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Reviews For Never Give Up by Gabriella Du Sult

Wednesday 30th November 2005 20:59
Never Give Up
This is excellent stuff; the paralleling of the relationships is absolutely lovely.  Won't you continue?
Wednesday 13th July 2005 01:28
Never Give Up

Well, now what to say?

I'll start with Beatrice: good introduction, well paced. You give the reader just enough without flooding us with information or telling us things not relevant to the story. The recruitement felt right to me, both being gryffindors it would make sense that Kingslay would be a little more accepting of her plea to join but still that little test.

And you brought Percy back! I'm not sure I believe that will be canon (2 days till I get proved wrong and now it's here for all to see) but you made his apology sound sincere and the Weasley's reaction to it as well.

And the little pang when he wants to hug Ginny, so cute! Does he even realise what's going on yet?

I should be working but maybe I'll read just 1 more chapter.

Wolf's Scream
Saturday 2nd July 2005 18:55
Never Give Up
Impressive; well-written.  This story promises to be quite good.
Sunday 26th June 2005 15:39
Never Give Up
Very well done....I particularly like the manner in which the twins demonstrate their brand of "forgiveness".  **snort*grin**
Friday 24th June 2005 11:00
Never Give Up
Friday 24th June 2005 06:07
Never Give Up
This is a great chapter, and it fits in nicely with the other two stories. I hope you update soon. I liked the way you included Harry with the Weasleys, and the developing bond between Harry. And the "wanted to hug her himself" thing is a nice touch. Can't wait to see the next chappie! Oh, and could you possibly mention in an authour's note how many chapters this will have? I'm just curious.