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Reviews For I Will Be Waiting by Bart

Friday 17th June 2005 09:35
I Will Be Waiting
Hmm. I'm glad Ron forgave Percy, but I'm not sure he deserved it still. Needed more punishment, IMHO!
Friday 17th June 2005 11:31I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)
Well, when you die, life takes on a new meaning 

What more punishment could there be than, a lonely life, being estranged from your family and every day knowing it was your fault? I almost (not quite, but almost) feel sorry for him.
Wednesday 19th January 2005 09:53
I Will Be Waiting

That is so sad.

I loved the way that it was explained why Percy did what he did, and why he believed what he was told. Having some idea of what his character is like from JK this all makes sense.

The people gathering to mourn Ron made me cry, it was well done.

Glad to see Ron forgive his brother.

  Thanks Val

Wednesday 19th January 2005 13:55I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)
Thanks, its good to know, those scenes worked, because they were some of my favourites to write (not that I wanteed to make you cry, you understand!) and I was pleased with the way they worked.
Wednesday 19th January 2005 02:43
I Will Be Waiting

You know, I hadn't yet found the motivation to go out and read the book that inspired you (almost bought it in a bookstore after reading the first few pages), but seeing how you've handled the first few chapters, I think I will now!  This is an imaginative adaptation of that basic storyline to the HP universe.  I especially like the fact that you decided to write from Ron's perspective rather than the more obvious choice of Harry's - and that you gave Ron such a rich, long and illustrious life!    Another favorite bit of mine is the passage where you describe the wizarding world's response to Ron's passing - the shock, the grief, and solemn majesty of the wizards bearing Ron's body past silent crowds... You wrote with economy, almost like a journalist - the perfect tone of voice for such a sad, mournful scene.  Reminds me of contemporary accounts of the American public's response to President Kennedy's assassination.  Anyway, well done!  Looking forward to who Ron meets next...

Wednesday 19th January 2005 13:52I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)

You know, I hadn't yet found the motivation to go out and read the book that inspired you (almost bought it in a bookstore after reading the first few pages), but seeing how you've handled the first few chapters, I think I will now!  This is an imaginative adaptation of that basic storyline to the HP universe.  I especially like the fact that you decided to write from Ron's perspective rather than the more obvious choice of Harry's - and that you gave Ron such a rich, long and illustrious life!    Another favorite bit of mine is the passage where you describe the wizarding world's response to Ron's passing - the shock, the grief, and solemn majesty of the wizards bearing Ron's body past silent crowds... You wrote with economy, almost like a journalist - the perfect tone of voice for such a sad, mournful scene.  Reminds me of contemporary accounts of the American public's response to President Kennedy's assassination.  Anyway, well done!  Looking forward to who Ron meets next...

No, don't buy it!, You'll find where I've nicked half my plot from!!!!

I chose Ron, because when I was reading that is who I saw. And it struck me about halfway through that would work well as a fanfic story, plus I think needs to find out his purpose more than  does.

Tuesday 28th December 2004 06:55
I Will Be Waiting
Nice to have Ron forgive Percy, but given the fact that Percy is a Gryffindor and he realized his mistake after a few years, how come he didn't come to Molly's funeral?

Also wondering what happened to the rest of the Weasley's and the Potters ... didn't hear anything about them.

Looking forward to the next chapter ... keep up the good work!  
Thursday 13th January 2005 17:45I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)
Also wondering what happened to the rest of the Weasley's and the Potters ... didn't hear anything about them. 
Well if I told you that, there wouldn't be much story left, now, would there?
Saturday 25th December 2004 23:03
I Will Be Waiting

That wasn't really my point.  My point was, that when Ron said whatever he said about knowing Harry and Dumbledore, Percy just pretty much ignored it and moved on.  He has to address that, or else Ron's forgiveness, to me, just doesn't seem . . . I dunno how to say it . . . whole?

