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Reviews For Discussions by Elsha

Thursday 27th July 2006 21:44
Oh! Darn, it's over already. No, really, you have to update right now! Because I said so!... Gah, waiting for updates is so frustrating, no? But I guess if you take your time it'll be more... I don't know, better, maybe? Now I'm getting all confusing. Well, the characterization is still very interesting and enjoyable, and I liked the Auror intermission as well; with the irony, ya know. And how horrible! With the Martins... But I guess it was only a matter of time before something of that nature happened. Poor Theo. Poor Anne. At least they have each other, right? "So clueless, it's almost cute" or something. Haha. ^^ Okay, I'm going to go now. I'm sorry for my awful reviewing abilities and I can't wait until the chapter! Great job and good luck!
Thursday 27th July 2006 22:09Discussions (Author Response)
I really need to put this in my profile here: I wrote a lot more Theo and Anne stuff pre-HBP, but drifted away from the HP fandom somewhat after that and stopped updating here. If you want, you can check out the rest of it (and I warn you, there's few novels' worth) here. It's all pre-HBP, as I said, so some of it's not in keeping with canon, but I hope it's worth reading all the same.
Thursday 6th July 2006 16:54
I love it when Theo comments on Malfoy always losing against Harry... He's so wonderfully unmoved by Malfoy's lack of success. I do like Theo the way you write him.

And, yes, Anne too! The thing I like best about her is when she's annoyed at her friends' obliviousness. (Is that a word? :rolleyes

So, now it's a year since you last updated. Looks like you've abandoned the story. Pity. I've very much enjoyed reading it so far, so I hope you'll get back to it some day!!
Wednesday 12th July 2006 04:03Discussions (Author Response)
So, now it's a year since you last updated. Looks like you've abandoned the story. Pity. I've very much enjoyed reading it so far, so I hope you'll get back to it some day!!

It's true that I've pretty much given up on updating these stories on, as they are well-archived elsewhere and I've moved out of the fandom. However, if you check my account at the Sugar Quill, I have continued this series on into Theo's seventh year and a little beyond - it's all AU now, as it was written before HBP came out, but I hope it's still worth the read.
Friday 24th February 2006 23:05
Oh please tell me you havent given this up? I'm liking it. Keep it up!
Split Decision
Monday 18th July 2005 20:50
oh, I'm so sorry, I'm in such a rush and I can't give a proper review... Great work, same as always, and I still haven't figured out why you aren't getting way more recognition. It's clever, it's touching and it's fascinating; keep it up!