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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind by twins-rule

Tuesday 16th June 2015 02:52
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
oh how dare he? who died and left Dumbledore God? In fact, that's been my opinion of Dumbledore since the end of the series, and absolute scorn and disgust for the wizards who just follow him blindly without ever thinking or acting for themselves. I hope he has a horrible end for the abuse he's allowed to happen to a child. He's as guilty as the Dursleys. And I blame him for the death of Sirius too. I'm hoping someone in your story will have the guts to go against him. lol.
Tuesday 14th September 2010 12:47
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Ahhhhh! I can't believe Dumbledore! He knew what was happening in Privet dr since Harry was a baby but didn't do anything? With all his power he couldn't even make the Dursleys afraid of him to protect Harry? He just thinks of him as a tool. I wonder what the secret weapon he is hiding?
Monday 20th July 2009 11:23
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
like the whole Dumbly being somewhat evil in this one
Sunday 21st October 2007 21:57
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Wow! Dumbledore is really walking a frayed tight rope in this one. I am sorry that this was wrtten so long ago and I just found it. It is really good. I hope you do finish it. I have downloaded and printed what you have done and I will review the chapters as I read them. I hope this inspires you to finish this story. Thank you agai;n. p
Wednesday 27th September 2006 06:54
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Oh, Ron is just too much; he deserved more than the slap Ginny gave him.
Snape is just evil; and Dumbledore knew Harry was hurt bad and did nothing -- he's evil, too.
Privet Drive is Harry's ancestral home?? Wouldn't that be Godric's Hollow or where James' or Lily's parents lived?
From the birthing ritual, it seems Voldemort does not find Blood charms as distasteful as Dumbledore thinks. Dumbledore is quite utilitarian in his think; very close to what Harry hates in other fics, being used as a weapon.
What item does Dumbledore have that is the key to Voldie's defeat?
Friday 4th August 2006 12:10
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
this is so good but i really dont like Dumbledore he is such a jerk and harry wont trust him any more
Friday 26th May 2006 10:31
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Dumbledore the , how could he pay off the Dursleys for doing what they done to Harry, I don't care that he is protected there, no child should go through what Harry had... and making Harry stay at Privet Drive, will make everyone more angey at Dumbledore, Harry will be the worst when he finds out. And when he dose hell, there's going to be hell to pay for everyone.
Thursday 25th May 2006 21:18
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
I did love Molly apologizing to the twins...

...but Dumbledore has gone too far. I read a fanfic once by jeconais called 'The Abyss' where Dumbledore basically sacrifices Harry to 'the cause' because he's become so obsessed with the greater good...this is a Dumbledore that seems very close to that. He is like an ancient Greek God, playing with the lives of mortals 'til he achieves a desired outcome and not paying the actual lives any sort of consideration...

Well written, don't get me wrong, I love it, this is amazing...I'm just mad at him. The fact that you're getting such a rise out of me is proof of your talent. Go you!
Friday 9th December 2005 15:58
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
I understand Dumbledore's reasoning, but that doesn't make it right. I hope he gets a long, painful  death. I have to say he's a useless piece of sh*t.
Great story, very emotional. Hope the rest of it just gets better.
Tuesday 22nd November 2005 17:48
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
I honestly feel that ole' Dumbledore gets a bad deal from the books!  Poor guy is only trying to help and it doesn't seem like anyone else can quite handle all the stuff he's taking care of!  Well written DD~!
Ima Quidditch Fan
Friday 11th November 2005 16:47
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

So much in this chapter... what did he reach for?

Enjoyinh the mystery.

Friday 24th June 2005 22:39
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

Hmm, a fascinating chapter, my immediate thought is that once Harry and the order find out everything Dumbledore is toast.  As is once Harry is told that Dumbledore paid off his relatives after the beating he was subjected to he will never trust or listen to Dumbledore again.  Hell in his place I'd probably try to kill Dumble myself.


Saturday 11th June 2005 15:58
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
I enjoyed the reviews immensely and couldn,t have said it better. YES!!!!!!!With fist in air,
Saturday 11th June 2005 15:49
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Why can,t I remember that this is only a fic,  not real life. I haven,t been this angry since the book with umbridge the toad in it. This chapter made me so angry that I,d like to strangle old DD.himself.Good fic,but i hate Harry bashing fics,so unless it calms down,I will no doubt give it up.
Wednesday 25th May 2005 08:55
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

Not that I like abuse, but it fits in very well with what we know about Harry's life.  I've read just a few other fics where Harry is so treated, but in each one it works.

