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Reviews For Lee Jordan: Tour Guide by St Margarets

Sunday 29th March 2009 14:40
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Yuup, screwed just about covers it haha.
What a wench! *swears a bunch of inapropriate words*
Good chapter though.
Monday 30th March 2009 09:19Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Poor Amy - she's just confused (and selfish) And poor Lee, too. He'll have a few more setbacks before he gets if all together. (Just like real life!)
Thursday 6th September 2007 10:40
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Poor Lee! I know the feeling. I love the hangover cure!
Thursday 6th September 2007 12:58Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I had to be cruel before I could be kind.
Wednesday 1st March 2006 04:29
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
What horrible people they are! Ugh.
Wednesday 1st March 2006 11:33Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
LOL - that's the reaction you were meant to have!
Tuesday 12th April 2005 14:35
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Egads, what a rotten night HE had!!  I wanted to smack Amy's father up one side of the street to the next...then she starts splathering on about her little trick...

It's time to open up a can of you-know-what! 

Well done, St. M's and I look forward to Ch 3!!

Tuesday 12th April 2005 15:37Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Yes - poor Lee.  I didn't like writing that chapter!  Thanks for reviewing!
Ima Quidditch Fan
Sunday 10th April 2005 22:45
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Oh, man... Mary, that was just harsh!  Poor Lee.   I hurt for him.

Good clear path to Holly though - and very well done by the way.  Loved Fred and George - horns!  *snort*

Tuesday 12th April 2005 15:26Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Hi LeAnn - you have to have a little angst or the fluff won't fluff correctly!  There's lots of Fred and George goodness to come!  I'm so glad you're reading.
Friday 8th April 2005 18:33
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Oh, poor Lee! Amy's a...$#*&@!! That was totally cold, self-centered... Lonely. *snorts* Hmmph!

Well, the story's awesome at least. *grin* Can't wait for Ch. 3!

Saturday 9th April 2005 07:24Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I hope you'll see chapter three soon.  Like I said, I have a lot of this written, so the updates should come quickly.  Thanks for your review!
Friday 8th April 2005 18:17
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

*Gasp* That  !!! Oh, That little....  Well, one good thing has come out of this: no more Amy, so what... more Holly? Yes? Quite a delightful little intrigue you've got going here; brill work.


Saturday 9th April 2005 07:22Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I'm so glad you're reading!  I was really worried that I would lose a lot of readers because this wasn't H/G.  And of course there will be more Holly - but the wheels of fluff grind slowly - especially after a set-back like this.
Friday 8th April 2005 10:19
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Excellent part.   The nerve of Amy!  Humph -- Zacharias' sister. 

Poor Lee!  And George and Angelina.  Hopefully those two will make up!

Friday 8th April 2005 10:19
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Excellent part.   The nerve of Amy!  Humph -- Zacharias' sister. 

Poor Lee!  And George and Angelina.  Hopefully those two will make up!

.  I mean Fred.  Maybe I should just call them Gred and Forge.
Friday 8th April 2005 16:09Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I'm surprised I haven't gotten them mixed up while writing them!   Thanks as always  for your review !
Friday 8th April 2005 03:01
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

OK well good chapter, Amy was really shallow. I hope Fred and Angelina work it out and I hope Lee doesn't get fired.
Friday 8th April 2005 05:16Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Of course Fred and Angelina will work it out.  I don't want to mess with canon!  Lee is going to have lots of career adventures in this story.
Split Decision
Thursday 7th April 2005 14:25
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Ouch! Poor Lee. First Amy and then work...

I love the way your characterize Lee, particularly his reaction to Amy's dad and to Amy herself (and the truth of the situation) I absolutely shivered to read Amy's confession. She's so... shallow, and slimy and disgusting. Perfect, it really added to the sympathy for poor, miused Lee. I'm thinking that Holly might be able to make him feel a little better however...

Drunken Lee was also very well done. Some nice clever bits as well - "Magic Without Borders" for "Doctors without Borders". An interesting Muggle/Wizarding parallel.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Friday 8th April 2005 05:15Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
One of the things Lee has to come to terms with is that he dated someone that shallow, slimy and disgusting.  He didn't bother to look beyond the pretty face.  But the path to true love is often rocky!  I brought a lot of Muggle ideas into this magical world because we don't know a lot about life outside of Hogwarts and the wizarding world must be just as complicated as ours.  It's been fun to imagine.  Thanks for your review!
Penny Lane
Thursday 7th April 2005 13:11
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

I took one look at the title and knew I was going to thoroughly enjoy reading this chapter. 

