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Reviews For Consequences of the Mind by Mr. Intel

Tuesday 26th August 2008 21:16
Consequences of the Mind
So Dumbledore finally reveals his trump card on Lard Voldie Snot. Maybe Harry is the next Merlin.
Monday 17th April 2006 22:21
Consequences of the Mind
First of all, I loved your Author's Notes at the bottom. Random thought lol. Secondly, THAT WAS AWESOME! The I guess you would call it possesion was really creative. I had thought of something like that for a story I am working on but your version was interesting. From where did Voldemort walk to come into the room? How were there rats there if there was nothing else? It leaves so many questions but it makes it real that he doesn't know the answers to all or most of them.
The really old book and Hermione's reaction to it was really well characterized. I also loved how Dumbledore was reluctant to hand it over and Im sad that they {dumbledore and harry} think (or know) that it will be one of the last times they see or talk to each other.
On to the next chapter.. might call it a night about halfway through but I will finish it tomorrow if I do.
Great Job!!

Sunday 21st November 2004 23:27
Consequences of the Mind

Great chapter Michael!  The dream was very well written, and obviously well thought-out.  It's obvious that you've done a great deal of planning for this story, and it shows.

I actually like the fact that Ron and Hermione's relationship wasn't known to Harry.  Something like that likely wouldn't happen while he was around, and he's a bit preoccupied with himself, and with Ginny.

I think that Harry's a bit more affectionate than I would have thought.  Because he didn't get much as a kid, I always saw him as someone who wouldn't give it so easily.  Then again, the oppisite could be true.  That's the beauty of fanfiction, you can interpret the characters as you wish.

That said, my favourite line of the chapter is:

"That Voldemort – stop twitching, Ron – that Voldemort can still get into our heads."

It's such a random thing, yet I laughed out loud as I read it.  Little details like it make the story so much better.


Sunday 14th November 2004 15:56
Consequences of the Mind
Very interesting. I'm intrigued by the spell that Dumbledore wants to preform on Harry and Ginny. I still think Dumbledore is hiding to much from Harry at this point after he promised at the end of fifth year to be more forthcoming. Harry and Ginny will need more time to process the pros and cons of the spell before rushing into any decisions. Rash decisions tend to make more problems for them.

Captivating story so far. Good work.  
Saturday 13th November 2004 17:51
Consequences of the Mind
Dun! Dun! Dun!  Let the games begin!  Vodie is getting a bit more bold!  Ginny and Harry's bond is very strong to have Ginny pull Harry back.  Great chapter!  Kept me on the edge of my seat!  Can't wait to see what happens next!
Sunday 14th November 2004 18:29Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
That's very perceptive of you.  Yes, their bond is quite strong and is exactly why she was able to pull Harry back.  Yet another example of how Voldemort has miscalculated the power of love.
Monday 8th November 2004 20:52
Consequences of the Mind
Very nice.  I have so many questions that you need to answer, but I suppose I'll just have to be patient. I'm not sure I like the foreshadowing about Dumbledore and Harry not seeing each other many more times in this life.  I'm rather fond of that nutty old genius.   Excellent work, as usual.  Kelley
Monday 8th November 2004 22:37Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Foreshadowing is my way of saying, "Don't tell me I didn't warn you..."  I'll tell you what I told another reviewer, though... Dumbledore will be alive by the end of this story.

Thanks for the review.

Monday 8th November 2004 18:13
Consequences of the Mind

I made a very big mistake, huge actually...  I don't know why, something made me check my email from my work pc, and saw there was the email update of this story, and OF COURSE! I have to read it!  Only word I can say right now, is amazing, you made me forget that I'm a sworn public state agency employee, and that I was on a government facility, doing something I'm not supposed to be doing, (actually is unlawful if we're going to be too techical but who's doing that anyway?) and that I was using the internet to read fanfiction. Not very ethic, huh? I think I broke like, 2 laws and 3 regulations there...  Aw, I really don't care, lol!

Actually, there are 2 things, #1 when I was reading Harry's dream I was kind of wondering "where the hell I've read this before, it sounds sooo familiar?" and of course, when I read your A/n I knew.  And #2 the scene with the map and the broomcloset was simply hilarious, I laughed so hard I think my boss figured out I wasn't really working.  

Bottom line? There's a lovely labor opinion still waiting to be finish, but I don't really care, it was a great stress reliever to read this story, tomorrow is another day. 

I have to break the law more often it seems...

Monday 8th November 2004 22:36Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Please don't break the law on my account!  I'm flattered that you would be so motivated to read my story, but don't get into trouble. 

