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Reviews For Lee Jordan: Tour Guide by St Margarets

Sunday 29th March 2009 15:06
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Lee's mother is adorable ^_^
Lee and Holly are so cute together. And she's practically perfect for him too. Balances him out she does
Great chapter
Monday 30th March 2009 09:21Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I'm glad that the reader can see that Holly is perfect for Lee, even if Lee can't.
Thursday 6th September 2007 10:43
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
I loved this chapter. Quick question- I noticed you referred to Grindelwald as a half-blood prince, but this is a pre-HBP fic- are you just that psychic or had the title already been announced? You threw that in in such a casual way, I wasn't sure.
Thursday 6th September 2007 12:59Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
When I wrote this chapter, JKR hadn't come out with the title for HBP - but as you can see I got the whole Grindelwald story completely wrong.
Wednesday 1st March 2006 04:45
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Great chapter! Love Lee's family. Love Holly. Love Lee realising that there's more to a relationship than sex. Feel kind of scared because I'm their age and don't know anything about it! God, I'm their age... have left school... scary! Right! Sorry about that- 'snot really a review! Lecture time! Will read more later.
Wednesday 1st March 2006 11:34Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I channeled all my memories from this time of my life (and my friends) when I was writing this. It was a wonderful time, but I'm glad I don't have to do it again.
Tuesday 24th May 2005 07:43
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Mary, Mary,
never contrary,
  spinning a marvelous tale
Her writing, so Brill,
we can't get our fill,
   it satisfies us, never fail!

I confess, Mary, that I had intended to give this story a pass.   Foolish, I know, since you are one of the best authors out there, IMHO.  However, I needed to  watch my online time, and really, it wasn't about a main character. 

So I stayed away...  as chapter after chapter rolled out.  Then last night I finally snuck a peak at a chapter, was blown away, and discovered that you have this tied in to your Magic Within/Without story -- even though only peripherally.

And so, I'm caught.   Reel in the line Mary, I'm hooked.

ps: Oh, and I love the story.  Lee is a delightfull innocent.  Poor boy, with friends like the twins and yet still naive and innocent.  Holly seems like a good friend for him.  It will be interesting to read the piece and see how their friendship progresses.

Minos Smith really is a bit of an idiot.  How can one be so stupid and yet successfull?  Boggles my mind.

Oh, and I really like his treatment of the elf, minor though it is in  the plot.  So many stories show these happy-go-lucky elves.  But really, the hogwarts elves are the only happy ones we've seen.  Both Crouch and Diggory, ostensibly good guys, spoke very harshly to Winky in GoF.  And of course we've seen Malfoy's treatment of Dobby. 

Tuesday 24th May 2005 08:55Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Hey Art! I'm so glad you're reading!  One more added into the fold.   Yes, this turned into the Magic Within sixth year fic - just told from a different PoV.  I'm amazed with the hook and reel metaphor since there are a lot of references to fish in this story. Hmmm. 

I know what you mean about on-line time and just time in general.  Don't think I've forgotten your challenge.  It's bubbling away in the back of my mind. I've decided not to do the SIYE challenge because of time constraints, but I'm not going to give up yours!  Hopefully, by the end of June, this story and yours will be done.  Then I can wait for new canon with a clear conscience. 

Saturday 16th April 2005 00:54
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Another imaginative chapter, St. Margarets!  Lee's wistful longing for an iota of Quidditch talent is wonderful - just the way that so many sports fans feel about the games they love to watch (and play badly, at least in my case).  And I'm not the only one here who suspects an odd parallel between Plimpton's bloody robes and the hosiery of a certain starting pitcher for a certain New England baseball team, would it?  Or the passing reference to 1918?  LOL!  Anyway, I do find it a little weird that Dick Mann isn't a Quidditch fan - one would certainly think that curators of sports museums, muggle or magical, would be at least marginal fans of the sport whose museum they're managing.  But I suppose we can chalk that up to poor management by the museum trustees.  :-)  At any rate, the Quidditch museum scenes are done well, especially with Lee's reverent cataloguing of Jack McCain's memorabilia.  You do a nice job depicting Lee's passion for Quidditch - it echoes a lot of my own personal feelings as a baseball and college basketball fan (and poor player of either sport).

As for the rest of the chapter, the conversation between Holly and Lee is a lot of fun to read.  I'm still trying to figure out Holly, actually - we're seeing hints of her character, like her perceptiveness and honesty, but I still feel like there's a lot we still haven't learned about her yet, and I'm starting to get impatient.  :-)  Hopefully we'll see more development of Holly's character soon?  And wow, those hints about Holly's hidden feelings for Lee are being dropped pretty liberally!  I don't mean that in a critical way, though - it's sweet to see, actually, and Lee's obvious cluelessness is amusing.  And I like how the conversation gets some wheels turning in Lee's head about relationships and maturity - nice job managing that.

