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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Curse of Grindelwald by Beverly

Sunday 3rd April 2005 00:48
Harry Potter and the Curse of Grindelwald
OOH!  I just love a good mystery!  Blend that with my love of all things Harry Potter & I am officially hooked!  Great job so far!  Keep those updates coming & don't make us wait too long!
Thursday 31st March 2005 14:26
Harry Potter and the Curse of Grindelwald
Great job! This is very interesting, I don't know what to make of Adria's appearence, very interesting.
Thursday 31st March 2005 12:41
Harry Potter and the Curse of Grindelwald
this is getting really good. Hope you explain Grindewald and such. I alway wondered how that worked into ww2.
good job.