I'm glad you liked this installment and hope that the rest of the story is as entertaining for you.
Monday 8th November 2004 10:40
Consequences of the Mind
Glad to see this one up on the Song - keep writing.

Monday 8th November 2004 10:50Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Aw, shucks.  Thanks, John. 
Monday 8th November 2004 08:50
Consequences of the Mind
  More, MORE, MORE! This is what I hate/love about incomplete fics, the waiting!  Great work   Can't wait for more!  P.S. Why are you reading this?  Get back to writing the story
Monday 8th November 2004 10:08Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Yeah... the waiting is tough on me, too.  I still have to *write* the dang thing, so sometimes, even I'm surprised. 
Monday 8th November 2004 08:46
Consequences of the Mind
  More, MORE, MORE! This is what I hate/love about incomplete fics, the waiting!  Great work   Can't wait for more!  P.S. Why are you reading this?  Get back to writing the story
Monday 8th November 2004 08:12
Consequences of the Mind
Thank you for the next chapter.
I've got a day off work and I'm wasting  with suffering from a very nasty cold. So you've cheered me up. As ever good writing.
Monday 8th November 2004 10:07Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Glad to be of service.  I hope that you get feeling better! 
Monday 8th November 2004 06:11
Consequences of the Mind
Another great chapter, a question however

"Oh, I'm afraid that Voldemort won't get the chance to attack you that way again. You see, the spell that I will perform on Saturday will prevent all access to your mind, including whatever methods he may attempt to invoke in the future." The Headmaster chuckled for a moment and then with warm eyes, said, "Now off to bed with you. You classes won't be any easier with only a few hours of sleep."

All access  to Harrys mind? does this include Harry and Ginny's link, and will it have consequences in their relationship?

Bart (expecting a JKR style "wait and see" answer to his question )
Monday 8th November 2004 08:03Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Hmmm.  Without saying, 'wait and see', I'll have to say this: The spell is complicated, as all spells that require enormous amounts of power.  In fact, the only two wizards capable of casting it are Dumbledore and possibly Voldemort (assuming he knows about it).  Furthermore, Harry's link with Voldemort is much different than his link with Ginny.  Though, I *did* say 'all access', didn't I?

Sufficiently confused now?  You'll just have to wait and see, then.
Bring and Fly
Monday 8th November 2004 05:48
Consequences of the Mind
Mmm... I'm really getting into this story. I like the interaction between the gang and especially the way Ginny and Harry relate to eachother. Despite their chronological ages, they are both so old in some ways and yet still innocent in many others and I feel you have brought this out here.
Monday 8th November 2004 08:01Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Thank you.  It's a tough thing to be able to figure out how these characters would relate to each other, considering their age and experience level.  In some ways, they're 15/16, in others they're 23/24. 
Monday 8th November 2004 03:53
Consequences of the Mind

Ohh, I love your plot lines! This just keeps getting even more intriguing. The vision that Harry was forced in was gruesome and terrible, which I'm sure is exactly how you meant it to be. And then Voldemort, you've got him down pat - excellent characterisation there.

One thing that did throw me a little out of the chapter was Hermione saying "what gives?" It's an Americanism as far as I know, and if there was a British equivalent it would more be something Ron would say than Hermione.

The interaction between all the characters was really well written though, and I like that Ron and Hermione got to be a part of something Harry and Ginny were doing (ie Going to Dumbledore, not hanging out in broom closets )

And, once again, your Harry/Ginny-ness is superb, I especially liked this part here:


"What?" Harry asked. "What's the matter? I thought it was a good thing."

Staring at the floor, Ginny took even breaths. "It's not that, Harry. It's just...."

"What?" Harry repeated, taking her into his arms again. "Tell me what I've done."

Ginny laughed. "It's not you, silly boy. It's me." She looked up to him again and offered a watery smile. "You could have any girl in the castle and you picked me. Why?"

Harry's mouth hung open. "What do you mean 'Why?' Don't you remember the letter I wrote you? The one that spelled out exactly what I wanted in a girlfriend?"

"Well," Ginny said and then hesitated. "I mean.... I thought that you were just being clever...that you were trying to flatter me."

"No!" Harry said and placed his hands on her shoulders. "That's not it at all. I meant everything I said in that letter. I really need someone who won't take crap from me, who loves me for who I am and not for being the Boy-Who-Lived."


Harry being able to deal with Ginny's insecurities and put them to rest is truly lovely  Can't wait for the next update!

- Katie

Monday 8th November 2004 07:59Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Well, I suppose that my Americanized-self will get one or two phrases to slip through every now and again.  Though we avoided 'eye candy' and 'D'oh' in this chapter. 

