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Reviews For Sketches of Words by TigerLily8186

Friday 20th May 2005 17:10
Sketches of Words
This one was a bit more warm fuzzy and not as grabbing as the first ones.  I still liked it.
Friday 20th May 2005 20:29Sketches of Words (Author Response)
I am glad you liked this poem despite the change in format. I did have some questions as to if the style would be too cute or not.
Allie Kiwi
Sunday 15th May 2005 01:37
Sketches of Words

Actually, apparently they do in some Northern dialects.  I stand corrected.  But they don't in Southern English.  Oops.

(I maintain the northerners speak weirdly, but don't let any of them hear me say that.)

Sunday 15th May 2005 12:47Sketches of Words (Author Response)
LOL well I certainly won't tell. Rhyming is always a tricking thing to deal with. Sometimes I forget all about dialects in interpertation.
Allie Kiwi
Saturday 14th May 2005 23:23
Sketches of Words

Very cute!  You certainly captured her embarrassment.  I remember a few moments like that when I was dealing with Boys.  Eep - this certainly brought it all back.

One thing - class and lass don't rhyme in UK English - aren't accents a pain? 

Sunday 15th May 2005 12:44Sketches of Words (Author Response)

Doing stupid things around boys certainly is embarrassing. The stupider they are, the harder it is to laugh them off. (Actions..not boys *wink*) I'm glad it amused you.

Monday 25th April 2005 02:14
Sketches of Words
What a darling impression of Harry through Ginny's eyes.  I always knew Harry could play the Knight Galant and he's done a wonderful job of it here.
Monday 25th April 2005 10:49Sketches of Words (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. Not to ruin your impression of the poem, but actually I was thinking in terms of L/J not H/G though I suppose this particular poem could go either way. Maybe I'll have to do some clarifying in the next one and include a few names instead of pronouns...