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Reviews For Timeslip by Zahri Seb Melitor

Thursday 7th June 2007 15:57
Read all your work and its great!Is there anymore?
Thursday 7th June 2007 15:56
Read all your work and its great!Is there anymore?
Monday 21st March 2005 20:27
lmao great story, love all the "hippyisms." "Merlin's a far more sensible name there than 'Galadriel Arwen Starsong' or 'Daffodil Porcupine Silvermoon'!" had me . I'm sorta wondering when your going to update though, since i've just started reading it but you haven't updated in a long long time. please update soon, i want to know what happens to    and of course, ! great thing that he got his food though, didn't think he would make it! The whole owl thing started to clue me in on the fact that they really arent exactly themselves...
Monday 20th December 2004 23:22
Nice to see a new chapter in your story.  Had to go re-read the last chapter to know what was going on :) 

Nice p+blocked+word :) Hopefully the next chapter isn't too delayed ... looking forward to getting into the thick of things.  
Monday 20th December 2004 00:39

Wow.  It's got to be weird seeing your Mum and Dad courting.  Poor Harry.  In fact, this whole trip has to be weird. 

Loved the little touch about the password.

Saturday 18th December 2004 08:58
Oooh, Beth!  I'm so glad to see this being updated.  I'm curious to see what you've got planned for our intrepid hero and his friends!  The parallels between the two places (times?) are intriguing--as are the differences.


P.S.  Sarasvati-Christobel?  What were her parents thinking???  Poor thing.

Saturday 18th December 2004 13:34Timeslip (Author Response)
Darn, I haven't got the hang of this yet. Sorry Julie.

Sarasvati-Christobel is the evil brainchild of me, the school computer technicians and the library staff. I wanted a hippy name. We started with Tolkein and finished with that Indian Goddess - Suffragette mix.
Saturday 18th December 2004 08:29
Not sure what to make of this but I'm interested to see where it goes.
Shadow Hider
Saturday 18th December 2004 00:30
a little confusing at first, but this is pretty good ^_^
Mr. Intel
Friday 17th December 2004 21:36
A wonderfully written and well-crafted story.  The only thing about reading a good WIP story, is that you have to wait for updates.  With an average of three months between them, I'm going to put this on the "check in a year" list for some good reading.

Best of luck with the writing process!
Robert Owen
Friday 17th December 2004 21:12

Interesting and curious.  I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes from here.

