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Reviews For A Lesson Learned by JoeyStar

Sunday 14th September 2008 18:40
A Lesson Learned
Saturday 13th October 2007 22:22
A Lesson Learned
lol i love the ending!!! revenge nad payback!!! lol
Tuesday 11th September 2007 18:08
A Lesson Learned
well it doesn't seem he still has a traditional girl friend any more, the didn't kiss and make up.
Friday 8th September 2006 16:46
A Lesson Learned
Really cute. For a second I thought she was going to break up with him.
Thursday 29th December 2005 22:13
A Lesson Learned
That was so cool. That was awsome. I dont know what else to say.
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Friday 2nd September 2005 19:50
A Lesson Learned
hehehehehemake a sequal!this was a wonderful story!
Monday 14th February 2005 03:44
A Lesson Learned

ah ha! have foiled the review  system - probably never going to come here again but look -->  that's almost worth it.

well, finally got roudn to reading your story and tis, as i expected, very good. love harry's +blocked+ excuses and complete non-understanding (very in character) and the 'do you think i could take ron in a fight?' although unlike hermione i'm afraid my money's on ron for actual fist fighting - not sure who would win in a wizards duel but although harry's got massive anger on his side, ron's much taller and broader...

massive deviation, still... i thought i'd come in and review and say i did really like it, even if i don't read harry/ginny really. ginny's always very difficult to pin down because she doesn't have a character in the book, which is why i don't write her (too difficult) but loved terrified neville and the thought that all girls turn into mrs weasley on valentine's day... even if i'm not so sure that all of them would care quite so much.

p.s. why oh why is there a mad eye moody icon?  who's going ot actually use it?

Saturday 12th February 2005 12:03
A Lesson Learned

Aw, I love the kitten that just happens to look like Harry.   And I think Ginny's payback is perfect.

This was a great story- cute, sweet, and well-written.

Thursday 10th February 2005 13:07
A Lesson Learned
haha! that was good.  she taught harry a lesson!!
Monday 7th February 2005 22:43
A Lesson Learned
I don't know what you think real relationships should be like, but if this story is taken as representative then I have to say I don't know where you get your delusions from. Ginny acted like a terrible bitch in this story, and in all honesty, a girl who treats a boyfriend like that in real life would be very deserving of a breakup and a slap in the face. This sort of behaviour is completely out of character for her, bearing no resemblance whatsoever to the Ginny of the books, and to write her this way is disrespectful to JK Rowling. Ginny's refusal to be ignored by Harry in OotP is no reason to characterise her as a fake with no personality. Exploiting one's sexuality against men in that way does not make a woman strong, it makes her a terrible person, and to glorify that sort of nonsense in stories like this is very unbecoming of an HP author. Sorry.
Tuesday 1st February 2005 22:43
A Lesson Learned
Wow ... harsh lesson indeed.  No break for the nnext saviour of the wizarding world. 
Monday 31st January 2005 21:17
A Lesson Learned
All Harry has to do to defeat Voldemort is tell Ginny that the last battle is schedule for the day of their next date.

The demoness will go and rip him to shreds, and since Harry would have been the one to set her on him, it should work for getting rid of him permanently.

I have waited for days to review this.  From a technical standpoint of the writing, it is excellent.  From a relationship point - I feel sorry for Harry.  A woman who admits to playing with someone's emotions deserves to be thrown away as far as possible.  And turning into a second Molly Weasley?  God forbid!

No one ever seems to remember that Harry hasn't had a lot of training, growing up, in understanding how things like this work.  And having a little girl who thinks she's a woman making sure that everyone she knows is aware of just how angry she is with Harry just so that they can give him the cold shoulder doesn't help things.  Especially since he'd simply not see it as any different from any other year at Hogwarts, at least from second year on.  He'd be more likely to shrug and figure out someone would tell him someday.

This review is not meant to hurt, and I apologize if it reads as a flame - such was not my intent.  But I simply can not see the relationship in this fic as anything even remotely healthy.
Sunday 30th January 2005 18:26
A Lesson Learned
Very cute story. I enjoyed it!
Sunday 30th January 2005 17:41
A Lesson Learned
  Very Sweet
Friday 28th January 2005 21:02
A Lesson Learned
Loved it!
Friday 28th January 2005 20:02
A Lesson Learned
Loved it!
St Margarets
Friday 28th January 2005 02:49
A Lesson Learned

I'm glad they worked it out - sort of.   I don't know if Ginny would be that unreasonable - especially when Ginny has a kitten to name and take care of!