And sure, Ron and Percy know how they feel, but we readers don't.  Sometimes, you have to explain so much that it might seem like over-explanation to you, but it's really just enough.  You've created this alternate future timeline for the HP characters, and some of that needs explaining--and even some of the canon needs explaining, so that we can see it how YOU see it.

Get into Ron and Percy's heads, please!  Or even just have them talk it out a smidge more . . . It just seemed to me that Ron didn't have the one KEY element he needed to really be able to forgive Percy (even with the emotional ending)--the answer to Ron's comment about Percy's knowledge of Harry and Dumbledore.

Friday 24th December 2004 23:15
I Will Be Waiting

Hmmm . . . Seems sort of parallel to the guy's captain during Vietnam--what with shooting him in the leg and all.  Could've used a bit more explanation--we all knew that Percy was ambitious during OotP.  And Percy didn't even address Ron's "But you KNEW Harry" comment.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

Saturday 25th December 2004 04:41I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)

Hmmm . . . Seems sort of parallel to the guy's captain during Vietnam--what with shooting him in the leg and all.  Could've used a bit more explanation--we all knew that Percy was ambitious during OotP.  And Percy didn't even address Ron's "But you KNEW Harry" comment.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

I deliberatly did'nt go into too much detail, about Ron and Percy's past because this was a convestation between the two and they already knew a lot of the details, and I didn't want to bury the emotions of the chapter.

Percy should have known Ron! Three years of school and two summers and Harry was a friiend of the family, how much time more did the bloke need?
Thunder's Shadow
Friday 24th December 2004 12:39
I Will Be Waiting

Great job so far.. I absolutely love Mitch Albom's books, and this version of TFPYMIH is absolutely terrific.  I have just one question, which you probably won't answer anyway.. when did Harry die?



Saturday 25th December 2004 04:37I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)
Thanks, glad you liked it 

As for Harry, wait and see...
Bring and Fly
Friday 24th December 2004 11:25
I Will Be Waiting

You know, bart, that line:You did make stupid decisions, Percy, or has death really addled your brain?" still makes me laugh! I love the fact that Ron hasn't changed whether he's fifteen,  dead or a hundred and twenty-two; he still goes for the jugular!

Well crafted and engrossing with good descriptive work to anchor the tale in a background of realism. I'm wondering who the others are. yes, I know one is  (censored for spoiler) but I have no idea after that... *puppy eyes*

Saturday 25th December 2004 04:36I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)
Yes I know you have mentioned  your surprise when (censored for spoiler) turns up and tells Ron, he is there because (censored for spoiler) :D

Seeing as you asked I can exclusivly reveal the three after that will be people Ron knew! (there you go  a decent hint if ever there was one!)
Friday 24th December 2004 00:37
I Will Be Waiting

Hello Bart,

Not too long ago I saw the movie version of the book that your story is based upon. And it got my interest and now after three chapters, you have me hooked. I look foreward to the next chapter and was wondering. Can you give us a hint who the four others Ron will meet will be? Will Harry and Ginny be making an appearence? What will happen to Maximus Malfoy? Anyway Good start and i am looking foreward to the next chapter.

Have a Happy Holiday season.



Saturday 25th December 2004 04:32I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)
Thanks, glad you like it. 

You don't really expect me to tell you who is up next do you?

Harry and Ginny will pop up the odd time, but this is Ron's story, so when they do it will only be in the background.

And as for Maximus...

Happy Holidays to you as well
Thursday 23rd December 2004 20:33
I Will Be Waiting

Woot! Very good chapter. I'm curious to know who Ron meets next...and I'm also curious to know what happened to Harry and Hermione.



Saturday 25th December 2004 04:28I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)
Thanks, glad you like it. 

Well you see Ron meets <snip> next...
Thursday 23rd December 2004 19:16
I Will Be Waiting
aww the last scene was beyond words...

I'd always planned on reading The five people you meet in heaven and reading your story i'm highly tempted to go pick up a copy.

looking forward to more

Saturday 25th December 2004 04:27I Will Be Waiting (Author Response)
Thanks, glad you like it.