I have to add my voice to the chorus and say poor, poor Lee.  I can't abide it when people toy with the feelings of others for their own selfish purposes, so I'm afraid I have absolutely no sympathy for Amy -- I don't care how unpleasant and controlling her daddy is.  Maybe she'll get her comeuppance.  *is hopeful*

It's funny that both Holly and Amy have younger brothers whom Lee knew at Hogwarts.  This may not have been what you were going for at all, but it reminds me of how Ginny and Cho were connected in little ways in OotP (i.e., both played Seeker, both had a part in naming the DA).  And obviously, in the case of both Holly & Amy and Ginny & Cho, one girl seems to be very right for the guy, while the other quite clearly is not.  [/tangent]

I'm not sure yet which detail you were referring to in your response to my review of chapter one, but I did notice that history popped up again (yay!).  But then, so did Mr. Jordan's job in Vanishing Management, so I'm still .

Oh, and I'm with Pirate Ginny -- I already love Lee's parents, and we haven't even met them yet!

Penny Lane
Thursday 7th April 2005 13:07
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

I took one look at the title and knew I was going to thoroughly enjoy reading this chapter. 

I have to add my voice to the chorus and say poor, poor Lee.  I can't abide it when people toy with the feelings of others for their own selfish purposes, so I'm afraid I have absolutely no sympathy for Amy -- I don't care how unpleasant and controlling her daddy is.  Maybe she'll get her comeuppance.  *is hopeful*

It's funny that both Holly and Amy have younger brothers whom Lee knew at Hogwarts.  This may not have been what you were going for at all, but it reminds me of how Ginny and Cho were connected in little ways in OotP (i.e., both played Seeker, both had a part in naming the DA).  And obviously, in the case of both Holly & Amy and Ginny & Cho, one girl seems to be very right for the guy, while the other quite clearly is not.  [/tangent]

I'm not sure yet which detail you were referring to in your response to my review of chapter one, but I did notice that history popped up again (yay!).  But then, so did Mr. Jordan's job in Vanishing Management, so I'm still .

Oh, and I'm with Pirate Ginny -- I already love Lee's parents, and we haven't even met them yet!

Friday 8th April 2005 05:10Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Yes the title isn't very literary is it?  But it seemed apt.

I did the brothers thing because I wanted to ground all the OCs in some part of Canon.  Zacharias Smith knocked poor Andrew off of his broom in OotP.  So payback is necessary! 

You're getting warmer on the plot point! And watch for a cameo in the next chapter!  Thanks for your review!

Thursday 7th April 2005 12:56
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Hmm, poor Lee, snubbed by his goddess and drinking himself into oblivion. Not a good idea if done with any regularity, but in these dire circumstances I think we can forgive him. That Mr. Smith is a real bandit. I've known people like that (my high school was full of their kids), and they were a bunch of arrogant, rat bastards. Anyway--that Amy wasn't too nice either. I could think of a few choice words to describe her too, but I'm sure you've heard them all before. He's not going to get over this too quickly, I imagine. Well, I'll be looking forward to the next chapter--hopefully he'll find something other than drink to take his mind off of things (hint hint).
Friday 8th April 2005 05:06Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Whatever could it be that would help Lee take his mind off his problems?I'm glad to hear that you disapprove of drinking yourself into oblivion as a coping skill - but the Apparating while drunk has to be an even dumber move.  The learning curve is steep for our friend in this story!  Thanks for reviewing.

Thursday 7th April 2005 12:25
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
wow. what a great start. very different, more mature, than your other stories, which i also love. i like the escapades of Lee. very entertaining...
Friday 8th April 2005 04:55Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
This is one of the reasons I picked Lee to write about.  I really wanted to visit this crazy time of your life when you pick your career and the person your going to be with for a while.
Thursday 7th April 2005 11:27
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Right- I officially hate Amy's family. Smith reminds me too much of Malfoy. Speaking of that, I really like how you shaped the Smiths around Zacharia's personality. It redeems him, in a way. (in this story, of course) I"m glad Amy;s out of the pivcture- though I feel she'll stil play a role. And that comment Mr. SMih said- about womem not needing a carreer... I HATE sexists, and basically, everything elses Smith represents. Bloody git. Oh, and I feel horrible about the Fred/Angelina fight- I hope they make up. And George must really be in a pickle, seeing his brother hurt like that. I swear, if JK kills off one of the twins, I don't know what I'll do. I think I'll cry even more than when you know who died in book 5. Right, off topic. Well, that;s all from me. EXCELLENT work!! I really love this. 