You did a good job with the challenge lines and setting the various scenes.  Your Hermione/Harry interaction was spot on.

Thursday 27th January 2005 22:02
A Lesson Learned

Hah! You wove in the required phrases quite nicely! It seems like Ginny's not the type of girl who gets too hyped up about Valentine's Day, but this still seemd believeable (and humorous!)  Well done!



Thursday 27th January 2005 21:40
A Lesson Learned

To tell the truth, I thought Ginny an absolutely horrible person in this fic. I'm a girl, and I don't give a whit about Valentines Day, and I'm sure from what we've seen that Ginny's not too keen on it either.

Besides, Valentines Day isn't a matter of life and death, and Ginny makes it out like it is. This fic's kinda insulting to the female gender, even if the author might be a girl. Everything's just so overexaggerated that it lost its lustre.

Still, nice try.

Sorting Hat
Thursday 27th January 2005 20:57
A Lesson Learned
I thought this story was wonderfully well written, but I have to agree with a previous reviewers comments. Valentines Day should never be a reason to give someone the cold shoulder or call them a lousy boyfirend, in my opinion. Love should be a year round thing, right?

Regardless of that, I think this was a well constructed story. I might like to see a companion peice where you write up something where Harry gives Ginny her own medicine. Just to see how she takes it.

Nice work.
Thursday 27th January 2005 17:50
A Lesson Learned

 This was simply BRILLIANT! I laughed, I *sighed*, I loved everything about this. From the puns, right down to the wonderful fluff. But really, this was simply wonderful! I feel so warm and fuzzy inside! lol Well, Excellent work! I hope to read more form you soon!


Thursday 27th January 2005 15:41
A Lesson Learned

Personally, I think the idea of punishing significant others for forgetting Valentine's Day is ridiculous.  If they really care, then the s/o will act like it's Valentine's Day EVERY day, and treat the other half of the couple like they mean something to them ALL THE TIME.

And what did Ginny mean by, "the embarrassment of yesterday?"  I should think that the only one actually embarrassed would be Harry, because of his forgetfulness.  Ginny embarrassed herself with the Neville incident.  And she really overreacted.

The ultimate relationship foul-up is NOT forgetting Valentine's Day, but something MUCH worse.  Like cheating on your significant other, or--worse yet--rape.

We fight, we make up. Fight and make up. If this is what’s it’s going to be like, then I don’t think I want to do this anymore.

NEWSFLASH: All good relationships take WORK.  Actually, the above sounds like Harry and Ginny have a pretty GOOD relationship to me.  It's when they DON'T make up that they have a problem.

The story is cute (especially the kitten--what did she name her, by the way?), but it seems like you're stuck in the fantasy that good relationships should never have problems, and that Valentine's Day plans are proof of affection/love/whatever--neither is true.

Thursday 27th January 2005 12:08
A Lesson Learned

Maybe is because I work all the time with labor unions and irate lawyers, and probably I'm more of a realist than a romantic, but somehow I don't see Ginny acting like this, and to be so upset because Harry (the one who has to vanquish the Dark Lord) forgot something as, I don't know, as silly as Valentine's Day, more so when we know she was after him since she was a little kid, and now that he's his boyfriend to be so angry about forgetting Valentin's Day when she knows there're things in Harry's life that are more pressing of his time... And after the whole Cho thing, in which it was demonstrated that he actually forgot about those things, and it was Cho who kind of forced him to go out in a date with her.  I don't know, maybe I don't get it.  It was very nice written by the way, just that I don't necessarily agree with your approach.

Thursday 27th January 2005 10:54
A Lesson Learned

Very nice story, you did a good job.



Wild Magelet
Thursday 27th January 2005 02:11
A Lesson Learned
Poor Neville, lol. I'm glad he's being included in these Challenge fics though; I just love him. As much as I love Harry (and don't get me wrong, if canon doesn't turn out H/G, I'll probably be really pathetic and cry or something!) OotP wasn't kind to him character-development wise (he was downright rude at times, all excuses aside), whereas Neville is becoming more and more of a sweetheart! I always adore CluelessBoy!Harry though and you wrote this really well. I felt like I was right there with Ginny when she was forcing laughter and scaring Neville out of his wits. And he bought her a Harry-Cat (well. Harriet, I guess!) with black fur and green eyes! So cute. SeductiveVengeful!Ginny is great and I completely have an image of a cross-eyed Harry staring down at her finger in my head now! It would make a great piece of fan art. Terrific job! =)