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Reviews For Time Enough by Scarlett71177

Thursday 10th April 2008 16:07
Time Enough
i think that ginny made a really big mistake in leading harry and that someone else on... she should have told him right away...
Sunday 23rd March 2008 03:36
Time Enough
OK, so I was way off. You're obviously taking a harder, more direct approach to your angst/fluff than I gathered from the style of the first chapter. Of course, that has its advantages, too. You've thrown a barrier -- time -- in between your main characters without changing the fact they are the main players. And conflict is conflict whether its expected or not, so there's plenty of fun things you can do with that -- not the least of which is the raw emotion you show here.

That said, I think you might have tried to do too much with this chapter. There was a lot of background presented in a hurry in some less-than-subtle ways, plus Harry's outbursts -- while perfectly understandable characterization- and content-wise -- seemed a bit tangential to the conversation that sparked them.

But ...

Those last few paragraphs really piqued my interest again. I thought I knew from Ginny's trepidation in the first chapter that there had to be something more going on than the obvious and I'm hoping this is evidence I was right. I can think of a lot of good possibilities -- ranging from another man, to a Harry/Ginny child, and even to Ginny dabbling in the dark arts while trying to bring Harry back -- that could fit what you've shown so far. All have very interesting possibilities, though I imagine I'll be looking forward to seeing which entirely different approach you take as I haven't proven very good at predicting your work yet.

Anyway, I'm happiest as a reader when I'm asking these questions, trying to put myself in the author's place to figure out where all the underlying threads of the story (the more the merrier!) are headed and how they fit together. So, from my perspective, you're off to a pretty nice start.

Thanks for your hard work.
Thursday 22nd November 2007 21:23
Time Enough
Wow! this is interesting!! I wonder what ginny is hiding from harry...
haha I love the twins!

Monday 15th October 2007 01:16
Time Enough
Harry's awakening moments are so emotionally painful it's a wonder if he'll ever truly recover. All the realizations come cascading in continuously and it's no small wonder that Ginny can provide him most of the comfort he needs to overcome it all. Because of this, it makes the next few chapters an absolute wreck of emotion. She's everything to him and likewise to her, but the way they come to find it out eventually is heart breaking. Although nothing is revealed yet, you can tell something major is coming up and it's not going to be pretty..
Tuesday 16th October 2007 11:13Time Enough (Author Response)
I have no idea what it would feel like to awake after a similar situation, but I tried to do some research into it and inserted a lot of my own emotion- what I would feel like in that situation.

It was a difficult and emotional journey for Harry and Ginny, and I'm glad that tension is present even in the first couple of chapters.

Thanks again,

Friday 10th August 2007 02:28
Time Enough
Hmm... Some questions answered, some only touched to make the curiousity peak... This was a really great chapter! Now, I'm going to read on and attempt to see if I can't figure out what's going on before you tell us...
Saturday 10th June 2006 14:39
Time Enough
That was nice. And what or who is Ginny betraying? I guess I shall find out won't I if I keep reading?
Friday 30th September 2005 13:16
Time Enough

Aww, how sweet! I cant wait til' next

Cherry xxx

Thursday 25th August 2005 20:40
Time Enough


u seem to have a really good plot set up, and it was a good and well-written chapter.

my only criticism is the way u portrayed harry...he seemed to jump around emotions too much, and he seemed very...well, immature.

i dunno...maybe that's how u are when u return from a comatose state for five years...haha.

but w/e...dont mind me, i just tend to nitpick at things.

great job...:D

Thursday 25th August 2005 13:04
Time Enough
Ooohhhh, we're getting closer. I noticed Ron hesitated a bit when he mentioned Dean..... and Ginny.  Is Dean the one?  I guess there's just one way to find out.

Great chapter!  My heart aches for Harry with his pain over all he has missed, his feeling of having nothing, but I loved the way Hermione corrected him to "No, you were missed a lot".

Thursday 7th July 2005 18:49
Time Enough

Poor Harry! Aw Ginny's so mean to lead him on like that!

Wednesday 8th June 2005 09:52
Time Enough
So full of emotion.  I'm dreading her telling him what she must...poor Harry. After everything he's missed, his whole world is about to come crashing down around him.  Excellent intensity.
Wednesday 8th June 2005 12:54Time Enough (Author Response)
Thank you very much!  I'm a drama queen at heart.  :-)
Wednesday 18th May 2005 10:51
Time Enough

You're doing a fabulous job with the emotions of everyone involved!

