones like this are the most intriguing to me.  Poor Ginny...Malfoy was not very nice to her, was he?  As for Ron and Harry, I'm interested in finding out what they do in retaliation.
Saturday 23rd October 2004 01:16Eólach (Author Response)

Thank you!

I love cliffies too... when I'm writing them. 

The next update shouldn't be too long

Friday 22nd October 2004 22:14
Wow.  This is off to a great start.  Poor Ginny.  She has no idea who she is or what happened to her.  Can't wait to read more!
Friday 22nd October 2004 22:14Eólach (Author Response)
Thanks so much for the review Sundevil!  Poor  indeed.