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Reviews For Matris Vereor by tess

Friday 15th July 2005 08:58
Matris Vereor
Excellent.  Love how everyone is in on it.  Loved Poppy, how she's pulling the wool over Albus' eyes!

Evil cliffie!!

Thursday 14th July 2005 16:32
Matris Vereor

Aw!! What a fantastic chapter! I loved it!! Yay Poppy, Minerva, Snape (only you will ever see me say that) and of course MOLLY! They're all wonderful!

Thursday 14th July 2005 15:08
Matris Vereor

Oh my gosh!! Those two chapters were so awesome!! Go Weasleys!! Wow, everything was perfect: The letter *tear*, Mrs. Weasley's reaction...just everything! I cannot wait to see what they all have planned for the Dursleys And the fact that Snape's in on it too...Im curious to see where thats going though, what with the excuse and all...I hope it doesn't backfire.

You must post more soon!!! 

Thursday 14th July 2005 12:35
Matris Vereor

*squees*  This was so cute.  I love the scene with Dumbledore and the Vanished children... very creative.  And I loved the idea of a variation on the Howler.  This was an adorable chapter.  Kudos on it!  Can't wait for the next bit!


Thursday 14th July 2005 11:28
Matris Vereor
Ah, now I've discovered what I can read before midnight tomorrow.  I LOVE the whole blue misty envelope idea.  Positively brilliant.  So, in the words of the governator--"I'll be Back!"
Thursday 14th July 2005 06:05
Matris Vereor
Oh my...  Dumbledore is certainly in for a shock when he returns... 
I've enjoyed seeing the preparations,  I can't wait to see how it all comes together. :-)

I loved the letter from Molly,  the delivery method and Harry's reaction...  priceless in all aspects. :-)
robbie cupcake-girl
Thursday 14th July 2005 04:10
Matris Vereor

Molly's letter got me teary.

I'm really sorry that I haven't reviewed yet. I've been following it since the start. (And looking for it beforehand, since I read the thread). But I keep reading it at work and I can't sign in there. (Strictly monitored computer use).

I love this story. I love the concept. I love everything. 

Ooh I love frequent updates too. You really have it all down. Nothing that I could possibly complain about.

Wolf's Scream
Wednesday 13th July 2005 20:39
Matris Vereor
Seems that next chaptwer is likely to be fairly exciting, eh?  Well done.  Seems that some of the adults are fairly sneaky (too).  :-)

"thronging through the shelves"?  Perhaps "thronging through the aisles" instead?  [Weird mental image, there...]

Wednesday 13th July 2005 20:22
Matris Vereor
*sniff* mama-power. love it. my babe in lap so can't type.  how many more parts?      
Thursday 14th July 2005 01:23Matris Vereor (Author Response)

just two - the next chapter *rubs hands together* will have a good bit of action in it, and 7.. the boy who lives shall party as the seventh month dies..

Wednesday 13th July 2005 19:55
Matris Vereor
C'mon, you can't end it there!

Isn't it funny how many people seem to think that Harry will seemingly be "normal" in his 6th and 7th years?

One of my biggest concerns, really, about the JKR books is that she has trivialised Harry's treatment at the hands of authority figures.

I love the way you are trying to "right the wrongs..." of the past and i particularly liked the way you belittled Dumbledore/Fawkes.

Keep up the great work.
Thursday 14th July 2005 01:20Matris Vereor (Author Response)

thank you!

*feeds rabbit review*


Wednesday 13th July 2005 19:49
Matris Vereor
ohhh...i can't wait to see what they have planned...please update soon
Wednesday 13th July 2005 18:31
Matris Vereor
Evil cliffie!!! Until next one, then...
Wednesday 13th July 2005 16:55
Matris Vereor

Sniff.  Molly's letter made ME cry, I don't know how it didn't have the same effect on Harry.

I love that Poppy, Seamus, and even Snape! are getting in on the act.  This is going to be great.  Finally, Harry, someone is rescuing YOU for a change! 

Let the fun begin...

Thursday 14th July 2005 01:19Matris Vereor (Author Response)

I am honored and blushing that my writing invoked an emotional response in you, that is quite possibly the highest compliment an author here at PS can recieve. And truly, the fun will begin next chapter...

*feeds rabbit review*