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Reviews For Swept Away by Bring and Fly

Monday 25th April 2005 20:49
Swept Away
I loved the womaniser!Harry being tamed by sweet Ginny. That was awesome. I'm starting to get a clearer picture of what is going on. This fic is intriguing in the most interesting way.
Thursday 28th April 2005 03:26Swept Away (Author Response)
  Thank you kindly.  Yes, Ginny will stand her ground in any reality and is no soft touch, as Womaniser!Harry discovered. I have to say, I wasn't sure whether I liked him in that scenario. However, the bunny demanded it be written that way.... we need a plot bunny icon!
Monday 25th April 2005 20:45
Swept Away

Glargh! That's my new noise, created particularily for this fic.  That's all I can really say, "glargh!"  The scenarios in this were just as innovative and captivaitng as the last (though I must, the very first one was my favorite).  Hah, the Malfoy bit.  Take that, you velvet-ribboned scum! 

I'm curious though, near the end, it seemed like there were only two options, yet what about all the others that included his friends? Like said first one? I'm afraid I'm rather fond of married-Harry-and-Ginny-with-twins-and-hangovers, Lol.  Well, whatever the reason,  I really meant it when I said this was really a new encounter for me. And a bloody good one at that! There wasn't a line I dared to skip in fear of missing something great.

Well done! (Don't you just love her? Lol.)



Thursday 28th April 2005 03:21Swept Away (Author Response)
Thanks, Del. I'm grinning here! Harry was torn but the love for his friends in his current reality won out in the end.
Monday 25th April 2005 19:59
Swept Away
Ah ... so after all the jumping around a decision has been made.

Interesting story!  Nice to have both chapters posted :)  
Thursday 28th April 2005 03:19Swept Away (Author Response)
Thanks muchly! I see Harry as being  decisive, after all, he spent his formative years looking over his shoulder for his bully of a cousin.
Monday 25th April 2005 09:54
Swept Away

And the mushroom haze begins to fade as all things come into brilliant colors of insightful clarity. 

I nominate you for genuis fan fic writer of 2005.  

Monday 25th April 2005 12:39Swept Away (Author Response)
  <-- that's me, blushing furiously at such kind words.  Thanks Kelley. The last part is up, if you would like to see the conclusion.
Monday 25th April 2005 06:08
Swept Away
It would have to be pretty tough to make a decision like that.  Which option to take?  As Dumbledore said " the right option isn't always the easiest one", or something like that anyway. I would probably go for the people that I can connect with, though I am not too sure about returning to Voldermort casting unforgivables. 

I will not drink and read fanfiction again!
Monday 25th April 2005 12:50Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks for reviewing Juliet! I think we know that Harry will put everyone else first.

Last part is up, if you would like to see what happens next.

Monday 25th April 2005 05:59
Swept Away
While I find the theme a cliche, I love the story.  I enjoy watching Harry putz about in the web of time.  Nothing like looking at multiple lives to see who or what is important to you.  For instance, Ginny for Harry.  Keep up the good work.
Monday 25th April 2005 12:54Swept Away (Author Response)
Thanks Kensai.  Yep, I had no idea how many 'cliche' ideas there were in fanfic in the days waaay back (when I scribbled this) before I found PS or anything like it. Thanks for the encouragement!
Monday 25th April 2005 05:19
Swept Away
A very good start. I look forward to seeing how you expand this.
Monday 25th April 2005 12:56Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you Paracletos! Last part is posted, if you would like to see what happens!
Antonia East
Monday 25th April 2005 05:09
Swept Away
Oh Baffy, you are awful.

Although, I think I understand it all, now.  *Bounces*
But then you stopped - now why would you do that?

I hope your brain returns for you to write more of this. And possibly a few more instalments of F,FN?
Monday 25th April 2005 13:02Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks Antonia... Um... In what way am I awful? As a loyal follower of F,FN you know what I'm prepared to put poor Harry through...

Last part is posted... And my brain and I are playing with two other bunnies I hope to get out before book 6 makes them AU.

Thanks again, hon!   I know you're busy with other stuff so I'll wait patiently for my next dose of 'FtMoaW'.

Monday 25th April 2005 02:34
Swept Away
*blinks* Well I think I've convinced my brain, I understand what's going on...


As ever, Cara, your twisty brillance astounds me!
Monday 25th April 2005 13:05Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks Bart! That's me... twistier than a corkscrew!    Last part is posted should you wish....

Is the IWBW Muse co-operating now?

Monday 25th April 2005 00:28
Swept Away
I really like this fic.  Partly because I love all things Harry Potter & partly because I've always had a fascination with mythology.  So this is pretty much a perfect story for me.  I can't wait to find out what happens next.  I'll be sending your muse happy thoughts for a quick update.  Soon Please!
Monday 25th April 2005 13:07Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks Lulabelle for your kind words! I have a great fondness for mythology and ancient history too.

As for the update, last part is posted, should you wish to see the conclusion, but the happy thoughts to my muse are appreciated anyway!