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Reviews For Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss by Mr. Intel

Tuesday 6th November 2007 21:24
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
haha i loved this!!! it was so awesome! especially the rumours that were going around teh school :p

Monday 3rd September 2007 13:06
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
Perfect! that is it.
Monday 27th February 2006 20:27
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
I have a thing for longer one-shots. This was probably #2 on my list. Very well written and I loved the moments they had together in the Tower. Seamus and Lavender was also a very nice addition to the story. I loved how you seemed to keep both Harry and Ginny in character throughout the whole story. GREAT STORY!!
Sunday 10th April 2005 17:33
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss

O MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!& were perfect.  I'm speechless.  I'm losing my breath.     Now that I'm recovering, YOU HAVE 2 WRITE MORE.  sorry to yell.  That was great but I really want to know about the rumors the next day and what else happens between them.  U R A great writer!I'm jealous



Saturday 5th February 2005 23:05
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
 *sight*, I just love fluff. 
Saturday 5th February 2005 11:28
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
Aww that was soo cute!  I loved it as well as the entire collection of "first kiss" stories.  You're a great writer and your stories are very entertaining and always fun to read.  I can't wait for the next one! 
Pirate Ginny
Friday 4th February 2005 16:43
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss

"What? I'm completely what when I'm angry?"

Hee.  I love that you made Ginny take Harry's comment as a compliment!  Lots of other things to like as well.

I really liked the emotional pacing of this piece.  Everything progressed naturally and believably for the characters, which made the ending all the more enjoyable.  Hurrah.  Excellent work.

Friday 4th February 2005 08:18
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
Oh, and you should think of a good way to pay Snape back!
Friday 4th February 2005 08:16
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
Quite a number of detours... But I find the idea that G doesn't like to lose control very plausible.
Thursday 3rd February 2005 23:12
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
I reserved the writing of ones future married name in notebooks for 13 year old girls. Is that really something a guy would do? I know your a guy, so guess you would know, but still I wouldn't picture it happening on a regular basis. But still if it is something that happens... I guess that's cool. Other then that question everything was very nice a fluffy, as some thing should be
Thursday 3rd February 2005 20:58
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss

I must say, I think this is my favorite of the fluffy firsts you've done.  It's the most...natural, I think (not to say the others are rubbish, because they're most definetely not! ) Splendid work, Old Bean! (I can't get over saying that!)


Thursday 3rd February 2005 19:27
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
Brilliant too cute!
Thursday 3rd February 2005 17:43
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss

Ginny's outburst with Ron had certainly taken the wind out of his over-protective brother tendencies. However, it also gave fresh grist for the rumor mill. From what Harry had heard in the halls between classes, they had been seen shagging in several different places, Ginny was pregnant with their second child and Hermione was supposedly livid because Ginny had stolen Harry from her.

HA! That was my favorite sentence in this. I can't exactly explain why, but I absolutrely loved it! I started laughing like a maniac! lol Also-

"Draco Malfoy fell into a Manticore pit?"

Giggling into her hand, Hermione poked Ginny in the ribs. "No. Even better."

"Ron fell into a Manticore pit."-

now that had me on the floor laughing! 

Ok, and now i'll stop quoting- I honestly don't think you want to re-read your entire story in a review. lol Well, in case I'm not obvious enough, I absolutely loved this, from the very first sentence down to the last sentence. There wasn;t a single flaw in this. I'm glad you posted it!!! Hopefully, there will be more!

Excellent work!


Thursday 3rd February 2005 17:22
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss

First of all, I love the stars and constellations and such, so I was all excited when I saw the name of this chapter. I love how you have derived from the shouldn't like him/him like that theme that I had picked up on. This one of I shouldn't be distracted romantically is quite nice as well. You did a lovely job on this.  I loved the Lavender/Seamus bits where they kept barging in on H/G...those were very funny and enjoyable bits.  I can't wait for the next first kiss tale since you are soo good that them...


Thursday 3rd February 2005 11:29
Fluffy Firsts: Tales of Harry and Ginny's First Kiss
lovely, lovely bit of fluff.  Just what I needed to make me forget my headache for a few minutes.  Thanks for sharing it.