Friday 8th April 2005 04:53Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Repeat to yourself each day - no Weasleys will be harmed in the making of JKR's series.  How else will we have OBHWF?  It's been interesting to see the F&G from the point of view of their friend - I tried not to make them clones of each other.

That is how I came up with the Smith - starting with Zacharias.  I think anyone who stuck it out in the DA wasn't all bad.  Thanks for your review.


Thursday 7th April 2005 10:56
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Pity drinks? I haven't heard that since my frat days. heh.

I'm mad. You left us with a cliffy. ARg! I want to see more! And that he lost his dreads makes me sad.

This is good. Keep it up.
Friday 8th April 2005 04:50Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

I'm glad you like it and I appreciate your review.  The dreads will come up again - never fear.

Thursday 7th April 2005 08:43
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Another wonderful chapter.  Too bad for Lee.  Wish I could have been there to commiserate - been there, done that.  And you're right, love takes longer than a week.
Thursday 7th April 2005 09:55Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Well Lee did spend some therapy time at the Leaky Cauldron.  Not that it solved anything! Thanks for your review!
Thursday 7th April 2005 05:37
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Poor Lee!  What a disappoinment to be found he had been used like that by his Goddess!Amy.  (Though, I dare say, that's not very Goddess-like behaviour, at least in my book).  Mr. Smith must have been a pleasure to write, just like Jo says she finds great pleasure in writing Rita Skeeter.  I had to remind myself that he was only fiction, not a real person, as his kind of behviour provokes me slightly...  A great way to give Zacharias Smith a reason for his snotty behaviour, though.

Some minor snags - seems the beta marks are still here in places, like here: plays Quidditch for HuffelpuffHufflepuff.  Or this:  With a small thunk, the dinner plates, – laden with lamb chops, potatoes, carrots and peas – landed in front of each of them.  There are some more, but I don't feel like filling my review with them - they're not the most important thing here!  The most important is to tell you I love the story, and I am very happy with the speedy updates.

Thursday 7th April 2005 05:58Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Thanks for pointing that out Berte!  I hadn't looked at the version that went up.  I'll send Sherry an e-mail. 

I really hated writing this chapter because Mr. Smith isn't a clever jerk or amusing in the least.  That's sounds strange, doesn't it?  Because I created him.  I could have made him more like Snape- with a great vocabulary and all that - but it didn't fit with my idea of Amy or Zacharias.  Sigh.  Glad this chapter is over!


Thanks for your review!

Thursday 7th April 2005 02:25
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Oh, Lee! Poor you! Still, I suppose it was inevitable. Amy was totally wrong for him. Fred and Angelina sound interesting at the moment; I hope we hear more about them soon.

Fancy naming your children A and Z. It sounds a rather unimaginative, Mr Smith thing to do. The way you brought Zach in was nice.

Keep it up! Anxiously awaiting the next chapter...


Thursday 7th April 2005 05:16Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
The next chapter is written and is just waiting to be beta'd.  Poor Sherry (my beta)  is getting a lot at once.  Fred and Angelina will continue to be interesting, I hope.  More about them in the next chapter.
Pirate Ginny
Thursday 7th April 2005 00:36
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Mr. Smith's jerkiness worked for me because I've met so many men (and women) like him in the real world.  (my brother's in-laws.  ::shudder:: )  There really isn't any way to make people like that more balanced.   

 Poor Lee.  :(  I'm glad that you covered so much ground in this chapter--the Amy/Lee break-up was inevitable.  Glad it happens early, and so unusually.  I also enjoyed the worldbuilding that comes out in the conversations between Mr. Smith and Lee.  I hope we get to hear more about what Lee's mother has been up to.  It sounds interesting!

