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Reviews For Four in Time by Rosebeth

Tuesday 20th November 2007 16:30
Four in Time
haha this is cute!!! I wonder how they all ended up back in time...
Love the ending! although, if they still hate eachother, wouldnt that mess with their friendship? (james and lily)
Sunday 19th November 2006 20:01
Four in Time
Ooooo! This looks interesting. Can't wait to read more.
Saturday 2nd September 2006 14:06
Four in Time
Okay. That was said out right. I think Harry and Ginny should hae had more of a shock in their voices, but still very good.
Monday 29th May 2006 16:52
Four in Time
Hm...a little short on details and a little too fast of pacing...but I just can't resist a fun idea like this. I've absolutely LOVE time-travel stories...Can't wait to see where this goes!
Friday 31st March 2006 17:03
Four in Time
I loved this fic!!! I loved the way James and Lily accepted Harry being their child so easy even them being the same age and the way they are all getting along!!!
Keep up with the amazing work and PLEASE, UPDATE SOON!!!!!!
Saturday 21st May 2005 07:48
Four in Time
Nice HOOK!