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Reviews For The Worst Valentine's Day Ever by Nundu

Tuesday 25th March 2008 00:19
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever
aw! thats so cute!
Friday 21st October 2005 21:00
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever
Cute. Very sweet ending after a very frustrating time for poor Ronniekins.
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Friday 2nd September 2005 20:37
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever
o.o...not bad.not bad at all

Thursday 30th June 2005 08:58
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever

Sarcasmo here.... Just would like to apologize for the last review as it seemed to have offended you, though its intent was to invite you as I think you're a good writer.

Now that that's done, I still wanted to leave a review on this piece because I did enjoy it very much. Like I think I said before, I don't see Harry borrowing a 'good shirt' from Ron, as everything Ron has is second hand and I'm sure by this point Harry has a couple good things of his own to wear.

I really like Ron's overprotectiveness and the snide comment said concerning Micheal Corner. Very funny! (Then again, I'm a sap for Overprotective!Ron).

Keep writing!


Friday 4th February 2005 19:06
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever
Well done! I'd pick this fic any day of the week and Sundays to boot.
Tuesday 1st February 2005 21:41
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever
Wow, this was very original and quite sweet.
Sunday 30th January 2005 12:04
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever
Very cute! I love the finger-holding in the end. Ron and Ginny's interaction was excellent!
Saturday 29th January 2005 08:21
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever


Ok, wait, I have to find a better smiley...   

There! Now that portrays just how much I loved this entry! I don't know what all the required phrases are, but after reading this, I still don't know.  Everything, from the plot to the dialogue (and that adorbale small smile of Hermione's) was so natural!  Though the holiday wasn't, this story was flawless! Your pen name is hidden, but I know I like your work already.  This really is great!



Saturday 29th January 2005 13:34The Worst Valentine's Day Ever (Author Response)
Saturday 29th January 2005 00:50
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever
Very sweet.  You did a great job incorporating the canon events into your own story--or vice versa, really. 
Friday 28th January 2005 10:43
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever

Very nice POV change, and good story.



Friday 28th January 2005 06:20
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever

It's not often I find a "missing moment" I like, but this was great.  I loved Ron trying to deal with his dismal performance and realizing that Hermione would be alone for Valentine's Day in Hogsmeade.  It was very in canon for OotP! Ron. 

The end of the day was sweet and fit into what we know about Ron and Hermione.  There is so much speculation about their relationship in the second half of the book that I could see a moment like this one being the beginning of them finally doing something about their feelings. 

Well Done!


St Margarets
Friday 28th January 2005 03:00
The Worst Valentine's Day Ever

That was an interesting slice of OotP!  Ron was very well done and I liked the limberger line with the smelly robes. 

I'm glad Hermione had the time to buy Ron something after her meeting with Rita Skeeter and Luna!  The thing with the little fingers was cute and not over the top for an OotP fic.  Good job!