I'm trying to have Harry and Ginny act like typical teenagers, even though they really aren't.  It's tough to do, especially because *I* know the right things for Harry to say to Ginny, but have to have him *not* say them.  It's not easy.
Monday 8th November 2004 02:35
Consequences of the Mind
Ooh...interesting.  I'm very excited to see what happens next.  I hope that this spell actually works!
Monday 8th November 2004 07:55Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
You'll just have to wait for chapter three, then. 
Monday 8th November 2004 01:06
Consequences of the Mind
Thank Goodness for that! I was going crazy trying to figure out where I had read this chapter before.  Great chapter by the way. 
Monday 8th November 2004 07:54Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Sunday 7th November 2004 23:57
Consequences of the Mind
" It was as if Dumbledore knew this would be one of the last times they would see each other."

interesting foreshadowing... i wonder what happens.

Monday 8th November 2004 00:29Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
I can't tell you!  You'll have to wait for chapter three. :P
Sunday 7th November 2004 23:21
Consequences of the Mind
What's this Path of Light you speak of?  :)  Okay, good start ... Dumbledore planning a power transfer or something ... seen that happen in a couple of fics.

Interesting to see what you do with the h/g link ...  Keep up the good work!
Sunday 7th November 2004 23:39Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Not knowing which 'Path of Light' you're referring to, I'll answer both.

There was a story called, Path of Light, that is still in my author list.  Most of the main plot for CotM comes from that story and therefore, you'll find bits of things already published in it.  However, the actual path of light, the one Voldemort mentions before his unsucessful attempt at killing Harry, is something I'll leave Harry to discover with the rest of you.  Suffice it to say, Dumbledore got the meat of what it is on the table in Chapter two.

Thanks for the review!
Ima Quidditch Fan
Sunday 7th November 2004 22:46
Consequences of the Mind
Very good...  suspense and mystery, yeah!
Sunday 7th November 2004 23:13Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Thanks, Ima!
Sunday 7th November 2004 21:46
Consequences of the Mind
Dang.  You've done it again--I was on the edge of my seat during this chapter (even though I'd read that battle between Voldie and Harry before).  Harry's dream was so vivid; I can just imagine the emotions it evoked in him.

I'm finding myself very interested in this spell Dumbledore's going to be doing on Harry and Ginny. I'm somewhat nervous about it, as well--I think that maybe some of Harry's distrust of the Headmaster has worn off on me a bit.

And I loved the conversation between H/G where he reassures her.  It was realistic to me, that she needed that reassurance from him. Her reactions and his responses were right on.  Reminded me that we women can be downright confusing at times, and that we tend to find meanings in little things that were said; only problem is, the meanings we find are usually wrong!

Great job, Michael--this is a great continuation of Consequences of the Heart, and I look forward to reading more.

Sunday 7th November 2004 22:04Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
So you read CotH?  Where's my reviews?!?    Just kidding, of course.  I'm glad you read it and hope that BirdDog comes soon for everyone's sake. 

The spell is in chapter three, finally!  It was originally in chapter two, but I split the chapter so we could get more 'action' in.  Thank you for reading and I hope that the rest of the story is as entertaining for you.
Sunday 7th November 2004 21:10
Consequences of the Mind

I have to say that this series is one of my favorites. It is one of possibly two or three stories that have Harry and Ginny getting together over the summer before 6th year that is believable. 

I like how you have the two of them connected by the bond. I've always felt like since reading OOTP that there should be some type of magical quality to love between a witch and a wizard.

I never read the Path of Light so I'm not disappointed with what you've "borrowed" from that story. In fact I find this mystery fascinating.

I'm getting the vibe that you are planning to eliminate Dumbledore in some way...either by death or he will be removed from the school. I think ultimately canon is heading this way since Dumbledore is the ultimate deterrent to Riddle.

I look forward to your next update on Sunday.

Sunday 7th November 2004 22:00Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)
Your praise is flattering.   Actually, the last installment explores the bond a lot more than this one will.  Still, I agree with you on the magical qualities of love between witches and wizards.  After all, everything else about them is magical. 

Dumbledore will be alive by the end of this story.  However, he won't be as involved in Harry's life as he has been before.  In my estimation, it's time for Harry to start steering his own course in life.
Robert Owen
Sunday 7th November 2004 20:47
Consequences of the Mind

Cool, I like this interchange with Voldemort and its implications for the future.




Sunday 7th November 2004 21:56Consequences of the Mind (Author Response)'ll be interesting.  At least, that's the plan!