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Reviews For To the Gates of Hell by kaiserzacc

Monday 6th February 2006 13:46
To the Gates of Hell
any plans in update that or this story is abandoned?
Saturday 4th February 2006 03:24
To the Gates of Hell
Any interest in continue this story?
Tuesday 17th May 2005 14:20
To the Gates of Hell
another good chapter, keep up the good work.
Monday 16th May 2005 11:03
To the Gates of Hell
This is getting better.
Just hoping for some action now.
Tonks seems to be more of a friend than a bodyguard. Good.
Good work.
Saturday 14th May 2005 23:48
To the Gates of Hell
Wow.  Harry kicked a little butt, didn't he?  I like the fact that you had the girls take him shopping.  He definitely needed it.  Good chapter.  Update soon please!
Friday 13th May 2005 23:28
To the Gates of Hell
Harry seems to be doing a lot better than a few days ago.  Good to have an update after a while   Hopefully the next update comes sooner 
Thursday 12th May 2005 18:19
To the Gates of Hell
So far its a great story
Wednesday 11th May 2005 18:43
To the Gates of Hell
great chapter. i don't know what else to say except that i am really enjoying your story. keep up the great work.
Wednesday 11th May 2005 14:11
To the Gates of Hell

I loved the twins not only telling Harry to take care of GInny, but telling her to take care of Harry, as well.  Nice touch.

I'm really anxious to see all their reactions to what happened in that graveyard,.  I always think how fast my heart was beating when I read it the first time.  I couldn't understand how he was going to get out of there even though I knew it was only the fourth book.  My mind kept screaming, My God, he only fourteen.  I'm looking forward to it.

Spark Soliton
Wednesday 11th May 2005 12:59
To the Gates of Hell

 Yay - this chapter really rocked! Nice flow in the story and the Harry and Ginny interaction is very sweet. The reaction of the twins was a bit  first but afterwards I really liked it, I think it was a very typical twin-reaction and you caught their spirit really well!

Harry and Ginny's reaction to Molly's: “Good. She will make someone a very good wife someday.” was so funny and so right, the hint was there but the humour with it as well, I can see Harry and Ginny ! I miss Ron a bit, he always manages to put his foot in his mouth but on the otherhand I love rest of it so it's a minor grumble really and Hey, it's your story, don't listen to obnoxious reviewer like this  (except for the good stuff of course!)!

In short - I'm hooked on this story! Thanks for writing and sharing this!