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Reviews For The Knights of Walpurgis by Majick

Thursday 11th January 2007 19:10
The Knights of Walpurgis
Wow. I like how you did the letters. And why does Harry want to go to the Headquarters? And Ron at Hermione's grandparent's house. Haha. That's funny. Very good start to the story.
Wednesday 7th December 2005 05:29
The Knights of Walpurgis
Promising start, even though the spacing is a bit off which makes it hard to read. - I always feel my guts wrench when Ginny goes off about somebody else than Harry.
Friday 10th June 2005 11:11
The Knights of Walpurgis
Awesome. ur a good writer
Tuesday 8th February 2005 07:25
The Knights of Walpurgis

Sorry to be such a nit-picker, but you do realise you have misspelt the title...

It's 'Prologue'

Or was it intentional for a specific reason?

Thursday 17th March 2005 11:44The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
Look carefully - I spelt it right in the chapter heading Prolouge doubtless came from some poor overworked PS staff member, desperately coding at some ungodly hour of the morning. Still, well done on being the first person to spot it 
Friday 7th January 2005 14:03
The Knights of Walpurgis

I'm here

I still think this is so close to the canon - you're lucky, mine never comes out sounding anything like JK's.

I don't think this chapter was boring at all. The Dursley's were hilarious. I loved the way Vernon was shouting at the kitchen appliances.

Can't wait for more.

Sunday 9th January 2005 14:00The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
There should be more soon. The Dursley's are out of the way for the rest of the story, but I hope that there'll be some fun along the way. Of course, there's plenty of seriousness for poor Harry to deal with first...
Sunday 2nd January 2005 20:12
The Knights of Walpurgis

Letters are a great way to start a story like this, reconciling unity of narrative point of view with the need to let readers know what others are doing and thinking.  Besides which, theyr're fun. 

At the risk of being made to walk the plank, btw, I'd love to see Ginny and Dean get to have just a bit of quality time together.  He's fun (not a word one would apply to Harry at this point, or -- I suspect -- to Michael) and she deserves a break.

Monday 3rd January 2005 18:21The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)

I like to remember that there's a world outside Harry's POV, and you'll see a few scenes where Harry's reminded of that as wll. While this tale will stictly be from Harry's viewpoint, the letters were necessary to let people know what's going on.

As for Ginny and Dean, they'll get some time together, but exactly how high quality it is... Still, Ginny will have some fun this coming year, a lot of it at Harry's expense

Wednesday 29th December 2004 16:45
The Knights of Walpurgis

Wow. I like, a lot.

It's really close to the canon - I can so see JK writing that stuff. (Well not see her writing it ... I'm not a stalker honest )

Also, if JK can pair them up with other people, why can't you?

Please update soon!

Monday 3rd January 2005 18:18The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
I'm glad you think that it's close to canon. I'm trying  There's a new chapter online, so come on over and see what you think of it
Monday 20th December 2004 17:31
The Knights of Walpurgis

Cool. Really liked this. It's been a long wait since your last long story. I like the way you've kept us up to date via the letters and the sibling rivalry you've captured very well. I'm not sure about the "Long-legged, firm-thighed, hard-chested vagabond' description (although thats probably me being picky - and having read far too many trashy romances). I thought the ending was brilliant. It really made me laugh and I can't wait for the next chapter.

Thursday 23rd December 2004 19:05The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
If I need any advice on trashy romances, I know where to come  Have a for reviewing
Sunday 19th December 2004 23:06
The Knights of Walpurgis

Whoa.  A very interesting beginning.  You've got me hooked!

I especially like how you smothered the worry about Harry with fun & gossip, so that the ending comes as quite a surprise.  Can't wait to find out the story behind this one! 

Thursday 23rd December 2004 19:05The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
You'll find it all out next chapter, and I'm glad to hear that you're hooked
Sunday 19th December 2004 17:57
The Knights of Walpurgis

Awesome job! This story sounds so interesting! I can't wait to read what happens next! LoL, Harry's hilarious!

Thursday 23rd December 2004 19:04The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
Harry won't be too hilarious over the next few chapters, but he does perk up a bit once he gets back to Hogwarts. Ron and Hermione should brighten things up a bit, though, and Dumbledore is usually worth a smile or two as well
Saturday 18th December 2004 09:15
The Knights of Walpurgis
Oh, my.  Well, Majick, that was an interesting start.  What's going on with Harry, to set him off like that, I wonder (I'm not really expecting an answer quite yet--I know how you work! ).

The letters were quite entertaining, by the way. They were an interesting way to tell what was going on without using a bunch of narrative.

Looking forward to reading more!

Thursday 23rd December 2004 19:02The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)

The letters came about from my desire to tell an entire story in Harry's POV (Temple and Dementors' Kiss were multi-POVs) but I needed to update the reader on the other characters. As you say, it saved on a lot of narrative...

As for Harry's emotional state, the next two or three chapters cover that in depth. There's a lot to cover...

Friday 17th December 2004 22:56
The Knights of Walpurgis
wow what a really good start i hope you are a fast up-dater because i cant wait to read more
Thursday 23rd December 2004 18:59The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)

Whoops... That should read:

I'll try and update every ten days, more or less, as that's my approximate time for writing each chapter.

Spark Soliton
Friday 17th December 2004 22:36
The Knights of Walpurgis
Hmmmm - well that was an unusual start but ever so 'compelling! Can't wait (but have to, darn!!!) and now feel like the proverbial 5-year old waiting for christmas morning (and boy do I hate this time of unfettered hypocrisy and unbridled commercialism called christmas) and it just cannot come quickly enough. Loved the style of writing and the the theme/plot as well!!!
Thursday 23rd December 2004 18:56The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
Hope that the wait isn't too bad. I'll be aiming to update every ten days or so, and am a few chapters ahead of the story at the moment, so even if my Muse dries up I can still keep things ticking over.
Mr. Intel
Friday 17th December 2004 21:59
The Knights of Walpurgis
I really like this start and am not afraid of the shippiness in the slightest.  You've got a good grasp on where you want things to go, I can tell, because there's purpose in every scene and letter.  Well done.
Thursday 23rd December 2004 18:55The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response)
Hey, thanks for the review. I'm glad the ships won't put everyone off  As for being planned, well, the Prologue has been more or less written since, oh, March... It took me a while to get started on this story, and now I'm racing the real Book Six