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Reviews For Cracking the Shell by critmo

Friday 22nd August 2008 22:15
Cracking the Shell
Friday 4th January 2008 19:53
Cracking the Shell
very good story - I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
Friday 24th August 2007 12:21
Cracking the Shell
this is so good, but I do wonder will Harry get in trouble over Ginny's wandless magic, or will the know it was her and will she get in trouble?
Monday 12th February 2007 09:32
Cracking the Shell
That was great. And Petunia was talking about Lily wasn't she?? Ginny is right. They all need eachother to survive this war.
Monday 5th February 2007 12:09
Cracking the Shell
Wonderful addition to Not Enough. Seeing Ginny use wandless magic was priceless. That is one witch you don't mess with when she's on a mission.
Tuesday 6th February 2007 13:10Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
No, you don't. Back then, I felt that "Not Enough" could do with a little more background, and I was quite certain that Ginny would be more confident of her feelings and that they wouldn't just jump each other, but take some time.
Tuesday 16th May 2006 17:09
Cracking the Shell
coolio i loved it
Thursday 24th November 2005 17:54
Cracking the Shell

this better not be a one-shot!!!

be sure to update sooon, please???? i would love to read more.




Monday 28th November 2005 02:52Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
It IS a one-shot. But fortunately it continues with Not Enough.
Wednesday 10th August 2005 03:49
Cracking the Shell
Oh, yes!  This is definitely one way it could've been done.  Loved the way Ginny handled the Dursleys.  What a wonderwoman she is.  Yes, I know, still a girl, but yet a woman.  Great!  And kudos to your beta for getting the punctuation...

Wednesday 10th August 2005 04:55Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
Well, thank you.
Saturday 16th April 2005 15:06
Cracking the Shell

That was AWSOME you seriously have to write more, I know I say it to a lot of people but this time I really really men it. PLease!!!!!!!!!  that is a really good lead you should really follow up.


Saturday 19th February 2005 08:22
Cracking the Shell

I love the story, but wish you not said it was completed.

You are off to a great start with this story and keep writing.

And see were this story can go.

Monday 21st February 2005 01:17Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
"Not enough" - that's where it's going. Please, r/r.
Friday 18th February 2005 20:55
Cracking the Shell

I like this story very much:  it shows what loneliness and the mistaken idea that he must push all his friends away is liable to do to Harry, and it shows the real love and concern for Harry that Ginny holds in her heart. 

We do not learn to love by loving; we learn to love by being loved.  True, Sirius had displayed the love of a godfather for his godson, but this had been interfered with by Sirius' need to remain concealed from the Ministry, and was lost when Sirius fell through the arch.  (Even if Sirius is to return, he hasn't yet, and Harry is pining away quite quickly.)  What Ginny feels for him enables him to have worth enough to feel for her in return:  these first steps may lead to fulfillment, happiness, and success in their mission---for Harry and Ginny together seem to foreshadow a power greater by far than the sum of their individualities. 

Thank you again for your story!

Thursday 17th February 2005 23:20
Cracking the Shell
That was great.  I love how Ginny told him exactly why they're perfect for each other, without actually confessing the depth of her feelings.  
Friday 18th February 2005 01:50Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
Well, I wanted to make it clear that this is still an open end situation. There's obviously a possibility ("Not enough") in the background, but as Dumbledore tells the Weasleys, Ginny doesn't want to see Harry as more than a friend at that time. Remember that there's still a lot to be cleared up, like the Dean-thing for example. Harry, too, is certainly not in shape for a relationship. Both of them need to heel - and that's what they need each other for first of all.
Thursday 17th February 2005 19:15
Cracking the Shell

This looks to be great.  I can't wait for more.  I loved how Ginny put the Dursleys in their place.  Her description of the potential of her six brothers was wonderful. 

This is well written and engaging.  Looking forward to the next chapter.


Thursday 17th February 2005 18:32
Cracking the Shell
nice. :)
Thursday 17th February 2005 16:11
Cracking the Shell

Ohhhh! This was simply... amazing! I was practically bawling my eyes out during that beautifull part in Harry's room, and I nearly wet myself laughing when Ginny went to the Dursleys! Well, I'm off to read the companion piece to this! Brilliant work!


Thursday 17th February 2005 12:11
Cracking the Shell

This was lovely.  Understated but very moving.  I hope you'll continue to explore how your Ginny and Harry relate after he gets to the Burrow.