Thursday 7th April 2005 05:14Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Lee's mother is a darling - I think you'll like her.  I'm glad to know that you can recognize this type of person - even though it's too bad for you! And I had to get rid of Amy right away - because I hate to read about love triangles and playing one person off of the other.  However - this is not something Lee is going to get over very quickly.  Oh the wheels of fluff grind slowly sometimes!
Wednesday 6th April 2005 23:35
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Oh, poor Lee!  I didn't see that coming, I have to admit.  :-(  As usual, I loved your imaginative throwaways - the design of the Quiddich museum, the disapproving mirror, and Magic Without Borders!  And I emphatically agree with the other reviewers - you really threw me for a loop with Zacharias Smith!  But it works really well - I can definitely see how Zacharias would have come out of a family like this.  I'm not entirely sure I like Amy's father (from a writing perspective, of course) - he seems like too much of a right-wing fat cat caricature.  Not that I disagree with Lee's point of view , but it makes old Daddy Warbucks pretty one-dimensional.  Oh well - I suppose that was the point, actually.    And he's certainly amusing - if only to really get Lee steaming.    At any rate, nicely done - especially for a chapter dedicated to grinding the Wheels of Plot! 

Thursday 7th April 2005 05:10Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

The problem with this scene was that I actually based it on a real life experience - and as they say, real life is never as believable as fiction!  My cousin's husband pontificated during the entire meal and wouldn't let anyone else have a word in edgewise!  Then he went on to say that he never " talks politics with women."  I wish I had said what Lee said - but I didn't want to hurt my cousin. 

I had to make Daddy Warbucks horrible enough to explain why Amy would be looking for a way to get out of his clutches (but still enjoy his money).  And Lee only sees him for a few hours - so he could be kind to animals and old ladies for all we know - but try as I might - I couldn't find a way to work in the balance.  Esp. since Lee is not an objective narrator.

Wednesday 6th April 2005 22:06
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Zacharais Smith! I didn't see that one coming!

Poor Lee - he's having a really rough time. I wonder if we've seen the last of Amy. Methinks not.

 That hangover cure is pure Fred and George. The horns!! :D

Thursday 7th April 2005 05:03Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Previous relationships have a way of ressonating beyond their time - and this one is no different.  I'm glad the Smith wasn't a dead giveaway at the beginning.

Wednesday 6th April 2005 21:22
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Great chapter title!

I liked how Amy's father was an old friend of Umbridge and attributed the success of the DA to her.  After meeting Holly, I think every reader knew that Amy was not for Dean. However, her using him was a great surprise.  Well done. Dean is worse than an unwashed minstrel?  I guess money covers a multitude of smells. Poor Dean..what I wouldn't give to have a problem like Amy.

The hangover cure made me laugh and F&G's residence being the former hq for a temperance movement was funny.  Hope you update soon.

Thursday 7th April 2005 04:59Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Yes - Fred and George could make millions with a hangover cure that had no side-effects - but alas, they haven't perfected it yet.  Money is going to be a reoccuring theme in this story and this was a way for Lee to start thinking about it.  And the chapter title kind of works on different levels.

Wednesday 6th April 2005 17:48
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Nice...I like how you worked in the obnoxious Zac Smith into this...I was hoping for Mr. Smith to make some type of rude remark about Harry or the Weasleys or find out Lee was a friend of the Weasleys and try to pump him for information about Harry and Ginny.

I have to tell you...that had to stink for find out the so-called girl of his dreams was engaged...that was terrible. Nice deal...working in Fred and Angelina and their relationship problems in as well.

I'm really enjoying this is almost like watching episodes from a drama or something.

Keep up the good work...this story is special.

Wednesday 6th April 2005 19:18Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Yes - this was a mean thing to do to Lee so early in the story - he will need some recovery time obviously.  Fred and Angelina are an interesting side story - they just popped up that way.   Mr. Smith's job, besides being a jerk, was to explain what's going on in the magical world right now.  I hope I got enough info out without making this too much of a soap opera!  Thsi chapter gave me some trouble.
Wednesday 6th April 2005 17:31
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Poor Lee.  But, now he can get the right girl.  And poor Zacharias.  What a family to be stuck with!
Wednesday 6th April 2005 19:15Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Oh, I had a tough time with this chapter.  Mr. Smith was such a grade A jerk and I couldn't find a way to make him a more balanced character.  I guess some people are just jerks.  The next chapter is much less soap operaish.