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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned by Melindaleo

Tuesday 1st December 2009 21:07
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
I cant find that story... After the End... Or the author(s?)
Saturday 10th November 2007 13:04
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
I'm seeing a distinct improvement in your writing style with this chapter. I wonder if it has occurred to anyone that the relationship between Harry and Voldemort is almost Biblical in its parallels to Christ and Satan. Do you suppose JK had that in the back of her mind? I wonder.
Saturday 10th November 2007 17:08Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thank you, and thanks for all your recent reviews! I've been thoroughly enjoying watching you go through my stories. I do think the Biblical paralells are intentional, and blatantly obvious now that we know the ending as we go back through. I hope you continue to enjoy this version of events.
Wednesday 25th April 2007 21:41
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
I love the "I'd promise to outlive you" scene in AtE, too. This was really a great chapter- it's just like Fudge's character to pull a stunt like this. I don't really see why Harry wouldn't be perfectly safe (from Fudge, anyway) at Grimmauld Place, though. I am looking forward to reading about their vacation and training. Keep up the great storytelling!
Sunday 13th August 2006 17:50
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Fudge has a whole lot of freaking nerve if he thinks he's going to get his hands on Harry. He's a joke. And Percy? I don't even want to comment on his disrespectful butt.
I was proud of Harry when he got up and walked out. That's right Harry, take control!!
Thursday 13th July 2006 07:31
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Even I'm looking forward to this holiday.. im eager to know how this will all turn out.. loved the chapter!
Sunday 18th June 2006 14:22
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
I can't wait to see their vacation. And Fudge is a bum.
Wednesday 7th December 2005 09:34
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Great chapter!!

Ha, I knew I had read that before with Ginny & Harry. AtE was great, my very first potter fic!


Okay, dying to go read...more later.

Friday 8th April 2005 11:31
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Finally, someone sees the need to train Ron, Hermione and Ginny along with Harry.  All I can do is cheer and hope that Dumbledore follows through.


Sunday 20th February 2005 11:47
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
hi I really love your story, I think you have done a really good job, and I love all your idea's poor harry, he always feels so guilty! I was just wondering,in your authors notes you mentioned one of your faveourite fan fics of all time being "after the end" by Arabella nd Zsenya I was wondering if you would be able to send me the link to that fan fic, I love reading them, and since you seem to think so highly of it, I thought it seemed worth the read. If you could do this for me, it would me greatly appreciated. I love your fanfic and can't wait for the new chapters I am about to read your most recent one chapter 13. Anyway, I have taken up enough of your time, keep up the brilliant work!
Friday 14th January 2005 12:33
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Yes, the old "I'm fine."  Sigh. 

I hate Percy.  And Fudge.  Fudge definately needs to die.  Can you do that for me please? Pretty please?

I would love to see Percy redeemed, but I just don't know if it will happen (either in your story or Jo's).

Friday 7th January 2005 23:37
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
First of all, wish you a very happy new year.

Now to the fic ...  more angst ... hopefully the trip with the rest of the crew will be nice and angst - free. ;)  What can I say ... I'm a sucker for happy stories.  Yours is one of the only angst fics I'm currently reading!  Looking forward to the hopefully happier next chapter!

Good thing next chapter is already posted :)

Tuesday 4th January 2005 10:36
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Congratulations on an excellent chapter.  You really made the scene with Fudge and Percy incredibly effective.  I wanted to strnagle both of them.  They were both far beyond the mere paradies of incompetent beaureaucrats that most fics paint them as.  Very well done.


Monday 3rd January 2005 08:49
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
  Hey there, I've been reading your work, both on The Power of Emotion and this one.  I just wanted to tell you that you do a great job.  You are one of a few fan-fic authors that captures me into reading the story like JK herself.  Keep up the good work!!!
Monday 3rd January 2005 00:23
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned


Great chapter!

So much fun stuff to do and see! Glad Harry's dealing with the emotional baggage he's holding on to. He needs to get better before school. I'm loving your thought descriptions; they seem so on target.

Fudge is such an idiot. That was so unexpected, and so scary to consider what Harry's training would be like under Fudge. Glad he's getting away. Perhaps some nice fluff coming for our hero?

