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Reviews For Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron by Trystym&Delylah

Thursday 6th August 2009 07:23
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
The monkey has pants but the others don't? Wonderful chapter!

Saturday 16th April 2005 11:52
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
Funny, but a tad confusing. I also disliked all the changes in the movie, and your parody is pretty satisfying.
Thursday 14th April 2005 20:19
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron

Oh my, this is the funniest thing I have read in a long time.  I especially liked the part where Dean held up the sign saying, "WRONG FANDOM!"  I love this and I sincerely hope you will update soon.  I can always use a good laugh!


Thursday 14th April 2005 19:35
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
I laughed my butt off!  And since I absolutely love the Buffy universe too, I caught the scene about the animal crackers.  This just gets better & better.  Update soon please!
Thursday 14th April 2005 15:03
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think you didn't like the film! *laugh*

This is amusing - keep going.  It's a fun read.
Wednesday 13th April 2005 22:11
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
funny, insightful, and TRUE!!!  way to go!
Wednesday 13th April 2005 19:26
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron

"Who are you?" he asked to the boy seated next to him. "For that matter, who the hell am I?"

Hah.  Reminds me of good ol' 'Bothering Snape.'  And "Mr. Potter, it's rations, " Lol.  'Cept, wouldn't it be Mr. Harry? .  I say Old Bean, this really is great fun!



Wednesday 13th April 2005 20:24Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron (Author Response)
I think I probably had Bothering Snape in mind when I wrote that line, actually.  And yeah, now that you mention it, it probably should be Mr. Harry...oh well :)
Wednesday 13th April 2005 17:58
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
Hahahahahahaha!     Another hilarious chapter!  I loved the part where Ron acts like Samwise Gamgee.      Very funny stuff!  Bravo!  
Wednesday 13th April 2005 11:26
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
PLEASE slam the lack of Quidditch in this movie! Book 3 had so much that was left out of the movie that I was royally torked off. Even some of Harry's most joyful moments were cut out. PLEASE do something!
Wednesday 13th April 2005 10:24
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
This is hilarious!  More, please!
Wednesday 13th April 2005 10:06
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
Yet another hilarious round! Keep it up.
Wednesday 13th April 2005 06:50
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron

HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAA! HILARIOUS! French Monkeys? HA! (By the way, I loved Seamus!)lol  And I love the parody of the scene in their dorms! And those origami messages are hilarious!

Well, excellent work!

Pleeaase update soon!


Wednesday 13th April 2005 04:50
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron

I loved this when I saw it on LJ, and I'm very glad to see it getting some much-deserved exposure here.

Hope there's more coming!