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Reviews For There and Back Again Lane by Mangykneazle

Wednesday 29th October 2008 06:58
There and Back Again Lane
really enjoying this story so far, interesting idea with harry being a "muggle"
gonna carry on reading now!!
Wednesday 2nd August 2006 21:00
There and Back Again Lane
Poor Ginny. Not being able to tell Harry. And poor Harry. Not knowing yet.
Monday 20th June 2005 11:09
There and Back Again Lane
Well, I've just read the first three chapters and I think this is just beautiful. I loved how you showed Harry's thoughts in chapter one, before and after he was obliviated, his making his way through muggle life on his own, and the way he met Ginny (ah Ginny, <sigh>). Harry's thoughts, Ginny's thoughts, the meeting they're hurtling to, even Hermione's nagging notes to Ginny, all ring true. And the words themselves flow clearly, with just the right rhythm in your head, to paint the picture before you as you read. Really, just beautifully done.
Monday 20th June 2005 12:50There and Back Again Lane (Author Response)
Thank you very much.  The later chapters may be a little more daunting, for which I apologise sincerely.
Tuesday 7th June 2005 18:15
There and Back Again Lane

Another wonderful chapter.  I enjoyed Ginny's response to Herm's letter.  I thought the mention of the tie was a nice touch.  The scene with the cabbie was amusing as was Harry's clueless response to Ginny's nerves.

Keep up the good work,


Wednesday 8th June 2005 10:03There and Back Again Lane (Author Response)
Thank you.
Friday 27th May 2005 18:44
There and Back Again Lane
I'm so happy you posted a new chapter!  It's been forever!  Great job though.  I can't wait until Ginny tells him the truth.  THAT should be interesting.  Please update soon!
Monday 11th July 2005 01:33There and Back Again Lane (Author Response)
Thank you very much and I apologise for the extended delay, and especially the extended delay in responding!
Friday 27th May 2005 13:01
There and Back Again Lane
As far as original plots go, you get an A.  I'm very curious to see where this plot continues.  Also, I hope we get to see a little more about why Harry is in the state that he's in.

Monday 11th July 2005 01:31There and Back Again Lane (Author Response)
Thank you very much for the compliment on the plot.  The story tends to dash this way and that, mostly because it was intended as a short seven-chapter fic before the back-story took hold.  Later chapters will reveal the people involved in Harry's "treatment"; I hope you will bear with me!
Aaran St Vines
Friday 27th May 2005 11:26
There and Back Again Lane
Fascinating. You have here a wonderful AU I look forward to reading and completing.

The way you have Harry loving her is poignant. And the fear of discovery and need for discovery you have laced throughout Ginny's train of thought is excellent.
Monday 11th July 2005 01:28There and Back Again Lane (Author Response)
Sorry for taking so long to reply and thank you very much for your kind comments.  I've tried to mature both of them based on the behaviour they exhibit within the books whilst trying to extrapolate on what additional influences may have influenced their characters.  I hope you will continue to read this story, and thank you once again for your kind words.