And the scene where Harry asks Gin to outlive him was so sweet!  Loved that, even if it was borrowed!

And I hope that muse of yours returns!! Look at all t hose reviews! You have to keep writing!



Sunday 2nd January 2005 11:03
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Another excellent chapter!

Fudge is proving how much of a vile, nasty person I always thought he was. He is going for the lottery either political or financial maybe both. Scenario One-Harry defeats Voldie and survives. The Prophet's Headline would be (I'm sure it would be written with a "Quick Quotes Quill".) "Fudge Trained Savior of Wizarding World!" "A Vote for Fudge is a vote for safety!

Scenario Two-Harry Fights Voldie and doesn't survive..

"Fudge Trained Savior of the Wizarding World" "The Boy Who Lived" donated the Potter Fortune to The Ministry "(aka Fudge)

I'm really glad you let Harry get away from that evil +blocked+. I'm looking forward to next Friday!


Sunday 2nd January 2005 09:10
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Another excellent chapter!

Fudge is proving how much of a vile, nasty person I always thought he was. He is going for the lottery either political or financial maybe both. Scenario One-Harry defeats Voldie and survives. The Prophet's Headline would be (I'm sure it would be written with a "Quick Quotes Quill".) "Fudge Trained Savior of Wizarding World!" "A Vote for Fudge is a vote for safety!

Scenario Two-Harry Fights Voldie and doesn't survive..

"Fudge Trained Savior of the Wizarding World" "The Boy Who Lived" donated the Potter Fortune to The Ministry "(aka Fudge)

I'm really glad you let Harry get away from that evil +blocked+. I'm looking forward to next Friday!


Sunday 2nd January 2005 09:52Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
LOL, yep, that about sums up Fudge, doesn't it.  Too narrow-minded and egotistical to see the whole picture.
Saturday 1st January 2005 23:40
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Oh, I'm very glad that Fudge was unsuccessful in getting Harry made a Slave, I mean Ward, of the Ministry.  Ginny promising to try to outlive Harry was very touching.
Sunday 2nd January 2005 09:51Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks.  I think, although impossible to really promise, that is the one thing Harry really needs to hear.
Spark Soliton
Saturday 1st January 2005 15:32
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Yeah - this fic ROCKS! It is truly one of the great highlights of the week to read a new chapter. Characterisation, plot, the 'canon-feel', dialogue is just so spot on - I'm impressed with the amount of research that seems to have gone into the writing, the PTSD-angle was a new one for me but makes absolute sense, it certainly was the feeling in OotP that GoF left deep, emotional scars in Harry and it makes sense to attribute them to PTSD.

The only thing that doesn't quite sit true with me is Ginny's reference to Harry as 'luv' - in my limited experience from living in England it is a word or part of phrases that is favored mainly by older or middle-age women from the working class and I've yet to hear any teenage girl use a phrase like that.

That is the only gripe I have with your awesome fic - this is IMHO the best fanfic on the net and shows true skill in the art of writing and storytelling! Thanks for writing and sharing it! 

Saturday 1st January 2005 16:03Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks, I'm glad you thnk so.  As for the "luv" - maybe it's because I'm closer to middle age than a teenager.  Sigh.  Ah, well, hope it doesn't distract you terribly.  I've started with it, so I'm keeping it.  I kind of like it anyway, Harry needs to be told he's loved.
Saturday 1st January 2005 13:38
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
evil fudge :firedevil: :firedevil: (these new signs don't work for me...don't know why...)

