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Reviews For Defining the Relationship by TheGov

Monday 5th January 2009 20:11
Defining the Relationship
Developing nicely ...
Tuesday 22nd May 2007 09:02
Defining the Relationship
I like the teasing between Harry and Ginny. It's very natural and consistent with the novels. Having her see Harry's letter to her was a nice touch, it kind of prepared her to receive some advances after waiting for him so long. In the last chapter you'd even said he'd been avoiding her, so she had to be shocked.

I also like the relationship with Harry and Remus. Very fun and believable...especially in later chapters.
Tuesday 13th March 2007 12:52
Defining the Relationship
Yeah! Harry is a free man. Now he needs to get a relationship, a job and settle down to living! Thanks for writing. I'll read more after work. p
Tuesday 14th November 2006 13:31
Defining the Relationship
I wonder what Harry is going to do. And I love Remus. He is cool.
Friday 22nd September 2006 14:16
Defining the Relationship
About time you brought Remus into the story . I was wondering also why Harry was living in a flat when there was Sirius' property (and also why you hadn't brought up the inheritance) -- I guess you're catching up .
I am surprised you have Ginny in the lowly position of teaching primary school; I always pictured her as more accomplished than that. And I hope, despite all the mention of it, that you don't have Harry play Quidditch. I always thought of him as a teacher (after all, he did so well with the DA). Perhaps the Defense position McGonagall is trying to fill .
Wednesday 1st March 2006 13:20
Defining the Relationship
I think I liked Remus's comments about his future the most out of the whole chapter. The chapter in general was good but the story line so far is great. Hope the rest is as good or better.
Hearts on Fire
Saturday 14th January 2006 06:11
Defining the Relationship
Like I said before ....great work!!!! Keep em coming!!!!
Tuesday 27th September 2005 10:53
Defining the Relationship
Well its about time that Harry actually lived his life- and he finally realizes that you can't save the world- now lets hope that our pair can save each other
Thursday 29th September 2005 17:02Defining the Relationship (Author Response)
Yup! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the rest.
Sunday 18th September 2005 05:37
Defining the Relationship
Whoops!  The review below is actually for chapter nine!
(Major blonde moment)
Sunday 18th September 2005 02:30
Defining the Relationship
Oh dear, I seem to be developing a slight toothache.  Harry is turning into a SNAG (sensitive new age guy) isn't he?  I did like his confidence with a crying Charlie and the potential that Ginny could see in him as a father to her children. 
Are your upcoming wedding vows rubbing off on your writing perhaps?  LOL
Tuesday 20th September 2005 13:33Defining the Relationship (Author Response)

This chapter was a little high on the fluff content, I admit. Look for a darker turn in the coming chapters as some of the other plot lines start to develop in earnest.

Thanks for the reveiw!

Wednesday 10th August 2005 12:50
Defining the Relationship
Another nice chapter.  Kudos to both you and your beta - and your fiancĂ© for getting this out.  I like the way Harry is searching for what to do - and the way that everybody seems to understand.

Bring on chapter three!
Tuesday 21st June 2005 13:55
Defining the Relationship
great chapter. i cant wait for more...
Wednesday 22nd June 2005 13:47Defining the Relationship (Author Response)
Thanks! More is coming soon!
Tuesday 21st June 2005 06:30
Defining the Relationship

Well, now you've done it.  I'll admit, I clicked on this story when I was intending to click on another, but I got so caught up in it!  Now I have to go back and read the whole thing.  I'm not a big fan of post-Hogwarts stories, but I really like this.  I think canon Harry will most likely become an Auror, but I'm in the camp that want's something more for him.  I'd love to see him play Quidditch.

The scene with Ron and Harry in the car was touching and so nicely done.  It's nice to see Ron so grown up, and Harry wondering what happiness was is heartbreaking.  Come on, Ginny - show him!  I think my favorite canon relationship in the one between the two boys, and I love to see stories that portay it so strongly.

Wednesday 22nd June 2005 13:45Defining the Relationship (Author Response)

Wow! Thanks! It's so nice to hear compliments like that from someone who is already so accomplished.

I join you in the hope that there's something more for Harry, but I really don't see him doing something else if the war isn't finished. He's too noble.

I hope you enjoy the rest, there's going to be plenty more Ron and Harry moments as this goes on.

Tuesday 21st June 2005 04:38
Defining the Relationship
well done for another great chapter.  I like to see Harry taking control of his life and doing what he wants to do for a change.
Wednesday 22nd June 2005 13:42Defining the Relationship (Author Response)

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the storyline!


Tuesday 21st June 2005 00:31
Defining the Relationship
i love your storyline here...what would harry do after all the death eaters were captured?
Wednesday 22nd June 2005 13:40Defining the Relationship (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad your enjoying it. I've got some ideas. We'll see how soon someone figures out where I'm going with this. It actually shouldn't take long. ;)