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Reviews For Just a Little Smudged by Myth & Legend

Tuesday 6th April 2010 10:32
Just a Little Smudged
a beautiful story, even though i didn't read it with the right seasonal background! thank you for sharing it!
Tuesday 30th September 2008 17:47
Just a Little Smudged
Love it! All the little details are just wonderful. Good work!
Friday 21st March 2008 14:59
Just a Little Smudged
aww!!!!! I loved this!!! it was soo oo cute! cant wait to read ginny and harrys now
Thursday 8th November 2007 16:55
Just a Little Smudged
aww w!!!!! I love this!!! what a way to end a crappy day!

Monday 21st May 2007 12:34
Just a Little Smudged
So sweet. I love this. Thanks for sharing.
Aqua Fountain*
Tuesday 24th April 2007 08:36
Just a Little Smudged

Great story. Really sweet Ron seemed a bit ot of character- he was a bit too good with the fluff part. Otherwise, great story.

Saturday 18th November 2006 20:43
Just a Little Smudged
I'm glad you are practicing the romance part of your writing. It is very good and I'm impressed by the talent and thought you put into everything you write. I just finished reading the latest update to Cursed and can't wait for more of your writing.
Felix Felicis
Monday 11th September 2006 18:49
Just a Little Smudged
What a wonderful, beautiful story! I love how well you described Hermione's feelings for Ron. She's at once concerned about how silly she is for helping him, and fearful of what might happen if he felt the same. Your internal dialogue is very well written. Although Ron rarely shows emotion like this, he is finally growing up and it's about time he realized how much Hermione means to him!

Their interaction is very much like it always was, but with an added level of feeling. The idea of Hermione getting a detention in Potions is too much fun, especially in defense of Ron, who didn't deserve her help in the first place. Ah, love does strange things to us, doesn't it? It clouds the vision to block out the unpleasent but brings the good more into focus.

I also have to say how much I liked the setting. I heartily agree with the peace and contentment that comes with watching the first snowfall of the season, and seeing the world become clean and new again. You described everything so well, I could really feel the scene in front of me. Loved it! Fabulous writing!
Friday 30th June 2006 13:30
Just a Little Smudged
very sweet
i love it
Thursday 22nd June 2006 08:10
Just a Little Smudged
Nice job!!!
Friday 18th February 2005 19:50
Just a Little Smudged
I've been reading here for a while, but haven't been reviewing (though I realize now that I should).  I thought I'd start with this story, since it is the best short piece I've read.  I could have done with a bit less detail--about exactly what Ron was staring at, early on, and later, about Professor Vector's condition.  There are, as well, a few grammar/punctuation issues.

That said, there are so many things to like.  The descriptions of Hermione's thoughts and memories, as when the snow begins to fall, are insightful, allowing us to participate emotionally in Hermione's impressions of the scenes described.  In fact it is descriptions of all sorts which make this piece so strong.

Also very nice is the attention to characterization.  It's a challenge to write Ron as both canonical and sensitive, and that's done well here.

Best of all is the encounter in the snow.  The beauty, the purity, the innocence of  the scene:  "The wind swirled around them, lifting snow from the ground and sending it dancing back through the air, a thousand different stars against the velvet of the night."  Wonderful!

Thank you.
Tuesday 8th February 2005 04:37
Just a Little Smudged
Nice fluff.
Monday 24th January 2005 11:05
Just a Little Smudged
Excellently done. 
Poor Ron gets the short end of the stick so often.  He's frequently portrayed in such a stereotypically fearful or insensitive light.  It's nice to see the thoughtful, brave side of him again. 
Well written.  I had the whole story playing across my mind in vivid pictures. 
Thank you!
Tuesday 11th January 2005 03:36
Just a Little Smudged
Awww.    It's so sweet.  And original and realistic.  I love it!
Wednesday 5th January 2005 20:11
Just a Little Smudged

Wowwww!!!!!!!! This was absolutely brilliant! I really loved this! I m now off to read Just to Make you Smile.


