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Reviews For The HBP Drabbles by HP Drabblings

Tuesday 16th August 2005 01:41
The HBP Drabbles
Yeah, I can imagine that Molly has a problem there. She wasn't born a Weasley, but she sure has added to their temperamental side.
Saturday 6th August 2005 22:49
The HBP Drabbles
Love it! "Ginny had been making a conscious effort to stop referring to her future sister-in-law in such a slimy manner"
Saturday 23rd July 2005 11:11
The HBP Drabbles
I would guess Fleur would bring her own recipe for the cake if Molly's wouldn't do.  If you're used to high class French cooking, English country food can be a bit hard getting used to.
Friday 22nd July 2005 01:34
The HBP Drabbles
Loved the "Fleur speak" and Molly's response.