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Reviews For New Year, New Hope by Arnel

Thursday 18th September 2008 07:27
New Year, New Hope
I feel like I've just gotta keep saying it - the pacing of your stories and plot development is fantastic!

The opening sentence of this chapter was really engaging and catchy, as do all of your chapter openers. It's one of the things I like about your writing.
The passage about Neville waking a sleeping Harry also made me smile - very well written.

: )
Thursday 18th September 2008 23:41New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
Thanks for letting me know what you liked about the chapter. I had fun writing the waking up Harry scene. My husband sometimes wakes up from a sound sleep in that same fashion, so it was easy add a bit of magic to something that occurs regularly at my house.
Tuesday 22nd July 2008 16:13
New Year, New Hope
I know this story is already completed but just let me say.....argh!!!! Ginny is the one that calms Harry down. She is the one that needs to be comforting him. She's been awol for way to long, even tho she has the best of intentions.

Anyhoo! I really am really enjoying this story! I love the one before as well. But, I don't think my review took on that one. It was really sweet. I even looked up that Grobin song.

Hope Ginny works out that potion so she can get back to Harry.
Tuesday 22nd July 2008 23:05New Year, New Hope (Author Response)

The universe for this story was started prior to HBP being published when we really didn't know whether Ginny was Harry's best source of comfort or someone else was. Therefore, at the start of this story, I decided that Harry's and Ginny's relationship needed to go slowly, even though Ginny is bound and determined to eventually end up that way. Besides, you've got a long way to go with this story and a lot of things happen along the way with plenty of opportunities for Ginny to comfort Harry and vice versa.

I'm glad you like the story and "You're Still You". I checked and your review for that one wasn't added, but if you'd like to leave one for it, I always write back. Thanks for reviewing this one. I look forward to hearing from you again.

The Boss
Monday 2nd July 2007 05:33
New Year, New Hope
Oh dear. The plot thickens with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named... Sounds like bad times are ahead for all involved in Harry's life.
I hope that You-Know-Who doesnt find the Dursleys for Harrys sake as that was his last real 'family', even though they didnt treat him like family...poor Harry

Excellent chapter!

The Boss
Monday 2nd July 2007 05:43New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
At this time, You-Know-Who is only putting out feelers. He wants to scare Harry and remind him who is boss. Thanks for the review.
Friday 30th March 2007 01:36
New Year, New Hope
This is a good chapter. I like the way things are developing. It is bad that Harry is suspicious of Ginny's absenses. She will have to tell him eventually what she is doing. I think her friends are wrong and she should have gone to Harry. At least he is talking to her now. That is good. I look forward to the next chapter. Thanks for writing. p
Friday 30th March 2007 07:43New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
I thought long and hard about whether to have Ginny go to Harry that night. However, since she has a history of being out of bed when she shouldn't be, her friends thought they were doing the right thing by stopping her from leaving the dorm room. Keep reading...I'm glad you like the story. Thanks for your review.
Friday 23rd February 2007 16:08
New Year, New Hope
Wow. I hope they don't find the Dursleys. No matter how much I dislike them, they don't need to die. And Snape is a git. Very good chapter.
Saturday 24th February 2007 00:13New Year, New Hope (Author Response)
It's been so long since I posted this chapter I had to go back and read it to see what had happened! You'll be happy to know that the Dursleys are safe, that the Death Eater attack near Little Whinging was just an isolated incident. And I do agree with you that Snape is a git; he was a lot of fun to write in this chapter. Keep reading...I appreciate your reviews.
Tuesday 22nd March 2005 13:34
New Year, New Hope
It's getting scarier.
And the potions are getting better too. Bravo on that.

Liked the way Gin sidestepped Snape.
I'm waiting for the shoe to drop if Harry gets mad at the time Colin and Gin are spending together.

"Harry still looked sceptical." Is that a british spelling? looked kinda funny.

Good show. I'm waiting for the next chapter. It's been almost 2 months since you last posted!!!
Sunday 6th February 2005 00:23
New Year, New Hope

well done

i really enjoyed that !, expecially the ending.

pls right more soon.


Monday 24th January 2005 20:43
New Year, New Hope

Wow.  Wow^2. Wow ^3. Wow^reallyreallyreallybignumber. I am impressed. It seems like it's been a while, but when I started reading it was like seeing an old friend again. Now i recall all the complexities that I enjoyed.  I loved all the unexplainable spellish stuff that happend with . You did a very good Snape portrayal. I also liked the fleshing out of Colin. I hope you will have Ginny tell Harry her plan soon.


Monday 24th January 2005 17:10
New Year, New Hope

This is getting more intriguing by the minute! But I'm confused. How was it that when Snape did Priori Incantatem on her wand it didn't show the spells she'd used? Or when he revealed the magical signatures? Will we get some sort of explanation there? And I can't say I'm surprised by Harry's confrontation of Ginny...she has been spending a lot less time with him, I was wondering when it would come out.

Oh, but I wonder at this point why she doesn't spill the beans to Harry. Does she want to wait until she has the potion brewed so that if he is really eager he'll have it right away? I keep envisioning him being somewhat resistant to it for some reason, though if I think about it Lord only knows why he wouldn't want to do it. It is good that she has it so thoroughly researched, because when she actually goes to tell him about it, she can answer all of his questions.

Monday 24th January 2005 11:38
New Year, New Hope
I'm enjoying your story immensely!  You're very well-written and it's obvious that you put much thought into your plot line.  Needless to say, I'll be looking forward to your next post.  I'd like to thank you for sharing this story.  It's a fun read.