And of course, I'm glad we've been introduced to the parents!  I hope we'll get to know them better too over time.  Yeah, I know this is Lee's story, but it feels like there's a lot we haven't learned about the characters - like we're still glossing over a lot of stuff.  It might be because we're still getting introduced properly to Lee, it feels like.  Unlike H/G, where most readers enter already with a vast body of knowledge about Harry and Ginny which makes it easier to immediately jump into the story, we're still getting to know Lee as a character - I suppose it's harder to get his journey going when we're still getting used to where he started!  Anyway, I hope we'll get a chance to get to know Holly and Lee's parents as characters in their own right - it would give things a little more zest, I think.  Overall, nice job!

Saturday 16th April 2005 04:27Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

This is certainly a "quiet" chapter for lack of a better word.  I know what you mean about being impatient to know more.  That has been a huge writing issue, since like you said, we know so much about H/G and next to nothing about Lee and Holly - so I have to work harder to keep a reader's interest and convey the right amount of info at the right time.  Hopefully this won't turn into an epic simply because I don't know when to relate a scene in three sentences rather than show the entire thing.  Sigh.

Lee's parents have quite the back story as do Holly's.  You'll certainly know those stories by the first third of this story.  I don't know if that is good or bad - but it took me about that many chapters to set everything up for Things To Happen.I'm anxious to get a few more chapters up and see how the pacing  seems then.  As always, thanks for reviewing!

Wednesday 13th April 2005 19:11
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
A good chapter. Holly's appearence was very nice; but Lee has got to stop thinking of her as laughable (admittedly this is difficult) if anything is to Happen. You're right, no bloke would ever admit to the full extent of his patheticness, even to the best of friends--denial is the best coping mechanism. We're all a bunch of strutting oafs really. Though it was interesting to see your take on Fred, in that he was unwilling to push things too far too fast--that's an unusual view in the fandom to be sure, but yeah, Mrs. Weasley's tirades against Scarlet Women would likely have had some effect on him. In a different sort of way, men can be just as "scarlet" as women, I think. What should we call them? Pink Men? Bet they'd like that a whole lot . . .

*applause as Inner Skeptic takes the floor* I'm a bit curious as to your reasoning for Angelina and Fred going out in the first place. As far as I remember, there is nothing at all in the books to indicate that there was anything between them after the Yule Ball, or even at that time really. And if there had been, Lee would likely have been considered out of line in making comments about her during Quidditch matches at Hogwarts, even in jest. Just a thought.

So you're putting reviewers' names in the story? Can I challenge you to find some way to get mine in there? It would be funny, not to mention disturbing, if you could pull if off. And since I'm evil in delaying your reading of fluff, I don't mind if you make it an evil character/place. Hehe.

Looking forward to the next chapter . . .
Thursday 14th April 2005 03:23Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Hi Inner Skeptic - did you know that the only references Lee makes to Angelina during Quidditch announcements after the Yule Ball is to speak of her in the past tense?  "And here's Gryffindor's new captain, Angelina Johnson, who would never go out with me."  That's in OotP - so I think that shows Lee is well and truly over whatever "thing" they had going.  It wasn't much of a thing since I don't think Fred would ever date someone his friend was pining for. 

I hope you realize by now that my ingenuity when I want to do something ridiculuous - like put the name hairy_hen in a story - knows no bounds.  It's the fluff training.  

And don't worry about our friendly couple unable to imagine "getting friendly" right now - their both thinking about other things - but that will change.

Thanks for reading!

Megan SQ
Wednesday 13th April 2005 12:18
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
I'm really enjoying this fanfic. By picking a character we don't know much about, you have a lot of freedom to develop him, and I think you're doing a good job of presenting a more complex, more mature person. Also, Lee isn't that involved in the war, so the story can focus on different issues - which I find refreshing. There is only one thing that felt forced in this episode: when Holly made the observation that Lee didn't hate anyone except Slytherins. It was out of the blue following Lee's comment about faithfulness and keeping promises. Other than that, it flowed quite well.
Wednesday 13th April 2005 13:01Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

I'm so glad you are reading!  I was afraid no one would be interested in these characters but me.  It's been a good learning experience to create some more new characters and places.  And you're right - Lee doesn't have the involvement in the war effort that others do.  But hopefully these ordinary people will be just as interesting as the "heroes."

Holly is a think-out-loud kind of girl once she gets going - but I can see why you would say that was awkward there.

Thanks for your review!

