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Reviews For Swept Away by Bring and Fly

Saturday 18th July 2009 07:30
Swept Away
the parts i got were good, but i got a bit confused towards the end. otherwise, awesome writng
Friday 24th October 2008 15:16
Swept Away
Well, you had me thru the whole story, tho I have to say I was confused most of the time and feel that maybe a bit still at the end..but it had me enraptured!
Friday 30th November 2007 08:26
Swept Away
well had a bit of a hard time getting into the story but I think its something unique.
Wednesday 28th November 2007 15:06
Swept Away
Good story. Thanks for writing and for sharing your work. I enjoyed it.
Sunday 25th November 2007 20:19
Swept Away
that was very confusing. the first chapter was very entertaining though.
Sunday 15th April 2007 07:27
Swept Away
wow cool story

the first chapter confused me a bit but it all made sense in the end!!!

yey for /

thanks for writing!!!
Thursday 11th January 2007 14:48
Swept Away
wow. i've always been enamored of the fates and you represent them well here. though at first I was thinking Moros was going to be Chronos, but either works! very graphic descriptions without losing the aciton, and though I may re-read to be sure I got some of hte underlying parts, overall a very well written story.

also, laughed my off at the thought of the Four switching sexes!! oh, but wouldn't that be a fabulous little outtake all its own?
Wednesday 22nd November 2006 14:53
Swept Away
I think I followed the story correctly... But what happens next?
Tuesday 16th May 2006 19:55
Swept Away
that was differant, but in a good way. i liked that part when was a girl and like yeah. soooo. just wanted to say good job, and i liked that story
Friday 13th January 2006 15:52
Swept Away
stay cool
Thursday 12th January 2006 00:58
Swept Away

oh yes just something else ive read all the other reviews an i agree with everything they say and just wow!!!!!!!!! your brain must be about withered by now after thinking so hard to create that plot!!!! THAT WAS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE MOST AMAZING ONE IVE EVER READ!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THANX OR THE HOUR OF ENJOYMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL DONE (not that i understood it but there is just something magic about the way that is written and the story that is so different and intersting that its just got me half way between laffing my head off and crying!!!!!!!!!!!!! in a word!!!! ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BRILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!from emilyxx


Thursday 12th January 2006 00:51
Swept Away
that was my flabbergasted review before but now for the serious one!!! oh excellent idea about destiny and the fates the story was complicated and twisted and so enjoyable to read and the fluff and all involved was just right oh and i just adore the harriet bit!!! haaaa i also loved the whole alternate choices and destinys cos its like oooooooooooooo which one is he going to choose!! great job old chappie!!!xx from emily!!
Tuesday 17th January 2006 07:53Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you, SallyEmily. :)
Thursday 12th January 2006 00:46
Swept Away
that was definetly the weirdest story i have ever read!!! i didnt get a buit of the 2nd or 3rd chappies but i thort the 1st one was dead funny@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haaaaaaaaaaa that waas ab fab brill fan dabbie dozy!!!! gr8 excellent a magnificent story oh well done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday 10th December 2005 11:15
Swept Away
WONDERFUL!  I loved it.  Absolutely enchanting!
Monday 9th January 2006 03:34Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you kindly Gin-Jess! I'm happy to enjoyed and stopped by to tell me.
Wednesday 30th November 2005 20:32
Swept Away

In the words of Moros

Exceptional. Truly exceptional.

What an amazing peice of writing. I'm so glad I read it all at once though - I wouldn't have been able to stand the suspense after the first chapter!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. A truly well-deserved Story of the Week.

Thursday 1st December 2005 06:47Swept Away (Author Response)

Well, thank you kindly, Ladybug!

I was on the receiving end of a few prods after Chapter 1! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Wednesday 30th November 2005 15:04
Swept Away


That was AMAZING!! ^^ It had it's funny parts ("Harriet"..heehee n.n), it's fluffy parts ("I came back for you."), and it's horribly horrible parts ("It was Hermione. She lay still, eyes staring up at the sky in a sightless way with which he was all too familiar."). All-in-all, I LOVED it!

Brilliant job! xD

Thursday 1st December 2005 06:45Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you very much, Basketkiwi! Yes, poor 'Harriet'... I had to do it though! I do like it when readers tell me the bits they liked and why.  Lets me see if my descriptions are right or not!
Wednesday 23rd November 2005 12:17
Swept Away

That completly confussed me! But it was good.

cherry xxx

Monday 9th January 2006 03:37Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you for stopping by to review, Cherry. :)
Wednesday 23rd November 2005 07:51
Swept Away

Thank you for this wonderful story!  Did Voldemort's AK get Lucius?  That is what I think, based on the scene with Moros.  And, was the "minor prophecy" the one given (not in prophetic trance) by Trelawney:  that Harry would become the Minister of Magic and would have twelve children? 