anyways, loved the scene between ron and hermione

look forward to more

Saturday 1st January 2005 16:02Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks, glad you liked the R/Hr - I could just picture that scene in my head of Ron exasperated with his trunk and her calmly repacking it without a problem, lol.
Saturday 1st January 2005 12:02
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Woohoo, go Harry so proud of him for walkin out on Fudge like that. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Saturday 1st January 2005 13:04Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks, I'm working on it.
Saturday 1st January 2005 10:49
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Yeah, I finally did it.  I read all four?five? chapters that have been sitting in my inbox taunting me for the past month.  I knew it was going to be a good read and I wasn't disappointed!  Poor Harry!  Just what he needs... to blame himself for the death of the Dursleys and then that whole thing with Snape (the git!) and Fudge (+blocked+!).  I hope he can find some peace at the shore and am looking forward to meeting your version of Alberforth.  He certainly needs a break and a real birthday party (hint, hint).  Come to think of it, he also needs to learn to swim.  Good thing Tonks insisted on the swimming trunks.  Think she knew?  Hmmmm..... Convenient.  We're heading home tomorrow, so I'll try to catch up with you this week.  I hope you had a great holiday.  Now it's back to real life again.  Urgh!!!!  I hope your muse is off holiday.  Can you tell yours to tell mine, it's time to get off her lazy @!$$ andget back to work? 
Saturday 1st January 2005 13:10Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks, Kedme, I'm so happy to hear you've caught up!  I want more details, so we'll have to chat soon.  A birthday party, himm (evil grin), and yes, he does still need to learn to swim (another evil grin).  Tonks was pretty slick with that swimsuit, wasn't she?  Happy New Year to you, I look forward to catching up.  My muse has returned, although he's very hung over and not in the best form.  I managed to finish that killer chapter last night, now I have to go back in and pretty it up!
Saturday 1st January 2005 04:15
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

The Fudge part of this chapter nearly got you another "Oh, you evil woman!" review.   Ginny and Hermione came to the rescue with their oh, so caring attention to the hero and his sidekick.  Those two boys have no idea how lucky they are to have Ginny and Hermione in their lives.  (Especially when the girls are willing to pack for their boyfriends!)

The other parts of this chapter that got me riled up were Snape's comments to Harry and Percy's pompousness as well...the git!  You write the professor extremely well and I admire how real he becomes in just a few remarks.  (Oooh, he gives me the creeps!)

Finally, I do hope Harry and friends are due for a respite from all that is causing them pain and that their holiday by the sea is where Harry and Ron can find the time to finish the conversation they started several chapters ago; it seemed that they were helping each other in a way that no one else could.

I look forward to reading the next chapter.     A.

Saturday 1st January 2005 13:02Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Ginny and Hermione are good to them, and I don't mean to be sexist, but...I'd NEVER let my husband pack a bag for me, lol  I've lost my antagonist by killing Malfoy, so I needed to step up the roles of Percy and Snape.  I'm glad you're enjoying them.  The next few chapters offer some fun in the sun (with bits of angst thrown in - I just can't resist that.).
Friday 31st December 2004 23:39
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Congratulations again for a magnificent chapter. I love the way this story is flowing, the tension is building up more and more.  Poor Harry, no wonder he wants out of it all - he is very true to form for someone with PTSD.  I imagine that Ron and he will have a few more "deep and meaningful" conversations down at the beachside, and with Ginny and Hermoine's love and support, they may just manage to get through summer!

After the End was the first fan-fic that I read, and this makes it hard for other stories to compare to such high standards.  However, Melinda, once again, you have me feeling such a magnitude of emotions and I can't (but reluctantly will) wait for Friday for the next update!

Happy New Year from Australia!

Saturday 1st January 2005 08:53Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Happy New Year to you, as well!  Some fun in the sun coming up for our heroes, although, you know can't all be fun and games.  Smirk.  Harry does need a break, so some fluffy moments ahead in the next few chapters.
Wild Magelet
Friday 31st December 2004 20:25
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Such a good chapter; Harry seems extremely in-character here. I really felt for him when he wanted to escape from the Press and the helplessness and frustration that Ginny, Ron and Hermione would be feeling comes through really well. Yay for the shout out to After The End! It's one of my favourites too, and I love that scene at the wedding. There's really no better promise someone that Harry loved could make.
Friday 31st December 2004 20:52Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks, glad you enjoyed.  I LOVE that scene in After the End.  It's so perfect and exactly what he needs to hear.  Sniff. Gets me every time.
Friday 31st December 2004 20:00
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Good chapter.  I like your take on the Ministry trying to take Harry into custody.  It's definitely new (atleast for me).  Good work! 