Friday 18th February 2005 01:42Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
Please, look at "Not Enough" for more. I don't think there will be more than that.
Thursday 17th February 2005 11:11
Cracking the Shell

I loved Petunia's comment,  "You're dead!"  Lily and Ginny comparisions are such fun.

I enjoyed reading this. Your Ginny is quite perceptive.


Friday 18th February 2005 01:39Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
I was in doubt if the reference was a little too cryptic, but didn't want to go into explaining either. Fortunately the experienced reader seems to know what to make of it.
Thursday 17th February 2005 08:26
Cracking the Shell

This was wonderful!  I loved it.  I really loved the image of Ginny walking toward Harry as if he were a wounded animal.  Wonderful imagery.  I wanted to pop Dudley one when he scorned Harry's nightmares.  Ginny was great in this one shot.  I hope she really can help him heal.  I think what drew me in the most was her thoughts...the fact that she did know he was really suffering.

I get so frustrated with the number of fics that have her snapping at him that everyone misses Sirius, not just him.  It isn't the same coming from someone who is part of a family of nine, and I was so pleased to see a one shot that didn't do that.  Really, really good.

Thursday 17th February 2005 10:12Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
Thank you so much. It's probably more likely that Harry must see for himself that others are suffering as well. We know he doesn't react too well to pressure.
Thursday 17th February 2005 08:11
Cracking the Shell
Loved the part where Petunia saw her and thought she was Lily.  That was great.  And the part about all of Ginny's brothers was great!

Thursday 17th February 2005 10:08Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
Thank you. To be honest, I liked that part, too, but found it difficult to write, especially the charms Bill could use. I'm still not really satisfied with the latter part.
Thursday 17th February 2005 06:32
Cracking the Shell
Looking forward to the next chapter.   Good set up in the beginning.  Something fishy going on in regards to Dumbledore sending Ginny.  Another prophecised pair story ?    
Thursday 17th February 2005 10:03Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
Sorry, there's no next chapter. This is an aspect of a different story, "Not enough", that was published three (?) weeks ago. I was more concerned with other things there, but thought this could make a nice story in itself.
Nothing fishy! I don't hold with prophecised pairings. Dumbledore just saw what might be, and that Ginny might get through to Harry, while he himself was likely to fail.
Plese, look at "Not enough" to understand what I'm talking about.
Wednesday 16th February 2005 22:46
Cracking the Shell

"That's not nice. But it's hardly surprising, and you know as well as I do." Her eyes hardened. "he deserves it ... Would you please pack now?"

I love this bit.  Just what Harry needs...stop feeling so sorry for yourself, and start thinking about someone else for a change.  Something that is always difficult for a fifteen year old to do!

Thursday 17th February 2005 01:42Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
Unfortunately, it's been quite a while since I was fifteen (realisation came as quite a shock), but I suppose it would be difficult regardless of age - considering the nature of what happened and will happen.
I think Ginny takes a rather pragmatic approach. She knows what has to be done, it's not nice to be the one who has to do it, but Voldemort is certainly not an innocent victim. So, rather think about yourself, do yourself something good, instead of chastising yourself for something that's right and can't be changed anyway.
Wednesday 16th February 2005 20:55
Cracking the Shell
I loved it - are you going to add more?

Thursday 17th February 2005 01:34Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
This is part of "Not enough", which has been online for a few weeks now. I don't think there will be more along the lines of this particular scenario, because the interesting points are finished.
Ima Quidditch Fan
Wednesday 16th February 2005 20:43
Cracking the Shell

What a wonderful chapter!  Go, Ginny!  She used wandless magic on the piggy pair?

Best part - Harry noticing the variety of color in her eyes.

Thursday 17th February 2005 01:29Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
Well, she obviously used magic, but I would avoid "wandless", because it implies a conscious action. I don't think that would apply here. It's rather what Harry did in times of emotional stress even before knowing he was a wizard. - I'm working on a story that will be more explicit on this point, so look out for it.
Robert Owen
Wednesday 16th February 2005 20:30
Cracking the Shell

Bravo!  Loved the little touches and bits about the charas.  Petunia's reaction and Ginny's puzzlment is perfect as is her reaching out to Harry.


Thursday 17th February 2005 01:25Cracking the Shell (Author Response)
High praise, indeed. Thanks a lot!