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Reviews For Solace by Jenadamson

Shadow Hider
Saturday 26th March 2005 11:50
hehehe yeah, I've unintentionally killed off characters too... the hands take over!
Mr. Intel
Thursday 24th June 2004 16:09
I was so saddened that there were no reviews for this chapter, that I had to post my old one from the forum system:

The murder of a loved one is such a decisively emotional moment that it provides a tremendous range of possibilities for our favorite characters. I can forsee Harry being pushed over the edge very easily by this. Not knowing quite how long since Ron's death this bit takes place, I'd say that it would have to be farely close or he would go barmy pretty fast.

An excellent device to get Ginny and Harry together. He would need her above all others at a time like this because she is strong and is the only one in his life that can put up with his emotional constipation.

You conveyed the character's feelings well and kept the pacing consistent. There were some little things that rubbed me wrong, but they are so minor, that they don't bear mentioning.

Thank you for writing this story.
Thursday 24th June 2004 16:09Solace (Author Response)
Aw, you're too cute. Thanks for the great review (again!)