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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom by Gridley

robbie cupcake-girl
Tuesday 28th June 2005 07:24
Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom

You know the Neville thing was kind of always coming with you.

Congratulations on reaching the death of Voldie. Big milestone (der).

I still don't really understand why Wormtail stole Harry's wand after the cave in. Did he actually switch sides again and then switch back in 10 minutes?

I really like these stories, even though they are very male. Excellent chapter.

Tuesday 28th June 2005 20:33Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom (Author Response)

"Very male". I like that. :-)

One of many things I wanted to develop more in the chapters that didn't happen was Wormtail and his indecision. Way back when he was supposed to be a more major character, but I was deviating from Harry-centric-ness enough as it was.

Monday 27th June 2005 21:27
Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom
*wails* Nooo!

You killed Neville!  How could you?

And what does it say about my priorities that I'm more concerned about that than I am about the fact that they finally got Voldie? At least there was a purpose to Neville's death, so I guess I can forgive you...a little. If he does end up dying in canon, I hope that it happens somewhat like this.

I've been horrible about reviewing, Gridley, but I really have been fascinated by this story (except for the fact that you killed NEVILLE! *sob* )

The spell they used?  That was awesome. I really liked how it just came to them.

But I'm still upset about Neville. *hugs him*

The Neville Obsessed Julie
(who needs to go read some Neville-fluff now, to counteract the image you've left me with.)
Monday 27th June 2005 22:31Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom (Author Response)

I'm afraid I've been building up to this (for Neville) since The Making of a Wand - which I wrote in July of '03, after I read OotP and realized Neville would be getting a wand of his own for the first time. After planning to kill off a character for almost two years you'd think I'd be over it. And I am.


As you say, I think it was a good death (to the extent that there are 'good deaths').

Monday 27th June 2005 18:45
Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom
Poor Neville!  I just knew you were going to kill him off.  *sniff*  I guess I should get used to reading about some of my favorite characters dying.  I'm sure JKR will do it too!
Monday 27th June 2005 22:28Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom (Author Response)
Actually, I'd be slightly surprised if Neville died in cannon. Take a more major role, yes. Continue to have character development, yes. Participate in the final showdown? Probably not. Die? I don't think that's likely.
Monday 27th June 2005 16:56
Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom
As the comercial says...

Monday 27th June 2005 22:26Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom (Author Response)
I'm afraid there's just the epilogue left; you'll have to settle for HBP. Somehow I think you'll manage. ;-)
Monday 27th June 2005 11:32
Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom

Woo! Go Neville. Poor boy. And go Harry and Ginny. I liked that spell. As my friend said recently, "Elements rock!"

To be honest, I think I enjoyed your author's note most of all - there was something hysterically blunt about it.

Good luck with getting it all out before HBP.

Monday 27th June 2005 22:26Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom (Author Response)

Well after all the trouble I got for "killing Ginny" last story I thought it was best to be safe. :-)

The Epilogue is all that is left, and should be up in a day or two.

Monday 27th June 2005 10:56
Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom
Hurray! Voldemort is dead-again! Great chapter, I can't wait to see how you wrap it up! Keep up the great work!

Monday 27th June 2005 22:25Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom (Author Response)
Just a few loose ends left - coming very soon.