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Reviews For Time Enough by Scarlett71177

Thursday 10th April 2008 16:49
Time Enough
ginny is messing up majorly!!!'
Monday 24th March 2008 04:14
Time Enough
Hmmm. ... This is going to get really get really messy isn't it? They're all victims in their own way -- and considering were this is posted -- they're all in for a painful fall at some point. It looks like the fluff's going to be hard-earned in this one.

Ginny's obviously in a brutal position, but I'm having a hard time feeling too much sympathy for her considering her dishonesty's going both directions and it's bound to make the situation far worse for all involved -- especially herself. I certainly understand it; the combination of her divided emotions and Harry's vulnerability would undoubtedly be crippling. But the coward's route never comes out well in the Potterverse, and I see her making things harder every time she apparates back and forth.

Dean, on the other hand, is all victim. He seems like a decent, caring and compassionate bloke at first glance -- even if you have shown us rather more of him than necessary in my male opinion -- and he's doomed to heartbreak, to losing "the living angel." That was his fate in the Pre-HBP H/G fandom, though, wasn't it? He took a lot of punishment simply because he was in the way. But at least he's conflict, so his inevitable pain does serve a purpose.

So, now I'm wondering when everything is going to blow up on Ginny. As the juggling's already started, I guessing I'm going to find out fairly soon. Sadist that I am, I look foward to it.


Tuesday 11th December 2007 02:04
Time Enough
Wow, this is so hard to read! I love the plot, it is so different and unique. And it goes where no author has gone before. What I mean by saying it's hard to read is that it's hard to see Ginny as a "cheater", even though I know she is being sincere. I can't stop reading! Great job, great writing, can't wait to keep reading. Hope Ginny straightens out what she wants (HARRY!) soon--as in somewhere in the next chapters, not timewise, since this story was written and completed 2 years ago, haha. Don't even know why I'm leaving a review, but I just couldn't not.
Thursday 13th December 2007 20:48Time Enough (Author Response)
Thanks, having written this just after OotP I had no idea how canon would turn out, but it proved to be interesting all the same. Thanks for reading, glad you like it!

Thursday 22nd November 2007 21:39
Time Enough
I wonder what ginny will do know.... i think that she still loves harry and that it is stronger then her love for dean...

Monday 15th October 2007 17:04
Time Enough
This chapter threw me for a loop. I was very up at arms with it, not because of your writing but because of how upset I was with Ginny. The words that popped into her head as she and Harry kissed were right on the mark. But it was the earlier moment that really set me off. To me, for Dean to see Ginny in all her glory, for him to share those kind of moments with her was against everything I thought about Ginny. I know it's kind of ridiculous to think that Ginny would remain pure and whole solely for Harry but then again this is fiction writing so that's what I thought of their relationship, as being pure and saving themselves for each other. Ginny sidestepped those bounds a bit too much imo.. We're moving up the track now. The crest is coming up and then it's downhill from there.
Wednesday 17th October 2007 18:48Time Enough (Author Response)
I've come under a lot of flack for how I wrote Dean and Ginny in this fic. True, Ginny does get to redeem herself at the end a bit, and things weren't exactly what they seemed. Unfortunately, I think I needed to mislead my audience that badly to get the rest of the story off the ground. Hopefully they'll all forgive me in the end. :-)
Friday 10th August 2007 02:47
Time Enough
Hmm... I figured she'd fallen in love with another man, but Dean Thomas? Didn't see that one. Ginny's just making it harder for herself...
Friday 30th September 2005 13:21
Time Enough

Aww Harry must feel horrid! Come on Gin, get in there! LOL.

Cherry xxx

Saturday 10th September 2005 06:54
Time Enough
Oh, Zarth, that poor girl...
Thursday 25th August 2005 21:08
Time Enough

wow...very nice.

this is gonna suck for either Harry or Dean...immensely.  and no matter what, it'll suck for Ginny as well...nicely done.

too bad the ending is sort of given away by this site's submission rules...not to mention the inherent understanding in all Harry Potter fans that someone like Ginny cant get involved with a side character like Dean...

great story...:D

Thursday 25th August 2005 13:28
Time Enough
Oh my, oh my, oh my.  This is getting difficult, Ginny...  Poor girl, it's a nasty situation the circumstances have landed her in.  Though, from the stories I remember from WWII, she's not the first one to be there - and those wounds take years to heal.  Poor Harry, poor Ginny and poor Dean.  It's quite the ordeal you put them through, you know?

As always, wonderfully written.  Thanks!
Thursday 7th July 2005 19:08
Time Enough
Aww now I feel bad for Dean, he's such a sweetie to Ginny, and poor Harry! Ginny's such a meanie, leading them both on, after everything they've been through!
Sunday 19th June 2005 17:12
Time Enough
She loves "Dean".but is she in love with him,or did he just fill a void? She is deeply in love with Harry,so whats the problem? She can,t have it both ways. You are writing well enough that I am angry at Ginny for this fiasco,and it,s only a fic for merlins sake.
Friday 20th May 2005 08:07
Time Enough
Oh I'm loving it. So much twisting insides... hehehe... Please keep writing your vision, it's working very well!
Friday 20th May 2005 10:56Time Enough (Author Response)
Thank you so much!  The next chapter is with the Beta!
Wednesday 18th May 2005 11:11
Time Enough

Ugh. More pain. And I can't see a way out!

*whines* Couldn't you have made Dean a little bit easier to leave behind????

Tuesday 17th May 2005 16:16
Time Enough
awe poor Harry and poor Dean, can't wait for more.
Muggle Witch
Tuesday 17th May 2005 10:56
Time Enough
Wow. What a story. A rollercoaster of a ride. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Tuesday 17th May 2005 06:43
Time Enough
Two-Timer. Traitor. Charlatan.

Let me add some more.

Fraud, phony, quack, pretender, imposter, betrayer, double-crosser, Judas, dishonest, deceitful, deceptive, shifty, wench, apostate, back-stabber, backslider, Benedict Arnold, betrayer, conspirator, copperhead, deceiver, defector, deserter, double-crosser, fifth columnist, fink, hypocrite, imposter, informer, intriguer, Judas, miscreant, narc, plotter, quisling, rat, rat fink, rebel, renegade, snake, sneak, snitch, snitcher, spy, squealer, stool pigeon, stoolie, tattletale, traducer, treasonist, turncoat, two-timer, whistle-blower...

well, you get the idea. This is the first H/G fic that I've actually hated Gin for. Didn't think I'd feel this way about her. Gag.
Tuesday 17th May 2005 08:50Time Enough (Author Response)

LOL  I see I should have used some of your words.

Be patient and be open-minded.  As I replied in another review.  Things aren't always what they seem.


Monday 16th May 2005 20:51
Time Enough
awww its extremely sad. i wanna cry. please update i have to know how harry will find out. will dean find them together? will she tell him b4 that? or wonderful story!
Tuesday 17th May 2005 08:51Time Enough (Author Response)
Thanks, I only ask for your patience and your open-mindedness.
Monday 16th May 2005 20:50
Time Enough

"Two-timer! Traitor! Charlatan!"

You forgot Scarlet Woman.


Monday 16th May 2005 17:07
Time Enough
Oh my. Such an intricate web that you have woven. I can't wait for more!