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Reviews For Memoirs of a Muggle Mage by takon65

Saturday 23rd July 2005 22:00
Memoirs of a Muggle Mage
Oh, I LIKE the wizarding world with a southern accent!  What a great idea!  I'll definately check back for more chapters!
Wednesday 27th July 2005 17:25Memoirs of a Muggle Mage (Author Response)
Thank you much.  There is good ole boys everywhere. I thought I'd show them in the Wizarding World.
Saturday 23rd July 2005 04:40
Memoirs of a Muggle Mage

Hi mate just read it and it shapeing up nicely. I hope you have been well and have enjoyed HBP. but back to this story, I enjoyed it, the bit with the gun made me laugh. well done mate.




Wednesday 27th July 2005 17:27Memoirs of a Muggle Mage (Author Response)

Glad you enjoyed it Darren. I"ve got more coming up as soon as we can get it. (Revision leaves something to be desired; but its a neccessary evil)


I hope to be in the chat area soon,



Saturday 23rd July 2005 04:39
Memoirs of a Muggle Mage

Hi mate just read it and it shapeing up nicely. I hope you have been well and have enjoyed HBP. but back to this story, I enjoyed it, the bit with the gun made me laugh. well done mate.




Shadow Hider
Thursday 21st July 2005 01:06
Memoirs of a Muggle Mage
this is good ^_^
Wednesday 27th July 2005 17:29Memoirs of a Muggle Mage (Author Response)

Thanks Shadow,


Stay tuned to this station as soon as possible for updates.

