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Reviews For Following the Natural Curve: Part One by Bella

Thursday 9th December 2004 00:06
Following the Natural Curve: Part One
I bet James wanted to teach her how to fly, or at least the thought briefly occured to him. Goodness I love hidden motivations.
Bring and Fly
Saturday 6th November 2004 05:59
Following the Natural Curve: Part One

I have such a lump in my throat it's probably just as well all I have to do is type! I shivered at the ending of the first paragraph; so well written and making grandmummy sound fey (as in prescient).

Then the whole business with the Prophet and that attack. I liked the way Lily's thoughts go straight to James and then Gwen. That whole scene felt quite realistic, although I think I might have added a line to the effect of 'I can't believe it'. Maybe that will come later.

I also felt the change you described in James were very appropraite, with the stamp of authenticity and that if anyone has the chance of reaching him, it will be Lilly's loving heart. And this line; "It’s a good prank, but the point is not to be caught," James said reproachfully, sounding like a disappointed father. That really caught at the heartstrings! What kind of father would James have made to Harry? And now, we'll never know!