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Reviews For Chocolate Chat by Zelthian

Monday 21st January 2008 17:42
Chocolate Chat
wow... you really got harrys feelings good here
loved the ending
Friday 24th August 2007 14:56
Chocolate Chat
wicked end
The Boss
Friday 24th August 2007 07:17
Chocolate Chat
Oh blimey what a twist in the last line lol
That is a very good story indeed!

The Boss
Thursday 29th June 2006 17:12
Chocolate Chat
Well, Harry got emotional, Ginny helped. Ginny put a smile on Harry's face, and are now happily together.
Friday 30th December 2005 02:21
Chocolate Chat

That is awsome! Good job! [giggles madly]

Friday 12th August 2005 10:59
Chocolate Chat
Oh... Sensual!Ginny... what a feast, even for a terrified young man like Harry.  He's lucky to be in love with her, that's for sure...

Thursday 4th August 2005 16:41
Chocolate Chat

AWWW that was amazing, I wish you kept going with the story.  you should write a sequel with Harry's reaction and How the Weasleys and Hermione react. 

Great job, keep writing, and Plez write back


Tuesday 2nd August 2005 14:34
Chocolate Chat
Delightful, well written and thought through.
Tuesday 5th July 2005 14:54
Chocolate Chat
What a great ending! I don't know if I could believe the crying, but then again Harry would keep everything pent up long enough to deserve a good cry. Good luck in the contest and keep up the good work!
Tuesday 5th July 2005 03:18
Chocolate Chat
That was nice! Finally Harry get courage to confessed hi love for Ginny. Harry wishing Hermione ws not so blasted smart....that phase was outstanding
Tuesday 5th July 2005 00:09
Chocolate Chat
Oh my...your ending had me in such a little fit of giggles. I guess that would be Ginny's feisty streak showing through. It was cute how she made him explain everything to her and how Hermione and Ron pegged him on his feelings.
Saturday 2nd July 2005 22:54
Chocolate Chat
Good use of chocolate frogs!
Saturday 2nd July 2005 08:58
Chocolate Chat
Good story! Athough Harry is a bit OOC, I guess it can be explained by the fact that it is after the sixth year.
Friday 1st July 2005 16:02
Chocolate Chat
*sigh* Oh, this was wonderful.  Just wonderful!!  Loving/sassy!Ginny!! Good luck with the contest and thank you for sharing this with us!
Thursday 30th June 2005 19:40
Chocolate Chat
Hmmm! Ginny's ....interesting in this story! LOL j/k! I really liked it! Chocolate's my favourite sweet too!
Thursday 30th June 2005 19:01
Chocolate Chat
Grin.  Very cute.  Chocolate kisses are nice, and I like thinking of Ginny as the crutch Harry leans on.  He does need her so much.
Thursday 30th June 2005 14:55
Chocolate Chat

Lovely fluff and an excellent ending. 

Poor Harry, girls are the only thing that's ever really paralyzed him with fear.  He's well portrayed here.  Well Done!

Thursday 30th June 2005 14:17
Chocolate Chat

Not bad at all. And I did like 'wicked' Ginny with the Chocolate lips at the end.

Thursday 30th June 2005 11:07
Chocolate Chat
lol a very evil ginny :D