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Reviews For The Lover's Bond by Zelthian

Thursday 29th June 2006 22:04
The Lover's Bond
Well, it sounds like a good first day to me.
Tuesday 27th September 2005 22:16
The Lover's Bond
I like that the story is progressing at a reasonable pace.  This really is a great story.
Thursday 14th April 2005 19:43
The Lover's Bond

This story is just moving right on along, just the way that I like them to do.  I can't wait to see what's in store for everyone now that they are working, especially Harry.  I'd like to see how Mad-Eye will train him.  Good job so far.  Update soon please!

Thursday 14th April 2005 11:40
The Lover's Bond

Alright I have some issues with this, because either I'm going blind or Tonks's hair changed without notice!!:

“Welcome to the D.M.L.E., Harry,” said a witch with bright pink hair and a ripped Muggle T-shirt as she stepped forward to greet Harry. “Good to finally have you officially on-board.”

“Tonks!” Harry said happily, shaking Tonks’ hand. Tonks’ hair was neon green and short today. “Thanks, it’s good to be here.”

Maybe, if you put in that Harry noticed the change in the hair color, it wouldn't be so confusing!!!

I like the scene where Amelia is rolling on about Harry's accomplishments, although I wonder how she found out such detailed descriptions. My only issue is that it's very unproffesional for her to be announcing these feits in front of the other Aurors. I know, from a business perspective (thanks to my boyfriend's knowledge), that an employer never talks like that of another person with an audience. I can tell that you wanted her to be in somewhat of an awe of him, but it should have been done in private. Also, the change in his pending status from trainee to official Auror is really no on elses business. LOL, but that's just me and I wouldn't want my co-workers to look at me differently because I got promoted so quickly, even if they were good feasible reasons.

I get scared every time you make them all apparate at the same time. I keep thinking that someone is going to apparate to the same exact spot of one of the others and they'll get splinched!! hahaha, that would be funny.

Anyway, I liked the dialogue. It kept me intrigued. I especially liked Mr. Weasley's reaction to Harry having told everyone about being moved up so quickly. I can tell he's concerned about it.

Wednesday 13th April 2005 22:21
The Lover's Bond
great chapter. you definitely keepthings going at a steady pace which is nice.your story has a good focus to it, which is refreshing
Wednesday 13th April 2005 10:01
The Lover's Bond

*applause* Excellent chapter! I love how it was their first day of work- I'm really looking forward to future chapters, where I'm sure you'll show off Harry's excellent powers! 

Just one eensy winsy itty bitty insignificant criticism: you end each chapter the same way- with them going to sleep. It's getting quite repetitive. but other than that, your story is developping really well!

I can't wait for the next chapter!