Snape's comment didn't feel right.  I always thought that some of Snape's hatred for Harry was that he believed Harry had lead a pampered life.  While I would not expect Snape to change his view of Harry after five plus years, I would expect him to keep his mouth shut while he thought of the implications.   Also, as much as a smuck as he is, I don't think Snape would advocate for the torture of any child even Harry.

I love how you have Dumbledore lying to the Dursley's about the blood protections extending to Dudley.

Wednesday 25th May 2005 11:26Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Interesting thoughts on Snape.  Honestly, I think Snape has the propensity to always think the worst about Harry and to make evil mean comments without even thinking about it first, no matter how ridiculous they are. 

Eventually I think that Snape could come around, but essentially he is just a mean guy who does not like himself or anyone else.  But do not give up hope he could get better...I just do not see that happening right away.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.  The comments are really appreciated because they can be quite thought provoking.
Tuesday 24th May 2005 14:44
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
I can't wait to see where this story leads to. keep up the good work.
Tuesday 24th May 2005 15:06Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Thanks for reading and the kind review.  Its nice to see people enjoying the story and some of the suspense I am trying to create. 
Tuesday 24th May 2005 00:11
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
I have to agree that Molly apologizing to the Twins was a great moment. Bet they never thought they'd hear that. As for Dumbledore's reasons and thinking for having Harry stay in an abusive household, they just aren't good enough. No child should have to grow up in such an environment. The Laws of Diminishing Returns pretty much declares that any benefit Harry might have had being sheltered there was passed long ago. If Harry or his friends ever learn that Dumbledore knew of Harry's abuse, he'll be lucky not to be skinned alive. Also, that comment by Snape about Harry's beating was so out of line. I'm sure it's percolating in everyone's thoughts and any more stupidly evil comments like that and Snape will learn what it's like to have your intestines removed with a spoon. Gotta wonder what's in that box in the cubbyhole. I think that Harry is really going to let Dumbledore have it with both barrels eventually for how his childhood was destroyed on his command. Once Voldemort is gone, Dumbledore will be lucky if Harry doesn't make him next on the list after Snape. Looking forward to the next installment!! 
Tuesday 24th May 2005 09:54Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
You win the on-ball award.  I think you really hit on the dynamics of the event with Dumbledore.  The arguments for his actions in this chapter was his own justifications, not me trying to convince the readers or anyone else in the story.  Ultimately I think this reasoning will bite Dumbledore in the end, not the least of which because he does care for Harry, and he is somewhat blind to the major issues he is creating.

Thanks for reading and leaving a sharp eyed view.  Do not worry about Hary turning dark, he is a good person, but he doesn't have to be nice to everyone.
Sunday 22nd May 2005 06:17
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Seems your Dumbledore is doing his best to create a second Voldemort. 
Very nice part, you have a well written Dumbledore who is so blinded by the "Greater good" that he willfully allows evil to flourish.  One of the best written and most believable "Greater Good" Stories I've read.

Sunday 22nd May 2005 17:46Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Interesting thought on the Dumbledore.  I would guess that would depend on your view in the debate...does society create evil or are some people just evil.  Voldemort is evil...Harry is good. 

Dumbledore is acting in the greater good, but actions have consquences even when done in good faith.  Those consquences will be addressed in future chapters.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, the feedback is helpful and your question is rather thought provoking.
Friday 20th May 2005 21:52
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Ok, good so far but I have a question.  Hass this story been posted previously somewhere else?  I'd swear I've read it before.  Can't place it as I read so many of these (yeah, I know 'get a life')
Friday 20th May 2005 21:52
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Ok, good so far but I have a question.  Hass this story been posted previously somewhere else?  I'd swear I've read it before.  Can't place it as I read so many of these (yeah, I know 'get a life')
Saturday 21st May 2005 10:18Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
No, first time writer, first time posting, although the story started here, I did start posting over at as well.

Thanks for reading and leaving a review.
Friday 20th May 2005 20:21
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

I'll jump on the bandwagon along with everyone else & say "IS DUMBLEDORE INSANE?!"  I understand that Harry needs to stay there because of the protection but come on!  Oh well.  I know it has to be done.  *sigh*  Yep, I liked when Molly apologized to the twins.  That was great.  But I thought that the Dursleys would be getting a little payback for what happened.  Come on.  You said they would.  So get with it already!  Update soon please!


Friday 20th May 2005 21:17Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
I would not say that Dumbledore is insane...but he may not be playing with a full deck of cards.  I do not think that we have heard the last from Dumbledore about what he is thinking.  The answers will be slow in coming but it should tie everything together. 

