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Reviews For The Bargain: Side Effects by Mr. Intel

Monday 17th March 2008 11:50
The Bargain: Side Effects
nice chapter
i lvoed the bargain au
Thursday 13th March 2008 22:12
The Bargain: Side Effects
nice chapter
cant wait to red the rest
i love this AU
Tuesday 6th November 2007 06:44
The Bargain: Side Effects
haha nice. I was wondering why James was mungos and was attacked and then i remembered :p
Tuesday 30th May 2006 06:20
The Bargain: Side Effects
I guess I missed the part where he did something to the slytherins. I know in OOTP, Harry sees what his dad does to Snape, but I don't recall anything more. Is this canonical (its been a while since I read HBP) or in one of your other fics? Sorry for my ignorance.
Tuesday 30th May 2006 08:26The Bargain: Side Effects (Author Response)
The relevant quote is here:

He had come to find out that Elizabeth the mediwitch, was none other than Elizabeth Jones, a Slytherin in the year ahead of him who had been the butt of one too many of the Marauders’ pranks.

It is canon that the Marauders pranked the Slytherins (and specifically Snape) I just added this non-canon character to the list of prankees to add to the tension of his visit to St. Mungos.

Hope that clears it up.
Monday 29th May 2006 11:39
The Bargain: Side Effects
Nice Story. One thing that I don't think works right is the Mediwitch's asking James to take off his clothes. I don't that is how medical personnel in an ER operate. They would have him on a stretcher, and a nurse or orderly would remove the pants leg for him. Its only in doctor's offices or perhaps an outpatient unit at a hospital that you are asked to remove your clothes yourself.
Monday 29th May 2006 15:07The Bargain: Side Effects (Author Response)
Actually, that was by design. Elizabeth deliberately made James strip in front of her because of what he'd done to her and to the rest of the Slytherins. Sorry that wasn't clear enough in the text.
Spark Soliton
Monday 13th June 2005 13:11
The Bargain: Side Effects
 Hehe - lovely little backstory that gave a wonderful glimpse of the lives of Lily/James and Molly/Arthur. I especially liked the portrayal of Lily, strong, sensitive, mischievous and very much wearing the pants amongst the skirt-wearing Marauders - no doubt who's in control! The dialogue is certainly one of the highlights with your fic's - it's witty, sharp as razor and quicker than the Millenium Falcon! Well, the plot is pretty brill of course - I probably should point that out as well! It is always a pleasure to read your stories!
Sunday 12th June 2005 21:52
The Bargain: Side Effects
Nice to see a continuation of the story.  Both the fathers' versions were quite interesting.
Saturday 11th June 2005 22:37
The Bargain: Side Effects

It's good to see a continuation/outtake on the original first chapter of your most excellent story.  I think it hilarious and great fun that both men conveniently forgot to mention their off-hand bargain to their wives who seem to love them so dearly.  I think my favorite section was the tender one between James and Lily, though, because we know so little of them from canon.  You've put a marvelous spin on their relationship.  As for the Mediwitch, Elizabeth is a riot...I bet she gave as good as she got, too!

Saturday 11th June 2005 20:37
The Bargain: Side Effects
You know, it's a dang good thing they don't remember.  I think major panic would insue if they did.  *grin*
Saturday 11th June 2005 20:19
The Bargain: Side Effects
nice start to your story. looking forward to more of it.
Saturday 11th June 2005 20:19
The Bargain: Side Effects
WHOOHOO!!! You're continuing it! Yay! *does happy dance and falls off chair* I'm ok! Awesome job!
Saturday 11th June 2005 19:03
The Bargain: Side Effects

So this is an out take--with a nice dose of Arthur and Molly.  I thank you for that.  I'm always in the mood for Arthur Molly vignettes.

Saturday 11th June 2005 18:01
The Bargain: Side Effects
I see you are taking correspondance courses from JKR's class on keep them guessing on what your story is about.  Outakes from the bargain universe.  Jes can you a little more broad in what we can look forward to.  I like the first installment.  The imagery is nice with a good bouget of realistic emotions.
Saturday 11th June 2005 17:43
The Bargain: Side Effects
Yayy, you continued with this! Glad to see you back