Ginny's last thoughts here are a bit creepy, though. Betrayal??? Ugh! What did she do while he was sleeping???? (good name for a movie, that!)


Wednesday 8th June 2005 12:58Time Enough (Author Response)

You're doing a fabulous job with the emotions of everyone involved!

Thanks very much!  I'm flattered by your kind words!

Sunday 1st May 2005 17:17
Time Enough
hmm I wonder what else Ginny has to tell Harry. Can't wait for the next post.
Thursday 28th April 2005 14:50
Time Enough
Ooh, a teaser for the ending! Looking forward to seeing what she's hiding.
Thursday 28th April 2005 14:38
Time Enough

Duhn Duhn Duhn! So, there is someone else, eh? I suspect so, at least.  The phone, the panic, yup, now who could it be?  I'm a little disappointed in Ginny getting carried away like that, tsk tsk. Lol. I just hope everything can be out in the open before she leads Harry on more and hurts him.


Thursday 28th April 2005 13:39
Time Enough
Ooh, nice story so far. I can't wait to find out what Ginny's secret is!
Thursday 28th April 2005 12:26
Time Enough
Very moving story. Excellent premise for having angst without alot background cliche's. I like it.
Wednesday 8th June 2005 13:01Time Enough (Author Response)
Thanks very much!  I'm glad you like it.  Keep reading.
Thursday 28th April 2005 05:51
Time Enough
Wow. Betrayal? She has a boyfriend? Erm... This is too good to leave at that. I liked the fact that everyone was on eggshells except Molly and the twins. Where was Arthur? Love this story!

Good work. Keep it up.
Wednesday 8th June 2005 12:56Time Enough (Author Response)
I'm sorry it took me so long to reply.  Thank you very much!
Wednesday 27th April 2005 23:27
Time Enough
This reminds me of The Dead Zone.  I'm assuming that she's married.  Poor Harry.  Keep writing!  I want to keep reading.

Wild Magelet
Wednesday 27th April 2005 23:13
Time Enough
Very emotional chapter; I got completely engrossed in reading it. Well, I'm guessing that Harry's not going to be too happy soon? With the entrance of the Other Man? It would be hard to even comprehend something like that, wouldn't it? Waking up, and finding that five years had gone by. So surreal. Anyway, brilliant job with this! =)
Wednesday 27th April 2005 23:24Time Enough (Author Response)

Thank you very much for your kind words.  I'm sure the depth of this situation would be hard to grasp without having gone through it.  :-)  The plot thickens.

Wednesday 27th April 2005 22:18
Time Enough

Well how cool!

I'd been following you on the Firelight and tonight, here you are!  Nifty!  And new stuff by Friday?  Wow, I can't decide whether to read it all again as you post here or jump over to the new stuff.  Hmmm.  I definitely got sucked into your story and like Antonia I check regularly for updates. 

Glad you're here!  Welcome to the Song!

Wednesday 27th April 2005 23:18Time Enough (Author Response)
lol  Thanks, I'm flattered.  I'm trying hard to get the next chapter done by Friday.  I'll try to post on my livejournal how the beta process is going and when it might post.
Wednesday 27th April 2005 21:42
Time Enough
So Ginny was seeing someone?  But her family seems fine to let her continue where she left off with Harry?  Hmm ... mysterious things indeed.

Looking forward to the next chapter!
Wednesday 27th April 2005 20:40
Time Enough
YAY!!!  I'm so glad to see this story here!!!  I read and review over at and I'm glad to see it some place where more ppl will see it!  I guess I'm still gonna have to keep on checking over at though further along there...
Wednesday 27th April 2005 23:16Time Enough (Author Response)
Thanks!  I'm almost done with the next chapter.
Wednesday 27th April 2005 13:45
Time Enough
PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I really think it is a well written story. You are a fantastic writer. I want to know what the truth. Please update soon. 
Wednesday 27th April 2005 14:25Time Enough (Author Response)

I'm not sure how often I'll update... maybe weekly?  lol

Thanks for the kind words.


Antonia East
Wednesday 27th April 2005 11:51
Time Enough

Just wanted to say hello and that I'm really pleased you're posting on the Song.  I've been following your story elsewhere and I'm looking forward to the next chapter - it's on my daily check-list!
Wednesday 27th April 2005 14:26Time Enough (Author Response)

Thanks so much.  It's a struggle finding time to finish chapter 19, but I've set a goal for myself to finish it by Friday.  (tick-tock, tick-tock)  Thanks for reading!
