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Reviews For Brotherly Duty by Eressea

Monday 11th December 2006 13:36
Brotherly Duty
I like this story a lot. Ron and Hermione are my favorite couple and it will probably take something just this blatant to make them admit their feelings.
Saturday 28th May 2005 11:39
Brotherly Duty

I thought it was really hillarious, I liked how George played Ron, grat job with the characters.

Great job, keep writing, and Plez write back


Wednesday 11th May 2005 10:33
Brotherly Duty
This was so funny!  I could so imaging Ron's brothers doing that!  Loved how Ron fell on the floor!

Saturday 7th May 2005 00:51
Brotherly Duty

Hilarious! Well written, good ideas. I hope you can overcome your laziness long enough to write another fic!

Lady Ginny Potter
Friday 6th May 2005 21:28
Brotherly Duty
Bloody brilliant!  I'm lazy too with my writing.  I have a great story lined up but...alas I can't seem to update  I love the way you got Hermione to open up in such a way it didn't really seem sappy.  Great job!
Thursday 5th May 2005 22:26
Brotherly Duty
Charlie must be as sneaky as George. Though I would have expected this from the twins, not Charlie. But he's a Weasley, and must have awoken the prank gene in the twins when they were young.

And that the voices are the same? Maybe. I've seen that with brothers before. :)

Good work.

Monday 16th May 2005 14:13Brotherly Duty (Author Response)

I tried to make him less mean and more sweet than George, but maybe it doesn't show.  They might blend together so you don't pay attention to who says what.  I know I practically missed the whole Ron-loves-and-always-argues-with-Hermione thing for the first few books because he has almost the same relationship with her as Harry so what they say to her blended together for me.

I notice the voice thing the most over the phone.  Like when you call your friend and you think you're talking to her but it's really her mom.  Not that it ever happened to me in a bad way.

Thanks for the review.

Thursday 5th May 2005 17:23
Brotherly Duty
It was hilarious. It thought it was really amusing how it was George's arms she ran into when she was expecting Ron. I thought it'd be something like Charlie shoving Ron at her and her not even noticing. This is so funny. I love the twins and Charlie.
Thursday 5th May 2005 15:40
Brotherly Duty

I think, if you're going to question how DEs -- most of whom were respectable members of society, and adults -- entered the Ministry, then you should also question how it was that six teenagers managed to waltz right in when they should have been at school.

I loved this story. Charlie's reaction had me giggling and George was so perfectly in character. I'm also glad that you jumped to George and Charlie at the top of the steps. Whilst it would have been nice to see the moment, it made more sense to cut to the brothers. Brilliant work!


Monday 16th May 2005 14:08Brotherly Duty (Author Response)

Exactly.  There should have been some sort of guard there.  Or someone in the hallway working late, or something. 

The reason I cut to the stairs is because I really have no idea of how to write romance.  There's always a kiss at the end of every story, which is nearly a necessity though it may get old, so instead of putting in the worst-written kiss you've ever read, I changed scenes.

Thanks for the review!

Pirate Ginny
Thursday 5th May 2005 11:36
Brotherly Duty

::still laughing::  That was funny! as Luna would say.  (My husband is mocking me for laughing so hard)  You have excellent comic timing; not easy. 

I like that you used Charlie and George instead of both twins--way more realistic and family-like.

Hmm.  Agreed about your DoM mention (oh, I noticed that all right)...but even a fly-by mention is better than none at all.  A fun bit of something for us to chew on as we await HBP...  *squeeing*

Good work.  :)

Monday 16th May 2005 14:04Brotherly Duty (Author Response)
Thanks.  We see so much of Fred and George together as if they were one person, so I decided to leave one out.  Though it might have been better to give them more personality and let them interact and argue like brothers do, as I saw in one fanfic recently.
Thursday 5th May 2005 10:54
Brotherly Duty
That was hilarious. I can't wait to read more stories from you.
Wednesday 4th May 2005 21:30
Brotherly Duty
Ah .. the Weasley brothers ... very brotherly indeed! :)
White Wolf
Wednesday 4th May 2005 21:09
Brotherly Duty

They proabably used some form of dark magic to get in... Or the floo network. If the Ministry employees could floo in, the DEs could proabably find a way to mask themselves as workers or something.

As for your story, I loved it! I bet you could write a novel-lenth fic if you set your mind to it. Says the guy whos supposed to be cleaning his basement, but is instead reading HP fanfiction... meh. You could still do it. Your definetly seem to be a good enough writer... Much better than anything I could do. Give it a shot. Whats the worst that could happen?

As for procrastination, your talking to the king here. Just chip away at it half an hour a day or something... You'll proabably get on a roll every once in a while, and get it done within a few months. Even if you dont finish it before HBP comes out, who cares?

I hope you do decide to do a longer one. This little fic was exelent. You could do a series of one-shots that tie together if you dont want to feel obligated to update on a weekly basis...

Monday 16th May 2005 14:01Brotherly Duty (Author Response)

Thanks for the review!  I think a series of one-shots may be a good idea.  That way if I forget to update and people actually like the story, I won't have a mob of people with pickaxes at my door :)

Split Decision
Wednesday 4th May 2005 20:00
Brotherly Duty
ha! wow! That was wonderful! Lots of fun, and a very smooth (if embarrasing!) way of getting them together. Poor Hermione! I imagine their first act as a couple will be to get revenge on George and Charlie... hint, hint... Thanks for a great story.