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Reviews For Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron by Trystym&Delylah

Thursday 6th August 2009 08:39
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
That strange boy was a HUGE annoyance in the film! I'm SO glad he wasn't brought back for any other films! There's no reason Dean or someone else couldn't have said those lines. That boy was just CREEPY! And not in a good way!!

This was another fun chapter!

Friday 13th May 2005 06:09
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
"Where's Dean? Shouldn't he be here?" Yes, yes he should, but he gets a line in DADA just to make sure we can't have any clue who the new guy is.
Thursday 12th May 2005 16:16
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
Mwahahahaha!  Hilarious.  This points out just about everything that ever bothered me about that movie--and you do it so wittily!  Excellent.
Thursday 12th May 2005 07:05
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
Cheesy poofs.
This continues to make me gigglesnort.
Love the swearing bit. and the munchie binge. You've got flair, flaunt it, flog it, and make it shine. This is getting along fine.
Wow. That rhymed.
I need some lasagna.
Good work.
Wednesday 11th May 2005 17:54
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
I'm still laughing while I'm typing this review!  Great chapter again!  Loved the burning "oregano"!  And yeah, I wondered who that guy was too.  The one stealing all Dean's lines?  Who was that?  Anyway, please update soon!
Wednesday 11th May 2005 14:59
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
*Snorts in a most un-ladylike fashion* Wow, yet again!
Wednesday 11th May 2005 13:34
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron

"Ron and Harry dropped Malfoy’s severed arm off at the Hospital wing,"...

oh my lord, hilarious!!  this fic has just brightened an otherwise awful day full of first year law school studying of hermione-like intensity.  thank you!  and alas... back to the statute of frauds and other fun

Antonia East
Wednesday 11th May 2005 12:43
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
Well that cheered me up!

Thanks, guys.  Hilarious as always.
Wednesday 11th May 2005 12:13
Hermione Sue and the Prisoner of A. Cuaron
    I would say more, but I can't breathe properly yet!