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Reviews For To Save a Life by hairy_hen

Wednesday 5th July 2006 21:48
To Save a Life
It is Hagrid isn't it? He is the only one I can think of to go that deep into the forest. And what about Ginny and Harry's wand?
Friday 14th January 2005 08:51
To Save a Life
Please continue you got me hooked.
Thursday 13th January 2005 16:57
To Save a Life
AWesome job! Please post some more soon!!!!
Thursday 13th January 2005 09:57
To Save a Life
Eeek, cliffhanger! I really like your writing style- it's very intricate and obviously well plotted, not to mention that the story line will have me sitting around biting my nails until the next installment...
Thursday 13th January 2005 00:25
To Save a Life
hehe, so this is how St. Margarets got started on her story.  Nice to know one good story leading to another one :)

I would have thought Harry's impulsive actions would have gone down after OotP, but let's see what happens.  Looking forward to the next chapter.
Friday 14th January 2005 00:37To Save a Life (Author Response)
Harry has definitely matured since OotP, but it's always possible to lapse into earlier forms of behaviour. That headache seemed pretty suspicious, I thought . . .
Wednesday 12th January 2005 23:29
To Save a Life

That was a cruel spot to end!  I like this story, but I'm with St. Margarets, I would have preferredteh kiss first.  Poor Harry, he's got Voldemort, Snape, Malfoy, headaches, Wormtail, the anniversary of the death of Sirius...and a tempermental Weasley to deal with all at once.  And the poor boy has trouble even dealing with one emotion at a time.  Give the kid a break, would ya?  Can't wait for more.

Friday 14th January 2005 00:45To Save a Life (Author Response)
Give him a break?! What do you think I am, nice?

There's always that delicious yet frustrating thing called anticipation--for characters and readers alike. Some interesting stuff is just getting started now, if the story title is any indication, and I think that the end result will be worth it.

Thanks for reading!
Wednesday 12th January 2005 21:43
To Save a Life

wooooo!!! This was gooood!!! (And I completely agree with St. Margarets....) I had tears in my eyes by the end of this chappie! And you left us witha cliff hanger! You are so evil. Well, please update REALLY soon!

Wednesday 12th January 2005 12:18
To Save a Life
Ooh, this is getting good. Can't wait to see what will happen next.