Wednesday 13th April 2005 11:59
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
"  Maybe I’ll go fight this new Dark Lord they’ve been advertising – say he’s even worse than Grindelwald.  Have to go a long way to be worse than the half-blood prince of darkness who killed my boy without batting an eyelash."   So the half blood prince could be Grindelwald???Interesting theory.  That would make sense then, that Harry would be studying closely with the man who defeated Grindelwald.  Good chapter.  Lee Jordon--Quidditch coach, huh?
Wednesday 13th April 2005 12:08Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Oooo, someone's thinking!  That is my wild theory - but who knows what JKR has up her sleeve.  We'll find out in 93 days, five hours and 57 minutes!

Lee will have several adventures before he finds his true calling - but that's a great guess.

Thanks for reviewing!

Wednesday 13th April 2005 09:08
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Yes!  Another great chapter, with a wonderful ending.  When one door closes, another opens... that's true, you know.  And it is important to remember.  Blessings often put on a disguise.

Now, before I get too philosophical - your writing is as crisp and clear as always.  Kudos to you and your betas!

Wednesday 13th April 2005 12:09Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Yes - kudos to my betas - they keep me from doing the dopiest things! Thanks again for your review and for being philosophical!
Wednesday 13th April 2005 07:15
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

That night Lee comforted himself with the thought of Jack McCain becoming a great coach after he was denied the chance to be an average Beater.  Somehow there was a lesson there, he just knew it.

*squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!* loll Sorry- I just absolutely loved this, that I'm so excited!! And I LOVED the Holly/Lee bonding!  But the fact that Fred and Angelina broke up really saddens me. Especially after I read the part where Fred wants to wait to marry her.  Men, more like, Weasleys, and their stubboron pride! lol

Excellent work!


Wednesday 13th April 2005 11:59Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Don't worry too much about Fred and Angelina - they can't stay apart for long!  One thing about the Weasleys is that they may be stubborn - but they're also loyal - so things will Work Out.

I'm glad you liked this chapter it's kind of a quiet one.  Thanks for reviewing!

Wednesday 13th April 2005 03:20
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
St. M.,
I am really enjoying this latest offering from your genius pen (keyboard?)! I, too, like the character of Lee, and this is a nice take on his personality.
In this chapter, I enjoyed the diary of the Q coach immensely. I also liked the reasoning behind Fred's breakup with Angelina, and Lee's realization that adulthood involves more than being "legal" as we think of it here in the good ol' USA. :)
Keep it up. I can't wait for new installments from you!
Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:54Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

That's one of those hard lessons - just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.  Those first years of freedom can be difficult! Thanks for reading!

Pirate Ginny
Tuesday 12th April 2005 22:45
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Lee's Mum does not disappoint.  :)
I almost agree with Hexnut re Holly's sudden appearance at the shop, but it works for me.  I get the sense that we'll see more Holly apparation-oopses in the future, and I look forward to them.  Too cute.  :)
Also, I agree with you re: the twins and their conservative approach to their personal lives.  The way Ron goes on about Scarlet Women, I get the sense that  Mrs. Weasley has taught her boys to be a little conservative.  :P
Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:52Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Holly does manage to find her way around London eventually, but it takes her awile.  Good old Molly and her common sense approach to life - I think a lot of it sunk in with F&G - but they wouldn't care to admit it at this point!  Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 12th April 2005 22:13
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
What I really like is the depth of your details which at the same time, don't distract the reader from the main points story.  I was thrilled at the trunks of McCain's belongings in the Quidditch museum.  Would you owl Lee for me and see if he'd mind touring me through the museum some time?  I'm dying for a first hand view of historic Quidditch now.  Oh, and I wonder if they give demonstrations on the capabilities of antique brooms.  Sigh. 
Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:40Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I'm glad about the Quidditch stuff - I didn't know if it would be too boring!  Lee will give us tour later on in the story.  Thanks for your review!
Ima Quidditch Fan
Tuesday 12th April 2005 21:03
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Lessons for life - wonderful chapter.  I just love the Jordans, but I love all of your OCs.  You know, you could have Harry and Ginny visit the museum.  :)
Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:22Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
You should be called Ima H/G Fan.  Both Harry and Ginny would love the Quiddtich museum!  You'll get a tour in chapter six.  Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 12th April 2005 18:33
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Hmmm...and the intrigue continues.  I'm an H/G-er at heart (who isn't?) but this fic is a delightful break and I loved McCain.  I don't know if he's in QttA, but I'm enamored with your creation.



Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:21Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Oh, I'm an H/G fan all the way - but I felt I had to try something new.  No, Coach McCain is not in QttA - there are no coaches at all in QttA - which is why I made him a reserve player.  Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 12th April 2005 18:23
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Interesting to read a supporting character's story.  There are no predispositions as to what the character is like, so I think it gives more play room.