Estonian Chick
Wednesday 5th January 2005 06:40
Just a Little Smudged
Wonderful! Beatiful work. It gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside
Wednesday 5th January 2005 01:47
Just a Little Smudged
Very sweet.  I loved Harry's observational skills--it added the perfect touch to that scene, and Ron was so sweet and romantic!
Tuesday 4th January 2005 23:10
Just a Little Smudged

Oh I just read this after reading the companion piece. This is quite nice as well. There were two passages that I especially loved.  This is similar to the one I liked from the H/G one."The wind swirled around them, lifting snow from the ground and sending it dancing back through the air, a thousand different stars against the velvet of the night. Hermione felt that familiar warm feeling pool in her stomach and bit her lip. She had a choice. It was one of those moments where whichever way you took it could change the rest of your life. She could turn and walk back to the castle with Ron as her friend, but if she did would she always wonder what she could have had? Alternatively she could take a riskā€¦"

What struck me as sweet/funny/insightful was this bit. "For a minute it felt like what Ginny would call 'A moment.' It felt as though something was floating between them, something that was dying to be said. For a split second she considered saying something complimentary, but somehow she couldn't think of anything except "You have lovely eyes." And that sounded far too much like a trashy romance novel for her liking." One never wants to sound too much like a trashy or corny romance novel.


Tuesday 4th January 2005 13:46
Just a Little Smudged
I think that i have already read and reviewed this but i thought i would do it again because it was great. There are few fluff stories that make you feel as happy the second time as the first. This is a great story. Can't Wait for Eternity Lost again.
Sunday 2nd January 2005 15:39
Just a Little Smudged
Oh, I just loved this! It reminds me of Arabella's "Not as a Last Resort" (in a very good way). I love the idea of an insecure Hermione -- not so insecure that she'll change her looks, but she's aware she's not the sort to attract much attention because of them, and almost wishes it could be different. I love her instinctive sympathy despite her better sense. Above all, I can *feel* the swoops and dives in her stomach whenever Ron comes into the picture, especially at the end. That ending was just...*happy sigh*...perfect.
Thursday 23rd December 2004 19:26
Just a Little Smudged

This story only makes me wonder, when on earth is  Ron  finally going to acknowledge his feeling for Hermione.

They would be so good together! Anyway thanks for giving a pre-view of what we all wish would happen soon.

Let's see if the Lady gives us this treat!

Thanks for a nice romantic story.

Happy Holidays!

Best Regards,


Monday 20th December 2004 02:30
Just a Little Smudged
Hi! Dunno if you remember, but I reviewed your story "Eternity Lost" back when you were first posting it at Anyway--this story is very well done. I don't generally read that many R/H fics, but this definitely captured my interest. Liked Hermione's uncertainty about whether Ron felt anything for her or not, and her insecurity about why he would want to have anything to do with her romantically. It was kind of funny that she got herself into detention for him, even though he was preoccupied with Lavender's anatomy at the time. (Yes, it is sometimes quite difficult to be a bloke!) And I also liked how Ron asked her to Hogsmeade at the end, surprising her with his directness. A very nice moment between them. Excellent work!

(By the way--I've got a fic at Sugar Quill, if you're interested. Should also be posted here soon. It's H/G, a mix of romance and drama. If you have a moment . . . )
Sunday 19th December 2004 21:42
Just a Little Smudged

Oh my! It is not very common to find beautiful, fluff about Ron and Hermione.  Since this is my first hristmas in Illinois  I was able to relate to the first snow. In Hermione's dialogue you verbalize that wonderful impression of the first snow. 

I just loved it. Can't wait for the

Harry and Ginny one.

I am happy to know I may be reading some nice sweet story on my favorite couple.

Thanks for a truly sweet story.

Happy Holidays!!!

Saturday 18th December 2004 16:13
Just a Little Smudged
Oh, this was beautiful. I love the way you write Hermione (especially the vocabulary)...fantastic job! Ron is a bit clumsy, isn't he? Ah, him anyway.
Saturday 18th December 2004 05:54
Just a Little Smudged

Myth, this is just a wonderful story. The best sort of fluff fics are those that throw a little angsty suffering in, and poor old Hermione really has to earn her date with Ron.

This is definitely an instant favourite and, it almost goes without saying, I can't wait for the next chapter.

I think my favourite part - hard to choose - has to be when Ron produces her essay, all clean and sparkling. It's such a nice thing for him to have done, and it would have been easy to go down the 'and the ruined essay lay forgotten' route, but you show admirable restraint both in this, and in Ron's feather-light kisses.

This is a brilliant, seasonal, lovely story.

