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Reviews For Promises and Possibilities by Sherylyn

Tuesday 4th June 2013 17:02
Promises and Possibilities
It's been a really long time since I've read any fanfiction, but I stumbled upon this one and smiled when I saw the author's name. It's really good! I wish you'd finished it! Post-OOTP are still my favorite. Hope all is well with you, and thanks for a pleasant afternoon!

Sunday 19th December 2004 19:23
Promises and Possibilities

Brilliant job!

I loved it! I can't wait until you post some more!!

Monday 20th December 2004 14:14Promises and Possibilities (Author Response)
Thanks for the review!  I really appreciate it, and I hope you'll like what I've got planned overall... even if I'm not exactly the fastest writer around! 
Wednesday 15th December 2004 12:10
Promises and Possibilities

It's just wonderful, Sherry.  My heart was just breaking when I read this paragraph:

Harry heard the bed creak softly as Remus stood and came toward him. He lay a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder. "It's not your fault. You mustn't blame yourself. You did the best you could at the time, Harry. Just like Sirius did. Both of you were willing to do anything in your power for the other. It could just as easily have been you, sacrificing yourself to help him." Remus' voice was quiet, caring, comforting, but Harry miserably shook his head in mute argument. He couldn't force his voice to work, and he clenched his eyes shut, trying to push away the unbidden tears. Remus' other hand came to rest on Harry's shoulders as well, and he squeezed warmly. They stood for several moments, silently, as Harry fought to control his emotions.

Just brilliant, my friend. 

Wednesday 15th December 2004 13:48Promises and Possibilities (Author Response)
Thanks bunches, sweetie!!  I'm so glad you liked it!!  
Bring and Fly
Wednesday 15th December 2004 07:39
Promises and Possibilities

Splendiferous! I thought the feelings and dialogue were well handled and the kind of things these characters would have been likely to say. Harry's reactions seemed just right to me, as you don't get over something like he's endured in a couple of weeks and his thought about it being so final felt very appropriate.

With regard to the 'portrait', I presume Dumbers didn't do something like that in the first place because of time constraints, although Jo must have put it in for a reason, right?

Wednesday 15th December 2004 13:47Promises and Possibilities (Author Response)
LOL I'm thrilled that you liked that bit... You've no idea how many people I asked, "does this sound reasonable to you?"  I was aiming for something that dealt with her (and Kreacher, too), but not in a way that made a big deal out of the "process", I guess you could say.  Anyway, glad it seemed to make sense to you 

And thanks for the review! 
Tuesday 14th December 2004 13:28
Promises and Possibilities

Beautiful, as always, Sherry! I'm consistently amazed at how well you capture JKR's voice in describing Harry and his feelings. This sounds like I could be reading the beginning to H-BP ... I don't know how you do it. :)

Hope  is good to you this year! *grin*

Tuesday 14th December 2004 14:00Promises and Possibilities (Author Response)
Ooh, thanks sweetie!!   I'm glad you liked it!! 

So far, 's been very good to me.. .he brought me a hippogriff in the mail yesterday

Monday 13th December 2004 11:45
Promises and Possibilities

This is brilliant so far! I really like where this story seems to be headed! I'm enjoying this story a lot! And the first chpater - the way Harry dealt with his cousin- was brilliant. The fact that Harry controlled himself enough not to use magic against Dudley was excellent. It shows how much he's matured, even if he doesn't realise it himself. Although I'm sure Ginny will be some help in helping Hary through everything he has to go through. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* lol Please update soon!


Monday 13th December 2004 13:59Promises and Possibilities (Author Response)
Thanks, Maria!  I'm glad you're enjoying it!  I update as quickly as I can, but to be honest, between Real Life and admin-ing stuff onsite, etc. (and that fact that I'm not a very fast writer in general) , my updates do tend to be rather spread out.  But I won't be giving up -- just being busy!

Actually, too (in regard to Harry/Ginny)... if you read my Valentine's Day: Bah, Humbug story, you'll get a glimpse of Harry&Ginny-ness to come.  Ultimately, I plan to make that ficlet a part of this story.
Monday 13th December 2004 09:35
Promises and Possibilities
Wonderful chapter Sherry.  I thought you had Harry spot on here and I so wanted to reach my arms into the computer and hug him.  Feeling Sirius' loss more strongly when Remus was stepping up was so logical, and heart breaking at the same time.  I think my favorite scene was the silent, yet still strong support of Remus and Mr. Weasley as Harry struggled up the steps into Grimmauld Place.  They knew he was having difficulty, yet they supported him and let him keep his dignity at the same time.
Monday 13th December 2004 12:27Promises and Possibilities (Author Response)
Thanks, Melinda!  I'm glad you're enjoying it!  Hopefully a few more things will be kicking off next chapter (whenever I can get it done! ), so I hope it'll be okay, too!  I'm glad you caught the "little things" about Harry's reactions to all this so far!
Monday 13th December 2004 02:31
Promises and Possibilities

A nice beginning.  No real hint as to the long term plot yet but the feel of the story is right, if you know what I mean.  You've set things up well, from the benign neglect of the order while Harry stayed at the Dursleys, meaning how they watched Harry struggle, even his physical struggles with Dudley and wanted to come to his aid but in the end tey just watched and let Harry deal with it.

Now we have Remus, and the agreement for him to take over as Harry's guardian, taking an active role and agreeing to keep Harry more involved with things as well as giving him more say in his own life.  The question is:  will Voldemort and Dumbledore allow it?


Monday 13th December 2004 12:24Promises and Possibilities (Author Response)
Thanks, BJ!  Yeah, actually, I'd intended this 2nd chapter to go on a bit longer and have some other things happen, but (esp. b/c I'm so slow at writing a lot of the time) it turned out that this felt like a good place to stop, and let other things really kick off next chapter. 

Now, re: Voldie and DD... well... I can't give *every*thing away, now can I?
Robert Owen
Monday 13th December 2004 00:27
Promises and Possibilities

Very nice.  I thionk you hit Harry's angst over returning to Grimmauld Place rather well.  I am definately looking forward to seeing his reunion with the gang.  I'm also sorry we'd didn't get to see Molly reaction to the guardian options.




Monday 13th December 2004 00:30Promises and Possibilities (Author Response)
Thanks, Robert.  I'm sure we'll see plenty of reactions from Molly in the future.  This just felt, to me, like it needed to be something between Harry and Remus.  We'll see everyone else next chapter!