Thanks for reading and reviewing! 
Friday 20th May 2005 15:23
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Oooh what does Dumbledore have in store? What's Harry going to think of Dumbledore when he gets out of Privet Drive. He had better have a good reason for leaving Harry there. Also, why didn't Dumbledore just threaten the Dursleys, say he'd transfigure Dudley into a pincushion or something. Oh well, I guess I'll find out. Keep up the great work and update soon!
Friday 20th May 2005 17:33Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
The full story of what Dumbledore said to Harry will never be told...but some facts have already been revealed and some might also come up when Dumbledore tries to explain all this to Harry.  Who said Dumbledore did not threathen the Dursleys? 

Thanks for reading and reviewing, it is appreciated.
Friday 20th May 2005 15:08
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

I'm so happy to see this story back again.  I can't say as I'm thrilled with DD, but I really approved of the changes to where the funding came from - or lack of mention

I'm so anxious to see how the Weasley brothers make the Dursleys pay.  Somehow, adding Bill and his knowlege of Egyption curses to the twins ingenuity and Ron's fierce protectiveness makes me gleeful with anticipation.

Voldemort is worrisome, particularly since Harry is no condition to defend himself, and I think the Dursleys would sell him up the river for a tuppence.

Friday 20th May 2005 17:24Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
I thought you might like that.  I really looked at the reasoning behind that and decided that there wasn't one, so that thing just had to go.

I have plans for the twins, they are going to be around...and as we will find out soon enough, so does Harry.  Let's just say a certain teacher might be in for a hard year....

I am worried about the Moldie one as well...
Shasta Von Ryan
Friday 20th May 2005 10:54
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind

Well, I guess I know what Dumbledore was thinking.  He is totally wrong!

Let Petunia take her chance with Voldemort!  After allowing Harry to be beaten almost to death - bad luck to her!

It would seem that Vernon is being paid off or is being manipulated by Voldemort or his followers.  The potion is on its way to Harry just as sure as anything.  I don't know why Dumbledore doesn't see this.

If Voldemort was so happy the night Harry was beaten half to death - HELLO!  It is not a mere fluke they both happened at the same time.  Please tell me that Harry is not going to be abused more than he already has been.  It is quite painful to imagine that happening.

I did notice that someone in the house would have to invite the witch or wizard inside.  That does not bode well for Harry.  Vernon, Dudley, or Petunia would hold the door open for them.

I wait (impatiently) for the revenge on the Dursleys.  May it be painful and embarrasing and maybe even permanant!

Friday 20th May 2005 14:38Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
Okay, you definitely win the sharp eyed reader award.  You were definitely on the ball with catching all those important points...points that a reader could assume might come into play in the future.  The Dursleys will get theirs, keep reading for the revenge is coming.  When it is done, the Dursley's will be a shell of their former selves.

No more physical abuse for Harry, I can assure you the Dursleys will never lay a hand on Harry understand why read the next Chapter when Dumbledore explains the situation to Harry.
Friday 20th May 2005 10:24
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind
Intersting chapter. I am angry with Dumbledore but and unfortunalty our hero's life can never be perfect.

You've made a slight mistake regarding age. Harry does not reach his majority this birthday, he will turn 16 not 17. Sorry.
Friday 20th May 2005 14:11Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
I will look at this chapter again, I know his age of majority is 17...not sure how that made it in there unless I gave something away by accident. 

Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Friday 20th May 2005 09:07
Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind


[Snip] The thing I can say about Dumbledore is I put the best arguments out there for his reasoning, in this specific situation. [/snip]


I don't give a rats what your trying to talk yourself into but do me a favor. Send Harry to Voldemort. He is nowhere near as dangerous as Dumbledore the way you have portrayed him. Dumbledore is a lying, manipulating, rude, crude sack of the needs to be stripped of his title "Leader of the Light" and have it replaced with "The Child Abusing Lord of Hell."

There can be NO justification to treat a child that way and now he has done it twice. (Don't forget it was Dumbledore, & Dippet that forced Tom Riddle to remain in an abusive orphanage leading to the rise of Voldemort.)

Friday 20th May 2005 09:34Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Mind (Author Response)
There is no way Dumbledore would do this...but he has already done it once...even you agree to that.

I understand that you do not agree with me...but let's try to avoid the language, 'cause that just ain't cool.

Lying...Dumbeldore is more then capable of not telling the truth, but he does not lie in this story, he just with holds facts.

Manipulative?  How else would you describe his actions in Book 5, he keep Harry in the dark intentionally, orders his friends whom he brings together without him and orders them to  shut him out of all correspondence.  Refuses to talk to him (Harry) when Dumbledore and Harry certianly enjoyed a special relationship beyond the other students. 

Dumbledore is simply doing what he thinks is best, it does not mean that it is...