Happy Thanksgiving,

Owen (

Wednesday 23rd November 2005 09:22Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks for stopping to review, Owen! You are correct on all counts; the AK intended for Harry hit the senior Malfoy and yes, the Fates nearly wove the 'Fake' prophecy into the fabric of life, heheh. I can hear Ginny yelling from here... :D

Happy Thanksgiving to you also! Baffy.

Tuesday 22nd November 2005 15:08
Swept Away

Amazing! Truthfully, there are no words to describe this story. It made me laugh, cry (just a little!), and especially, scream bloody murder. I was on the edge of my seat on the last scene. All the different changing choices were SO much fun to read and the one with Harry being a bit of a 'lady's man', well it really reminded me of James and Lily to be honest.

Well, great job! I don't know how you did it. I can certainly see why this is the story of the week.


Wednesday 23rd November 2005 09:15Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks Delfino! Now I'd love to know what bits made you cry and scream 'bloody murder'... I wasn't so keen on womaniser!Harry but the plot bunny demanded it be written. :D Interesting that you saw James and Lily in that 'reality'.

Thanks for leaving such a lovely review! Baffy.

Tuesday 22nd November 2005 13:34
Swept Away
Just a quick one, as i'm taking time I really should be doing an assignment with to read this.

That was nothing short of amazing. Engaging (although a little confusing at times!), superbly well written, and with incredible imaginitive flair. When I don't have as much work to do, i'll go back through the rest of your fics. Never stop writing, it'd be too much of a loss to the fandom!

Wednesday 23rd November 2005 09:06Swept Away (Author Response)

  Erm... thanks D_R! 

I think I might have trouble getting my broomstick off the ground after such effusive praise, lol!   Best wishes -and a clear head- with the assignment!

Tuesday 22nd November 2005 04:44
Swept Away
Oh, cool!  Wonderful way to explore the worlds of possibilities, the parallell universes that are all the same, yet different.

Loved it to bits!  Great big thanks to the one who nominated you to "story of the week" - I'm quite delighted I got the chance to read this.  And most of all - thanks for sharing!

Wednesday 23rd November 2005 08:55Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks Berte! I'm glad you stopped by to read and review, I appreciate it.

Yes, I would quite like to know who nominated it as well, so I could send them Zen hugs!

Monday 21st November 2005 23:31
Swept Away

Good freaking heck, woman!  How do you manage to write so dadgummed well?!  SHEESH!! 

Just absolutely, wonderfully amazing as usual, Baffy!  Somehow, I hadn't had a chance to read it til now, but I'm so glad I did.  It was spectacular!!  

Wednesday 23rd November 2005 08:38Swept Away (Author Response)
     Erm... *scuffs toe* Thank you kindly, Sherry. What more can I say, except that I'm probably powering the National grid with the strength of my blushes!
Saturday 15th October 2005 16:55
Swept Away
This would have to qualify as one of the most intriguing plots for a story that I have ever read.  I was confused at first, but once Moros revealed things to Harry, it made sense.  I loved how Moros gave Harry a choice, but Harry being Harry made the decision we all knew he would make. Great idea having Ginny share Harry's body in order for them to defeat Voldemort. I loved how they used that room in the Department of Mysteries to defeat Voldemort.  Thanks for the great story.
Tuesday 18th October 2005 08:22Swept Away (Author Response)

Well, thank you kindly, Fritz42! I have a very silly grin after such kind words.

Yes, the plot and its progress would have been more obvious if I'd started the fic with the fight against Voldie and his DE's and led into 'Limbo' that way but I simply didn't see the fic that way! lol.

Connor Landon
Wednesday 28th September 2005 23:09
Swept Away
This was so confusing! But in a good way; it made the story interesting. You did an amazing job, I can't believe you wrote this. Surely you didn't think up this masterpiece on your own?!
Tuesday 18th October 2005 08:25Swept Away (Author Response)

Well, thank you, Connor!

A for not thinking it up on my own, heheh, I can show you the original paper drafts, if you like. Lots of scribbles-out, and insertions written very small as the ideas grew and changed...

Thanks for stopping to read and review.