Anyhow, looking forward to the next chapter.  Keep up the good work!
Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:18Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
That's true about the minor characters - which is why I wanted to try writing Lee's story.  However - there are so many decisions to make about the character - that it can be overwhelming.  Anyway, I'm learning a lot!  Thanks!
Muggle Witch
Tuesday 12th April 2005 17:12
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
As a fellow historian, I can feel Lee's excitement.  I really like Holly. Can't wait to see where she is going. Possible L/H? As always, it is a joy to read your story. Update soon! Muggle Witch
Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:05Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I'm glad the Quidditch stuff wasn't boring!  I really had to dig through Quidditch Through The Ages to get the details right!  Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 12th April 2005 16:29
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

Aw! I liked Holly from the beginning, but now I think she's fantastic. I'm so glad that she's cheering Lee up in this chapter - he really needed that. I wanted to jump through the computer screen to give him a hug when he said he was pathetic. No you're not Lee!!

Lee's mum is so kind and lovely. And yes, she is very wise. :D It sounds like he has a really great family.

I also enjoyed seeing some of the Quidditch archives and reading along in the journal. I hope we get to see more in upcoming chapters.

This update made my day! Thank you for writing!


Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:02Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it - I thought that someone  as out-going and confident as Lee would have a fairly solid family life behind him.  You'll see more of them in the coming chapters - and Holly too.  Thanks for reviewing!  
Penny Lane
Tuesday 12th April 2005 15:10
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

You... you... you used my name. 

*explodes*  Hee.  Really, it's quite pathetic of me, that I was made so ridiculously happy just by seeing my name in one of your fics... but I was!  Seriously, this was me -->   *hugs St M*  Ahem.  Anyway.

First Aunt Martha, and now Holly -- you've got a real knack for creating interesting OCs.  At first I wasn't sure how I felt about Holly, but I'm really starting to like her.  I love that she has absolutely no sense of direction; for some reason, I find it very endearing. 

The Jack McCain stuff is really interesting; can't wait to see where it goes.  And this was a great passage:

That night Lee comforted himself with the thought of Jack McCain becoming a great coach after he was denied the chance to be an average Beater.  Somehow there was a lesson there, he just knew it.

What a nice way to end the chapter on a hopeful note.

~ Penny, still grinning like an idiot

Tuesday 12th April 2005 15:41Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Hi Penny Lane!

He hee - I told you to watch for a cameo apperance!   I'm hoping to include a few more of my reviewers as this story chugs a long.  Of course, I can only use the names for the good characters and places.  You've always been so supportive, I thought I could show my appreciation this way. 

I'm glad you're starting to like Holly - she's going to be important. 

Tuesday 12th April 2005 14:57
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Great chapter, StM's!  I'm glad Lee was able to have an enjoyable day, especially after the lovely time he had the night before.  Looking forward to more!
Tuesday 12th April 2005 15:38Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
This was a better chapter to write! LOL.  The author giveth - the author taketh away!   And this author always writes a happy ending!
Tuesday 12th April 2005 14:24
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
i've really been enjoying this so far... great story about a character we don't hear much about!! I think your development of Lee has been exceptional so far.  Also, are there some boston red sox references in this chapter,  with the bloody shirt (aka schilling's sock) and the 1918 curse on McCain? (aka curse of the bambino?)   Or am i just a delirious boston fan with the sox on the brain? :)
Tuesday 12th April 2005 15:36Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
Hi ranger - thanks for your review.  Believe it or not, there are a lot of Red Sox fans here in Nova Scotia - so I'm not surprised at your question - even though I didn't intend it that way.  I did have a Boston reference in my first draft when I called the announcer Johnny Most.  And I also wanted to sneak Jordan's Furniture in there somehow - but I couldn't.  (My husband is originally from Framingham - so I know this stuff.
Tuesday 12th April 2005 13:33
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide

I sit here in awe...I can only hope to someday have half the talent you have. This story is truly amazing. I honestly feel horrible for Lee and how bad he is hurting.

I liked the bit where Fred was traditional and refused to move his relationship along with Angelina until he was ready.

I think it would be poetic justice, however, for Lee to cross Amy's path again once he gets his life in order.

Tuesday 12th April 2005 15:32Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)

Dennis - you're so sweet.  It's been fun to think about how these characters would conduct themselves outside of the school environment.  I see Fred and George as fairly conservative in personal matters. 

That's one good thing about being the author - you can create your own poetic justice!   Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 12th April 2005 11:44
Lee Jordan: Tour Guide
Love the Quidditch history.
The diary. Oh, that was poignant. Surprisingly deep. Good show. I'd expect..yeah, it's affecting Lee. Hope it's for the best...

Next to the apparition point and runs into Holly. Nice touch.

and the friendship blossoming is good.

Ah, Jordan's mum is on his side. As she should be. That was neat.

I hope the Jack McCain story continues. It's too interesting to be just a side note.
Good work!
Tuesday 12th April 2005 15:27Lee Jordan: Tour Guide (Author Response)
You'll see more of Lee's mum - she's a sweetie.   You'll hear more about Jack McCain as Lee's story continues.  Thanks for your review!