Shina Laris
Friday 17th December 2004 16:00
Just a Little Smudged

Wow. This was definitely one of the sweetest R/Hr Christmas fic I've ever read. You've captured both of them so wonderfully. I love this fic!


Friday 17th December 2004 15:56
Just a Little Smudged

Wonderfully sweet.  Warm and fuzzy now, me is.  Filling up with Cristmas spirit.

GOD JUL!  (happy yule, in Norwegian)

Robert Owen
Friday 17th December 2004 13:38
Just a Little Smudged

Bravo!  What more can I say.



Friday 17th December 2004 13:15
Just a Little Smudged
How lovely.  I love it when people make Hermione a "real" person in stead of just a hard-nosed study-a-holic.  I like how you mentioned that the first snow always does different things for people, because it is true!

Wonderfully fluffy!

Friday 17th December 2004 12:40
Just a Little Smudged
A little fluff for Christmas.  Yeah! 
Friday 17th December 2004 10:48
Just a Little Smudged
A delightful story.  Not too much fluff - I like that.  The interaction between Ron and Hermione is very well done.  I also love how everything revolved around the snow.  Reading the story, I actually felt like I was there at Hogwarts watching the snow fall.  Too cool.
Friday 17th December 2004 10:20
Just a Little Smudged

Lovely! Great characterization of Hermione. But staring at Lavender Brown's chest? That would definitely make me NOT give Ron anything but the silent treatment.

Thanks for sharing this!

Friday 17th December 2004 09:19
Just a Little Smudged
This was lovely.  I'm grinning from ear to ear.  Thank you for sharing it.
Friday 17th December 2004 09:29Just a Little Smudged (Author Response)
Hey Kelleypen,
You are most welcome, and I'm glad it made you smile. As for sharing, I find it hard to stop myself, no matter what I write. It's as though the stories demand to be posted :D
All the best,
Myth xxx
Friday 17th December 2004 08:12
Just a Little Smudged

Yes, I should have made hot chocolate. Ah, well, I can always read it again later - it is certainly worth it.

Somebody must have poked Ron a few times - or is that Gryffindor courage finally showing up for use on girls?

Friday 17th December 2004 08:37Just a Little Smudged (Author Response)
Oh Gridley, thank you, that's a lovely thing to say :) I hope you enjoy it the second time around. You get to see a bit of the interaction between ron and Harry (who i believe may have been the main poker) in the companion piece "Just To Make You Smile" which is on its way to the beta tonight.
Thanks again for your comments, they really do make my day.
Myth xxx
Friday 17th December 2004 08:12
Just a Little Smudged
AWWWWWWWWW! That was adorable! So cute and fluffy! Can't wait for the companion piece.
Friday 17th December 2004 08:36Just a Little Smudged (Author Response)
Hey HGP,
Awww, *hugs* I'm glad you enjoyed it, there's nothing quite like that warm, fluffy feeling at this time of yeat. It's just kind of, right, for some reason. The companion piece should be on its way to Anka (my beta reader) tonight. It's told from Harry's point of view, and is hopefully reasonably realistic, although romance for me is not as easily written as angst or action and adventure. thank you as always for your praise and support :)
Myth xxx
Friday 17th December 2004 08:09
Just a Little Smudged
Ahhh, I had a nice cup of tea while I read this one, and it was very nice indeed.  Hermione was far too sympathetic to Ron's roaming eye.  Lavender may have big boobs, but SHE'D never give Ron her finely chopped tulip roots!  Go, Hermione, get your man. lol!
Friday 17th December 2004 08:34Just a Little Smudged (Author Response)
Ahh you reviewed, even though you'd read it once already :) Thanks. I agree she was sympathetic, but there is something about being in love, or at least attracted to someone, which rather minimises their faults. Perhaps she was in that state of mind that made it almost insignificant, or, more likely, she'll bicker about it with him later :D
All the ebst,
myth xxx
Spark Soliton
Friday 17th December 2004 07:18
Just a Little Smudged

Ah - what a lovely little tale! It really cheered me up and it goes to show that despite everything it's the small things that matter, the small things that show that you care and what greater gift can be given?

Friday 17th December 2004 07:34Just a Little Smudged (Author Response)
Thank you, I'm so glad it made you happy. i tend to be a mainly angst writer and this is pretty much my first shot at pure romance, so It's great to hear  it has the desired affect. And you're right, the small things in life are what matter :)
All the best,
Myth xxx