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Reviews For Through the Mists of Time by Sorting Hat

Wednesday 7th June 2006 06:19
Through the Mists of Time
Great start to the chapter, but how did Lucius Malfoy got them back to King Arthur time, they meant to be no spell to do that.
Wednesday 7th June 2006 11:24Through the Mists of Time (Author Response)
Great start to the chapter, but how did Lucius Malfoy got them back to King Arthur time, they meant to be no spell to do that.

It was a mixture of two spells that never should have mixed in the first place. Random effects that no one can predict.
Sunday 19th December 2004 23:34
Through the Mists of Time
Oooh .... adventure fic set in Arthurian times ... should be fun ... looking forward to the next chapter. 
Friday 17th December 2004 07:59
Through the Mists of Time

Hello Merlin! We're from a millenium in your future, or is it your past? Well, anyway, did you know everybody swears using your name now?

Hey Arthur! You'll get your legend tormented by everyone from Monty Python to Sean Connery (who looked great as always but couldn't beat the uphill battle with the script).

Oh, this should be good.

Robert Owen
Thursday 16th December 2004 23:38
Through the Mists of Time
Oh my!  This looks good!
Thursday 16th December 2004 22:24
Through the Mists of Time
INtersting! And no I did NOT just make a typo. I'm just typin' the way I talk! Great story!