Friday 31st December 2004 20:51Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks.  I'm kind of surprised by the response to that, reactions similar to yours only also saying it's so in-character.  I'm very pleased.
Friday 31st December 2004 17:34
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Once again the Mistress of Dramatic Tension has struck.  An incredible chapter, just like all the rest.  You are my favorite HP fanfic author.  Keep it going Melinda.  Whoohoo!!!!!  
Friday 31st December 2004 17:50Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Aww, you're too kind to me.  I'm glad you're enjoying the story, though.
Aberforth's Avatar
Friday 31st December 2004 16:06
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

I liked this chapter very much.  It's a great thing to see a new chapter from you posted.  I look forward to Fridays even more now. 

I thought Hermione's insights very well done.  It all clicks when viewed from that perspective.  Why do I think JKR is not unaware of this?  Good for you to shine that particular light on OotP. 

Unfortunately, Snape, Percy, and Minister Fudge seem all too in character here.  Your Percy certainly doesn't have to work too hard to be despicable, does he?  One wonders why he was in Gryffindor.

Nice nod to After the End.  Ginny's line was one of the nice moments there.  It worked well for you here as well.  Her packing of Harry's trunk -- mirrored by Hermione for Ron -- was one of the best scenes in this chapter. 

Thanks again!  I hope the Muse is generous to you in 2005.

Friday 31st December 2004 17:49Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks.  I don't think JKR is at all unaware of it.  I was blown away when I started reading the bios.  One of my betas is a nurse, and she gave me some good websites with info when I started researching and I was like, "I'll be damned."  Then I was kind of disappointed in all the HP fans out there who gave Harry such a hard time over his behavior in that book.  Everything became so much clearer.  Makes perfect sense. Go, Jo Rowling!
Friday 31st December 2004 13:43
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Just wanted to say that this is a really well written fan fiction, and enjoy reading it. Just a quick question, how far into the summer are we? How close are we to Harry's birthday?

Have a Happy New Year, and I hope your muse gets back to you, as the friday updates are excellent as we have a known date when you update.

Friday 31st December 2004 14:47Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it.  At this point in the story, it's early July.  Harry only spent two weeks on Privet Drive.  Happy New Year's to you as well, and keep hoping for my muse.  I'm really having trouble on the chapter where I've been stuck.  I'll put an Author Note inside so when you get to it, you'll know it was the one that gave me so much trouble.
Friday 31st December 2004 13:42
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Brilliant!! Simply amazing!I'm looking forward to the scenes at the sea...that should be interesting.

Sorry for the short review, I have lots of house work I should be doing!

Excellent work! And update soon!


Friday 31st December 2004 14:45Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
LOL, I'm trying to do housework as well, but, really...this is much more fun!  Happy New Year.
Friday 31st December 2004 13:05
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned

Another wonderful chapter in a wonderful story.  Fudge trying to take control over Harry is TOTALLY realistic and good for Harry for walking out on him!  I hope you kill Fudge off soon...he's just such an +blocked+!  Harry needs a good vacation with his friends, as does Ron, and the next chapters at the beach should be fun (can't wait to imagine  &  ogling  &  in their swimsuits! )

I wish you would post faster than once a week, although I am always looking forward to Fridays now, even more than I used to because I know a new chapter will be there.

I discovered After the End last weekend (trying to digest from WAY too much food at Christmas) and was subsequently glued to my computer for the next 2 1/2 days until I finished it.  I loved that line of Ginny's, and I think it's appropriate here too.

Excellent work as usual, hope you had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

Friday 31st December 2004 14:44Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
I LOVE After the End.  Some time at the beach begins next chapter.  More Ginny, Hermione and bathing suits coming up...
Friday 31st December 2004 13:02
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Awesome!  This is a wonderful story! Good job!
Friday 31st December 2004 14:42Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Thanks, glad you're enjoying it.
Friday 31st December 2004 11:33
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned
Excellent, as always!  Poor poor Harry.  Is what Hermione thought about the PTS thing and Harry's fifth year true?  I mean, have you ever read one?  I don't know much (read: nothing at all) about it, so... ?
Friday 31st December 2004 11:51Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned (Author Response)
Hi!  I didn't know all that much about it either until I started doing some research on this story.  Hermione's thoughts kind of reflected my own...yeah, OOTP Harry reads like a bio page minus any drug or alcohol problems.  I was stunned to realize that I didn't have much more to add...his nightmares, his flashes, his mood swings, his lashing out at those closest to him...everything about him I could see in those bio pages. It was wild.  Way to go, JKR.