Friday 15th July 2005 10:28
Swept Away
Nice and original. Funny Harriet wondering about her attributes. Thanks for sharing and happy HBP!
Friday 15th July 2005 15:18Swept Away (Author Response)
Thanks Crucio, for stopping by to review after reading. Tis muchly appreciated!
Monday 13th June 2005 10:56
Swept Away
Wow!  That was so well done!  I loved the look at all the different realities.  And I loved the reference to the kids at the end!

Tuesday 14th June 2005 03:13Swept Away (Author Response)
Thanks  ! Glad you enjoyed it and stopped by to review! I couldn't resist having 'That-Which-Is-Becoming' tackle that prophecy. I can imagine Harry's face...    lol.
Thursday 26th May 2005 23:56
Swept Away
An intricate and creative story. I don't quite understand the first 2 chapters though. In the beginning, did Harry lose his memory or is it some flashbacks? And the Harry's in different dimensions? The last chapter was very exciting, it kept me at the edge of my seat.
Tuesday 14th June 2005 03:18Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks snowball! Yep, in the first two chapters, Harry experiences alternate realities as the agony of the Cruciatus curse enables 'Destiny' to reveal these things to him by dropping him into these alternate Harry's.

I'm glad you enjoyed the finale; I've never had anyone tell me it was 'edge-of-the-seat' before.


Friday 29th April 2005 02:03
Swept Away
brilliant!  what a intricate web you weave!  well done.  And this time I decided to read all three chapters without the aid of an alcoholic beverage!
Cheers anyway!
Tuesday 14th June 2005 03:20Swept Away (Author Response)
Thanks Juliet, for stopping by to read and review! Cheers !
Wednesday 27th April 2005 12:03
Swept Away
I loved it. Very intense, espeacially the last chapter. I was sitting on the edge of my seat! Great ideas by the way.
Thursday 28th April 2005 03:53Swept Away (Author Response)
    Thanks Poppylane!  It was rather intense, wasn't it? Must try for something lighter next time...    
Aaran St Vines
Wednesday 27th April 2005 08:04
Swept Away
Okay. I really liked uniquenesses and twists of this story - a lot.

Not only was this whole process of choosing your future a very refreshing twist on the idea, you created a new concept of expressing a mental connection between characters /Amused/Delighted/Envious Author!/

Different and clever - much valued applauses from me.
Thursday 28th April 2005 03:58Swept Away (Author Response)

Well, thank you muchly, kind Sir! I have a silly grin now, especially coming from someone who had me hooked on 'The Granger Defence' and squeeing when more was posted!



Tuesday 26th April 2005 14:10
Swept Away
Oh......pressing the save button several times just to make sure, then moving it right to my best keeper file right now. Utterly fantastic, the fast paced movement of the first chapters with the slowly unwinding final until all became clear, Harry & Ginny share one sole? How cool – crispy-critter Voldie (Toasty-mort?)– excellent!!! Many thanks for sharing your wonderful talents
Thursday 28th April 2005 04:01Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!    And I love your new name for Tom... Toasty-Mort! May I pinch that? Sounds like something Ginny would come out with... Hmm...
Tuesday 26th April 2005 12:13
Swept Away
This story seems to be listed still on your author's page as a WIP -- I suppose you are planning to move it over to Completed status?

I personally had difficulty with the layers of reality, and may have had difficulty understanding Harry's choice.  I'm not quite sure.  There are times when stories have left me confused, only because what the author was trying to do didn't really fit in with my own notions of the PotterVerse. 

Thursday 28th April 2005 04:03Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you, Saugert, for pointing that out. I will ask my Beta to change it.
Tuesday 26th April 2005 11:17
Swept Away
that it is definately a diffrent kind of story, I can't wait to hear about more stories from you soon.
Thursday 28th April 2005 04:04Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you kindly. I'm glad you stopped by to let me know you enjoyed it
Monday 25th April 2005 22:12
Swept Away

Absolutely bloody fabulous!  A story as intricately woven as the weaver's cloth.  Exceptional.  Truly exceptional.  I'm saving this one in my file of favorites.  Thank you for an amazing ride.

  to you and for your wonderful betas!

Thursday 28th April 2005 04:08Swept Away (Author Response)

Aw, thank you Tante!   And yes, I   my betas too!

I should be   for not leaving reviews for 'Molly's Guide' though. T'is a very witty read!

Monday 25th April 2005 22:04
Swept Away
Odd, but addictive. Thank you for sharing that with us.
Thursday 28th April 2005 04:09Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you  for reading and reviewing, Gridley!
Monday 25th April 2005 21:45
Swept Away
I think I get it...but this needs an epilogue. You need to write more often.
Thursday 28th April 2005 04:11Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks WV. Funny you should say 'epilogue'... that's what my Beta said too!

