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Reviews For Through the Mists of Time by Sorting Hat

Wednesday 7th June 2006 06:47
Through the Mists of Time
Oh indeed... so a Malfoy is around, will I should have known that with a Black around there most be a Malfoy... sorry to say.
Sunday 15th May 2005 00:26
Through the Mists of Time
Well this story is just great.  I really like it!  We got a Black & now we've got a Malfoy.  I wonder where this is going?  Update soon please!
Tuesday 10th May 2005 15:20
Through the Mists of Time
LoL! Dun dun dun! I wonder where the Blacks went wrong then? Sirius' parents being who they were, maybe Thomas Black has a reject brother, and from him it all goes down hill? I can't wait for more!
Wednesday 4th May 2005 19:36
Through the Mists of Time
Hehe...good to see the rivalry extends back to the Middle Ages. Can't wait to see more updates!
Waywren Truesong
Wednesday 4th May 2005 05:59
Through the Mists of Time
*giggles madly, but is so glad she's several universes away*  Thomas is indeed a Black, isn't he?  Flirting with everything with legs, and all... He should make an excellent foil for R/H just by existing. ^^

Oh my stars, what Hermione does to Launcelot!  *hurts herself laughing*  She's a legend already, for certain sure. 
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 21:26
Through the Mists of Time

Okay, lets start at the beginning and work our way down...

The man Harry bumped into... I do wonder if he's significant...

I liked the scene where Harry meets Thomas.  There's some nice humour in there.  I'm not entirely clear on what Harry means when he says, “With his hair? We probably can.”  though.  Care to explain?

The Lancelot scene was brilliant.  I aprechiate the way she doesn't get to his jewls the first time she tries but gets him the second time in defence of that other woman.  In my mind, that lends more realism to the situation.

I also enjoyed the interaction between Ron and Thomas, though I do hope that it settles down soon.  I don't see Ron being cold towards him indefintely.  Perhaps they bond over the Malfoy issue?

The discussion about the two types of magic is well placed (I was beginning to suspect Thomas might be a muggle or perhaps a squib given his earlier conversation with Harry) and I enjoyed his demonstration of wandless magic.  Does he perhaps fancy Ginny?  I also enjoyed the discussion of Merlin's white hair and how taking credit for it can be interpretted in two ways.  Perhaps although he did not magically cause it, he caused it the same way my parents accuse me of causing thiers...

Well I think I shall end this here.  Patiently awaiting more,


Tuesday 3rd May 2005 19:00
Through the Mists of Time
Hah. Oo, you do like twists, now don't you? Where is our dearest Salazar? and Perhaps Rowena and Helga?  I hope Salazar isn't a steroetypical Slytherin git either.  The founders initially were great friends, I think.
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 18:08
Through the Mists of Time
Are we going to run into a Potter next, We got Malfoy and Black.LOL! Keep up the good work, I'll be looking forward to read the next chapter.
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 14:10
Through the Mists of Time
Excellent! I love the last line!
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 13:59
Through the Mists of Time

Great fun!