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Reviews For Love Fool by Delylah

Saturday 24th September 2005 21:21
Love Fool
LoL, do the effects only take place on the giver of the potion, Harry seems to be showing more symptoms than Ginny, and she seems throughouly proud of herself! hahaha
Monday 23rd May 2005 11:52
Love Fool
did the potion work in reverse?  interesting chapter.
Friday 6th May 2005 05:22
Love Fool
I really like this story. I can see Harry getting aggravavted that something is wrong with his potion. His whole grade depends on Ginny. We know how Harry likes to do things himdelf and not depend on anyone. This must be vry hard for him. I really liked the butterbeer bottle idea. That was genius.
Monday 25th April 2005 17:19
Love Fool
I'm really enjoying this story, its very cute. please update soon :)
Sunday 24th April 2005 04:20
Love Fool
I like it so far. I think I can see where it is headed, but I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride   (especially the and goodness that you will provide )
Saturday 23rd April 2005 19:39
Love Fool

"Yeah, Ginny. How are you feeling?" Harry inquired sharply.

"I feel perfectly fine, Harry, no different from the way I always do," Ginny replied

Of course she doesn't feel any different, Harry!  She's already in love with you. 

Delylah, you have really nailed Snape in this story.  I am enjoying this story immensely, and I can't wait for the next update!

Rhymes With Orange
Saturday 23rd April 2005 18:11
Love Fool

Imitor Ardoris is one of the milder known formulations of love potions, because it simulates affection and love rather than infatuation or lust.

Pshaw.  Ginny's been in love with Harry for years.  It's not like she's gonna go all crazy all the sudden. 

Although I'm pretty sure that Harry is about to lose his mind with waiting for something to happen.

I love the story so far, can't wait for the finish. 

Friday 22nd April 2005 23:40
Love Fool

hmmm.  Harry's right.  Nothing is going on...something's going on! Perhaps she didn't drink it? and is tricking Harry? Okay, so I'm a lousy detective, which is why I'll definetely be here when the update arrives!



Friday 22nd April 2005 14:10
Love Fool
Oh, now that's just evil. If the potion works, Ginny's hanging all over Harry. If it doesn't work, he fails. From Harry's POV, a loose-loose situation. Ouch. :-)
Wednesday 20th April 2005 23:41
Love Fool
Hmm ... doesn't look like the potion has kicked in just yet.  Hopefully the next chapter is posted soon.
Wednesday 20th April 2005 18:05
Love Fool

I love this story and it is shaping up to be a classic!

Can't wait for the next update!


Wednesday 20th April 2005 17:58
Love Fool
You really have me wondering if there's something about this love potion Harry doesn't quite know... Heh. He's bound to have gotten something wrong, right? =)

Can't wait to see what happens next.
Wednesday 20th April 2005 17:40
Love Fool
Oooh, I like this!  Well-written, too!  Hurry up with the next chapter, please! 
Ima Quidditch Fan
Wednesday 20th April 2005 17:24
Love Fool
Oh, bravo!  This is great... he's really got it bad.  But what's up with Ginny?
Wednesday 20th April 2005 17:08
Love Fool
This is too good.  And now you've gone and left us with a cliff-hanger.  Poor Harry - bet he's up all night worrying.  I love the way you've written this.  Nothing is overdone and the whole thing is nicely understated.  Harry's use of the butter beer bottle, Ginny drinking some potion, and Snape's reaction to it all is spot on.