Monday 25th April 2005 21:27
Swept Away

Ahhh! and that's 'Ahhh' as in "I'm really happy and pleased and entirely too giddy 'Ahhh' ."  That other prohepcy? Eeek! Lol.  I'm just full of noises, I s'pose. 

Wow.  Charred, crispy Tom.  Now that's something I hadn't heard before.  Decapitated? Sure.  Inviscerated? All the time.  Burned to a smoldering crisp? Heck yes!  Yay, no dead-Hermione! You had me worried on that one. 

Obvisouly I missed the scenraio swapping of the other two chapters, but in no way am I complaining about having an extra chapter.  In fact, you might say I maybe, just perhaps, okay really really really am dying to see any continuation of this!  Well, there you have it, my two knuts. Oh my gosh I just read that and it sounds entirely raunchy. Lol, I'm a nerd.  And entirely off topic.

Well done; this really does cast its spell!

Del     (My two knuts. Oh lordy...let's just stick with this one  )

Thursday 28th April 2005 04:14Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks Del! You never fail to get me grinning. You are not alone in wanting me to write more for this. I think I'll have to go and lie down in a dark room and see what the Muse comes up with... 

Monday 25th April 2005 20:29
Swept Away
An odd, original and truly enjoyable tale.

Thanks for your hard work!


Thursday 28th April 2005 04:16Swept Away (Author Response)
Well, thank you for reading and reviewing, Kokopelli!
Monday 25th April 2005 20:26
Swept Away
Great great story.  But you can't finish it here.  We need an epilogue .. pretty please ... what with Lupin's talk with Ginny and te 12 kids to come ... :)

Thursday 28th April 2005 04:19Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you Potterfan! You're not alone in wanting an epilogue... Moony's talk with Ginny eh... Hmm. Have to think about that one, LOL
Monday 25th April 2005 16:27
Swept Away
Excellent stuff! Great ending 

Loved the bits with Harry and Ginny 'talking' and using Voldy as an object to flirt round!
Thursday 28th April 2005 04:21Swept Away (Author Response)
Thanks Bart! I thought you would spot that one! Harry simply won't know what's hit him....
Antonia East
Monday 25th April 2005 14:49
Swept Away
Aw, that was brilliant - I love how the threads wound up together.  I second Kelley's nomination - your writing is inspired.

I feel bad about FtMoaW, now.  But there can be no writing until the 24th May.  And then training REALLY kicks in.
Thursday 28th April 2005 04:26Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks Antonia!  Yes, I only mucked Harry about for 3 chapters in this

*runs off to circle 24th May on her calendar...*   Squeeee for FtMoaW!! I re-read to get a handle on Remus.

Monday 25th April 2005 14:37
Swept Away
Wow!!!  Have you been talking to Jo?
Thursday 28th April 2005 04:22Swept Away (Author Response)
  Kelley! No, I wish.... All sprung from my fevered imagination, I'm afraid.
Monday 25th April 2005 14:34
Swept Away
That was really cool!  All the different possibilities and how it ended.  Wow!  I feel stunned, speachless really.  Beautiful story and I can't wait to read more of your work!
Thursday 28th April 2005 03:50Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you RedRose! I appreciate you dropping by to review!
Monday 25th April 2005 13:04
Swept Away
Fantastic!  I love this so much.  The confusing beginning is great - it really gets you thinking, and then your description of Harry's charred body was horrific!  I could see it really clearly in my head.  I won't be able to sleep for weeks!!  :-)
Monday 25th April 2005 13:14Swept Away (Author Response)

Thanks Lizzyrose! I didn't mean to give you nightmares but burns were always the worst things for me back too. But a few applications of that orange paste and some Dreamless Sleep Potion while it works will do them all wonders!


Monday 25th April 2005 12:32
Swept Away
A bit confusing, but interesting. I would have emphasized Limbo a bit could have used some imagery to great effect there. Nice story!
Monday 25th April 2005 13:11Swept Away (Author Response)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I could have emphasised Limbo a bit more but Harry didn't stay there long enough to be very observant about it, to be honest with you!
Monday 25th April 2005 12:13
Swept Away
I guess this means that everyone will get a happy ending.  How wonderful!  They definitely deserve it!  I enjoyed your fic & hope you write more in the future! 
Monday 25th April 2005 13:09Swept Away (Author Response)
Thank you muchly! I'm working on two shorts now, which I hope to post shortly! I appreciate your interest!